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Sexism - Grow a sack, women (or: Why I am not a Feminist)

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Post #495581
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Mythical Creature

1:16 pm, Sep 11 2011
Posts: 285

Humans are idiots, just kill them all >_>

Post #495585

1:37 pm, Sep 11 2011
Posts: 27

I think that the OP got some points but are clearly ignorant on other parts.

First of all, this post is clearly written by a white man living in the U.S and is going after US laws and standards. As some pointed out, some cultures and families still treat women like housewifes only and it's up to them to stay that way if they want to.
I'm not going to say I think it's fair to them and there might be some psycological reasons to why the woman can't leave the family but in the end, it's still up to them.
If they think they'll be happier staying with that family/culture then we can't judge them.
Being a housewife or being forced to take care of the children doesn't mean that women are inferior either, some of you might not feel that way but I'm sure that some women who live their lifes like that feel superior to the man when at home, it's just not up to outsiders to judge.

Alot of women who replied to the post and are saying that it's all completely BS should reread the post more carefully. I can get why you get upset about it but the man have some points.

Men are naturally more competetive then women, I don't know that many women who have the same urge to compete as much as most men do. Sure, some women are a bit different but men are more competetive. This is a factor that will drive alot of men to do better then women at some jobs.

There are alot of women who are having difficulties we men don't have to deal with, rape and doministic abuse are parts of it. Putting all the blame on women for not defending themselves is not possible but at the same time there is a limit to how far outsides can go to help and there are alot of places to recieve help from incase a victim ever needs it.

If people are having a hard time understanding how bad it can get then please read: e-part-one.html

Actually, read it anyway, it will be a good experience for you


2:29 pm, Sep 11 2011
Posts: 7

At first I was following this little post with understanding and could agree with some of its contents, but then I got to the rape part. I got to say this - "God Emperor Akhenaton" is one ignorant piece of sh*t (and I never curse and I dislike feminism). Rape can never be compared to murder or getting "slugged at a bar". There is a reason why people jump out of burning buildings to their doom, because being burned alive is a much more horrid and painful death, and there is a f***ing reason why women prefer to be beaten to a pulp than be raped (and as history proves some would rather prefer death). If a person can't understand how tremendous and damaging psychological trauma can be, he is an idiotic ignoramus with no knowledge but his own little litter box. Physically you can damage a person and they could either heal or die. Psychologically you can damage a person so deeply that they won't be able to remain human. Most psychologically crippled people, who are still capable of controlling their own actions, kill themselves.Why!? Because death seems like a better option. Does this "God Emperor Akhenaton"(name kind of explains a lot) really think that rape is about a physical damage?? What a pathetic worthless human being who will never be able to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally if he can't even learn and understand this kind thing. There are two worst things that someone can do to a woman that remain unchanged through history and culture, beyond American suburban times - 1) rape 2) kill her children (just a list, not placed in order of what is worse). And these things will remain so. And no, just knowing martial arts and carrying a taser won't save most, if anything it might just aggravate the attacker and bring on a more brutal attack (I won't try to explain something that seems so obvious). You should know that for a man there are three - 1) burn his country 2) kill his family 3) rape his woman (again, not in this order). As you can see, for both genders, it's the psychological pain that is the most damaging.

Last edited by pokadot5 at 2:44 pm, Sep 11 2011


12:07 am, Sep 12 2011
Posts: 214

sexism do exist, no doubt about that.
however they are not always in favor of men. teachers and superiors tend believe female than male when there's conflict. they are much more lenient towards female too. some countries do have discriminating laws (eg caning towards male only, not female) and female have more excuses to plead judge for more lenient sentence. in a lot of cases, the same crime (eg drugs or cbt of the same value) towards two convict, male and female saw the female get lenient sentences than male. just look around in newspapers and your community and it's painfully obvious.

there's nothing wrong with female rights, but i find female behavior/ feminism nowdays are wrong. it's as is they are special being or endengered species that must be treated specially and behaved like everything that then don't like as gender discrimination. when a man get promotion for working hard, they claim that they're not choosen because they're female. when they get the same punishment as men, they retort asking for more lenient punishment, but they want favor and previlages more than what man has

the op was right, grow a d**k. even man has to work hard to get to the position of power but the feminist claim that the woman are not having enaugh seats in desicion making position and want special seats provided to them. grow a d*** bastards. the men are working like dogs 18 hours a day and fight to the death to get a promotion and you just flash your b**bs to get that. most african nations has a compulsary 30% female in decision making position and look what happen to them. if you want something, work for it. there's a lot of successful women in the society and none of them ever ask for female privilages. thet work for it

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2nd wave MU user

7:34 am, Sep 12 2011
Posts: 7784

Don't blame women, blame feminists.

Post #495742

8:11 am, Sep 12 2011
Posts: 65

Gez! I was going to write long explanation why this guy was a sexist idiot, but then took the time to look through the comments and saw a heck of a lot of people beating me to it already.
Either way, I totally disagree with this guy, who seems to have never opened a phycology, history, or sociology book! Makes me quite mad to see people who have no real idea of what they are talking about making such generalized articles like this! no

Post #498324 - Reply to (#495742) by Amber3
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10:10 am, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 55

Quote from Amber3
Makes me quite mad to see people who have no real idea of what they are talking about making such generalized articles like this! no

Well, there are quite a few idiots in this thread as well. (I'm talking about all the people basically saying "I don't agree with this article BUT...*sexism sexism sexism*") For example:

Quote from sakura8429
there's nothing wrong with female rights, but i find female behavior/ feminism nowdays are wrong. it's as is they are special being or endengered species that must be treated specially and behaved like everything that then don't like as gender discrimination.

Bam. News flash, there actually IS still a lot of gender discrimination out there. I'll even cite a female poster from a different forum!

Also, there are certain disciplines in academia that have serious problems with social and institutional sexism, and history is one of them. If I tell Eddie that I think he's a creep and to get the hell away from me and it gets out, I run a considerable risk of being painted as crazy, unreasonable, paranoid, and uptight--far more than Eddie runs a risk of being seen as creepy, perverse, and morally wanting. The "boys will be boys" attitude is pretty common in my discipline (not just at my current school), and women are often unfairly maligned if they aren't perceived as being a good sport about it. Again, if it were just a social situation with friends, I wouldn't care so much what others thought, but if word of this gets out and my colleagues decide I'm a crazy bitch who accused Eddie of stalking me or something (yes this is within the realm of possibility, I've seen it happen), then I'm going to have a hard time, particularly since I haven't got tenure yet.

It really pisses me off that I have to essentially protect someone who hurt me and creeped me out in order to maintain my own reputation in the chauvinist context I work in. Whenever I hear laypeople (for lack of a better word) talk about how PC academia is and how if a woman accuses a male professor of even looking at her heads will roll, I want to laugh hysterically. Maybe in women's studies or English it's like that, but certainly not here.

If you honestly think that women use feminism (as in EQUALITY, because that's what feminism is) to get whatever they want, grow up and open your eyes to the real world.

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10:51 am, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 128

This is a post made by a brainless, privileged guy who has everything going well for him, obviously stereotypes, and has no knowledge about basically everything, such that he takes such extreme stands on why women are just plain stupid.

I could write an entire thesis on how this idiot's argument is hopelessly, logically flawed, especially since I have taken a logic class, but I shall just say this:
Victim-blaming and believing in the just-world hypothesis just causes these problems to continue unabated, because they believe that this is just the victim's fault. He is obviously in denial.

Kindly ask the ignoramus to learn more about the world in general and to open a psychology, biology, and sociology textbook (as well as how to write an argument) before posting trash on the internet.

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Slumbering Remnant

1:03 pm, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 657

err....this is stupid. Are they retarded? yeah, sure some of it is true but... the rape part... oh my g-*facepalm*
why goooooooossh-of course "male" murder victims don't complain.Isn't it common sense that all murder victims don't complain? they are DEAD. (thats why its called murder.) tis this person serious about the rape part?. male or female, people who get raped go through major psychological/mental problems not all of them will report it(depends on their cultural background), even if they do report it, not many are solved. Its not like they wanted to be raped. it's not like they wave a GIANT ass flag in the air saying "HEYYYY- look at me/come to me, I'm r@pe-able!"
(every gender has their own problems just leave it at that.)

Last edited by sweetnsour321 at 2:05 pm, Sep 28 2011

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
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1:36 pm, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 73

I weep for humanity.

Post #498343
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1:43 pm, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 152

Up till the 1920's? That's when the issue came in the spotligthts! It took years and years for women to gain rights, until the 1956's the married woman in the Netherlands was a personae miserable meaning she had no authority to do any legal transactions. With additional laws a husband could make it, she still would be a personae miserable even if she'd become a widow - how embarrassing!
And - as pointed out before - there are several countries where women still do not have those rights, so how wrong could you be, judging them!

Workplace equality? When people talk about difference in payment people talk about the same function: male secretaries earn more than female, male politicians earn more than female: in percentages of people in the same function females earn less than males.
The reason women aren't as well represented as men in several (higher) functions is because there is discrimination: you don't want to invest in a employee that might stop because of maternity leave, and might never come back again... Even if there are laws against discrimination on the work floor, human resource management will think up other reasons to hire a male employee, which won't ever go on maternity leave.

I have had defence classes, know vitals and went to judo. But me being a 28G cup (a nice target) with the weight of 110 pounds and at the same time being extremely weak because of disease makes it I couldn't fight off a 220 pound guy even if I wanted to. Pepperspray wouldn't work when my arms would be held to my back. Also, carrying a knife or a handgun means you can get arrested in my country. It is also proven people that do carry a weapon are quicker a victim to violence because a weapon does provoke violence. Also, while being raped you don't have the luxury of making a 911 call...

Domestic abuse?
Don't make it sound so easy: a lot of people people that are a victim of domestic abuse (men or women) have issue's. They don't have the strong state of mind to easily walk out an abusive relationship. In any domestic abuse situation there are several personal factors you do ignore. You don't know what's exactly is happening, so you can't have an exact judgement about these situations. Please do not make it sound so easy, because life isn't that easy. Also: when you fall into the cycle of abuse your self esteem will go down the toilet. You'll actually think you deserve it and it's pretty hard to seek help when you think your are wrong and the abuser is right!

Politics is a job many women don't want to have because women (unlike men) do have more priorities in life than business success alone. Politics is a job that makes you work an awful lot - and that's not what most women want. In the Netherlands we have 62 females of the 150 seats in the House of Representatives something that's quite awesome, especially if you realise many Dutch women dó work, but almost everyone part-time.

In addition to this ridiculous plea of yours: if men took their responsibility in the emancipation process and would actually take care of the kids/ run the household, women could get the chance to actually achieve something in society (science, politics, business, etc) - but no, most men wouldn't want to give an inch while expecting their female partner can work an all-round job whilst running the household, taking care of the children, and also being the host to the parties their men wants to give for his social standing. Be realistic!

My personal situation? my boyfriend and I live together, have the the household-tasks equally divided and are very progressive. To me, yours is the biggest 'shitload' post I have read in months, my God, take of your blindfold and see things can be different!

about the word feminism it originates form medical jargon defining a male women or a female man. It was first used as a mocking name for women with "queer thoughts" that "should be at home, doing embroidery". It took years to see the word feminism as a word that defines women (or men) that fought and fight for the well earned rights of women.
Ever since the feminists actually accomplished things feminsm became a positive word for a political viewpoint (read Political ideologies: an introduction by Andrew Heywood) of people that pursue the interests of the female sex.

Last edited by bleeb at 12:31 am, Sep 29 2011

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2:02 pm, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 583

Being a man or a woman is hard, for different reasons.

Each gender has to deal w/ gender-specific problems, some caused by society, some caused by the gender itself.

The guy had some points that I can kinda agree on...mainly in that women almost always are victimized for whatever the reason.
I know that men and women go through domestic abuse, rape, sexual harassment, et al. But just as he was saying that society has made women inferior, it also true that society has made men 'unbeatable' and when a man is a victim of things perceived as 'girly' or only 'for women' they are afraid to come forward.

I can see why it's easy to point the finger at women, that they are weak and inferior, even I as a woman have pointed fingers.
I'm not saying that a victim of rape is at fault, they are not, but I cannot wrap my head around domestic violence, that is one topic in which I've pointed an accusatory finger at a women's inability to protect her young.

And I think that the reason why business is mainly a men's world, is because women have one huge liability, and that is motherhood. Nobody wants to risk having their person in power leave for a few months due to a pregnancy. Yet, the women that have decided to forgo their motherhood, are seen as cold-hearted b* there is just no winning.

It's not about mentality as it is about societal and personal mentality.


2:56 pm, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 257

Well, many wonderful individuals on this site have already summarized everything I could say about this guy. So I'll just add my two cents.

I find it hilarious when people look down on other's problems, with the mindset of "It's not that big a deal." or, "You wouldn't have a problem if you weren't so wimpy". Hilarious in the "Gosh, this guy's an ignorant asshole, how does he not get punched in the face everyday?" sort of way, not in the "Haha, I totally agree with him." way.

Here's an example of how it looks in my mind:

Person A: "I wish this amputee would stop talking about how hard life is without any limbs. If he'd just shut up for a few seconds, he'd realize it's not such a big deal."

Person B: "...have you ever tried living without your limbs?"

Person A: "No, but clearly my superior intellect makes me qualified to say that he's just being a wimp, and he doesn't really have a reason to complain."

An exaggeration, yes, but it's the same brand of stupidity. I'm done here. Ta-ta~!

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4:05 pm, Sep 28 2011
Posts: 47

my reply to the idiot who said the stupidness. Like WTF is wrong with you?!

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