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Post #176921
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8:52 pm, Jul 7 2008
Posts: 83

I either want something like crimson hero, punch/girl got game, skip beat, you know that kind of lead....or I want something like Spam hunters, the bride of the water god, superior, goong, that kind of art/storyline.
No eechi/smut/hentai or any other type of crap like that. Thank you!!!!

Your mom goes to college.
1. Superior
2. Gintama
3. The bride of the water god
4. Chevalier D'eon
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8:56 pm, Jul 7 2008
Posts: 211

Well about the sport genre, if you don't mind shounen, try Slam Dunk. It's really good, trust me.

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11:01 pm, Jul 7 2008
Posts: 2964

For your latter;

Angel Diary

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Madame Red

9:27 am, Jul 9 2008
Posts: 2172

if u havent read tokyo crazy paradise u can give it a go since it has the same mangaka as skip beat. And maybe some of HWANG Mi Ri's work u can try. They got strong female lead but gets pretty boring after a meanwhile but good anyway. and maybe cynical orange?? this one has prety strong charactered girl too

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