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Worst SHOUNEN Cliche

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Post #263875 - Reply to (#263763) by Liria
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Rebel Rebel

2:07 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 1230

Quote from Liria
Exposition during fight scenes.


Grr! mad

Post #263895
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3:09 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 87

That's simple.
When the guy wants to have sex the girl gives him a blow to his stomach. If the girl wants to have sex with the guy he starts shouting somtehing like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE CAN'T DO THIS FOR FOR.." acutally no apparent reason.

Post #263910
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4:04 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 181

best friend turned rival

Post #263911 - Reply to (#258775) by Mischa92
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4:08 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 235

Quote from Mischa92
Quote from Vudoodude
funny because you end up having a harem main that does do things with the many chicks and you end up with an ending like school days, or tenchi muyo gxp.

Maybe shounen main characters don't want to end up like Makoto, and that's why they don't mess around with girls. bigrazz
School Days really is one fucked up manga

yea really. i mean if the girls in these harems are beating the crap out of him just for accidentally touching another girls breast, etc. I don't wanna know what's gonna happen to the guy if he gets caught sleeping with one of the other girls. dead

Common sense just isn't that common
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8:35 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 245

I (male character, usually main char), will chase after you (best male friend) for all of eternity, even though I have girls around me, and even though we are both male. Even if you are evil (or becoming evil), or have almost killed me.
Ex. Naruto, Kingdom Hearts

Urrrgggghhh! mad

"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts." -John Steinbeck
Post #264002 - Reply to (#263910) by ImBZppl
Disgruntled Nut

8:52 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 104

Quote from ImBZppl
best friend turned rival

YUP! That's the one!
I hate this such situation. >:[

I mean it would be better if the friendship prevails than to be your #1 enemy.

Oh, I second the OA(Over Acting) Nose-bleed and "accidentally" barging on women's body or similar which is really REALLY sick IMHO. mad

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9:12 pm, Mar 4 2009
Posts: 1

I hate it so much when someone ALWAYS says in the first or second chapter of the anime/season "This is about to get interesting" dead

It Drives me insane!!! dead

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4:00 pm, Mar 8 2009
Posts: 12

Have you ever noticed these things when reading shounen:
1.) The main character starts as a nobody then he/she becomes generally a badass later in the series
2.) There are at least more than 50 chapters
3.) The male protagonist is either not interested in women until the very end or he really is interested in the female lead but she is oblivious to his feelings
4.) The female lead is either violent or a ditz/clutz
5.) The main character must somehow have a catch phrase
6.) The female or male lead has a philosophy like "Never Give Up on yourself! or whatever
7.) There too many side characters that do not do anything at all.
8.) There is always a sensei or teacher present.
9.) Somebody will always say this: "What this power?" "Impossible!!!!" "How did/could you _____?" "So this is ____"
10.) Did I mention the female lead has to have big boobs too? or They make the male lead some how attractive.

Post #265979
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6:13 pm, Mar 10 2009
Posts: 746

I'm pretty amazed that I haven't commented on this yet, or as far as my knowledge goes I haven't lol. But anyways here is the list of things that just annoy me even though they're generally very-VERY common.
"I will never forgive you (insert name here) Only you!"
Good always triumphs over evil, I mean seriously? There have been some really cool guys who are evil but then they get steamrollered by justice! And then I go bleh. Hahahaha.
Fitting in with that last one is that the hero ALWAYS wins, even with 80 bullet wounds he isn't fazed! The perfectly healthy opponent all of a sudden gets taken out by the guy on the verge of death....I mean let them lose once in a while. Its always nice to have that!
And then for the last one, this isn't really a cliche, but when the main villains appear right away. I like to be kept in the dark sometimes!
Oh yeah and this was mentioned before, but the whole "Impossible! How did you gain such power?!"

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Post #265980
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I am the Devil

6:24 pm, Mar 10 2009
Posts: 2081

howabout like the explanation of powers or whatnot in like the first 10 pages. example:
whats that?
thats my good ol whateveritis
whats it do?
picks my nose, tracks your mother, and gives me super powers... and all of the bad guys have a monopoly on them. or they are exclusive to the good guys like me and the bad guys have a mirror image/dark version of them
...and so on
i mean its kinds necessary but i fucking hate it

Post #266078
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10:03 pm, Mar 10 2009
Posts: 833

Rescue missions piss me off except in the case of Enies Lobby THAT was badass.

"Hip-hop was set out in the dark. They used to do it out in the park"
Post #266082 - Reply to (#266078) by dacbiet
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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

10:10 pm, Mar 10 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from dacbiet
Rescue missions piss me off except in the case of Enies Lobby THAT was badass.

THAT is how you do a rescue arc.

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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6:53 pm, Mar 11 2009
Posts: 7

I agree with those posted above me, but I didn't see these three posted anywhere(I may be wrong)
1. The one where there is an infinite amount of protagonists that just appear out of the woodwork in the nick of time, right when the earlier one is captured/hurt.
2. When the "plot Twists" can be seen a mile away.ex. Naruto-"oh no! Sasukes evil!Gaaras good!Akatsuki wants Naruto!"they are so obvious you could drive a truck through them.
3.That everyone is alike with the main character. Naruto killed any hope I had for this cliche. According to Naruto, everything(even inanimate objects) are like Naruto in some way, and he has to go into flashbacks and thought sequences until after even the rock knows how he and naruto are alike.

If you were forced to choose between sacrificing your life for your beliefs or sacrificing all your beliefs for your life, which would you choose?
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12:02 pm, Mar 12 2009
Posts: 5

Hm...worst shounen cliche.
What about the personality of the love intrest? >.>
That's cliche enough. She's always..such a girl. @____@
If you catch my drift.
Sakura/Hinata of Naruto
Lenalee of D. Gray-Man
Aoi of Tokyo Majin....

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Yuri Nova

12:24 pm, Mar 12 2009
Posts: 54

The good guy(s) saying that they'll "never forgive" the bad guy. Even worse is if that line actually hits home and gives the bad guy pause. Why the hell would the bad guy need/want their enemy's forgiveness for something they did...?

Also, there is the too-frequent "boy/girl saves girl/boy one day then turns out to be their classmate the next."

Last edited by Shinatsuhiko at 1:23 pm, Mar 12 2009

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