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So, my friend asked me to wag with him?

Should I do it?
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8:24 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 786

so today, my friend asked me to skip school with him? I know it is ultimately my choice but should I try wagging for the first time? I'm young and still in 11th grade aswell, should I try it once? It sounds fun to do it at least once!

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8:29 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 1036

I wouldn't, but if you really want to, choose a very un-important day. Like when it's an assembly schedule, so your class times are cut in half and your teachers already plan to not bother teaching.

I'm just a goody two shoes. wink

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8:43 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 786

But you're only young for so long @.@
And maybe ill regret doing it later on

Post #406619
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8:47 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 50

I never heard ditching class called "wagging". Strange terminology...

I wouldn't do it just for the point of doing it though; that is a really bad mentality to have which can lead to all sorts of problems.

You could also get into legal trouble if there are truancy laws in your area. This would also mean you really couldn't do anything interesting and would likely spend the entire day sitting around and doing nothing, which you just as well could have done in class.

Post #406621
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Average Guy

8:59 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 75

Dont do something cause your friend asked you to do it, Do it if you want to do it!
If you sow the wind you will harvest the storm, so just be ready to face the consequences if you decided to skip school today.

Cause nobody can really tell you to do anything you didnt want to, they will only entice you to do it, the choices are in your hand, so the mistakes are also in your hand if you made the wrong decisions.

Need a loving and lovely tsundere wife, anyone interested? >.<

On second thought yandere would also be fine.... O.O

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9:35 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 468


I know that at my old high school, missing a day without a legitimate excuse had huge penalties to grades. For many of my teachers, you could drop an entire letter and be unable to make it up. A legitimate excuse required a doctor's note as well, meaning they were forcing sick kids to go to school and get more kids sick (something I absolutely despise.) Either way though, if that's the case at your school and you care about your grades... I'd be careful.

Otherwise, don't sluff for the sake of it - that's just retarded. Find something awesome to do. Go to a concert.. Or skip a friday and go on a three day backpacking trip. Hell, I've actually had some teachers who'd give you your homework ahead of time if they knew you were doing something adventurous with your time.

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9:37 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 88

i've done it befor in the first week of my tenth grade i ditched during lunch and never went back to school for the rest of the but thats cuz i was high so i was to lazy to go back but i enjoyed it but it's your choice

Post #406632
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9:37 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 321

If it's an unnecessary day or an unnecessary class then yes, do it. But don't make it a habit though.

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9:40 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 6221

Skip only if you've got a better reason to do it than "just for the hell of it"

Post #406634
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Xiled Reaper

9:40 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 135

never heard of wagging but i skipped alot of time I skipped a Thursday and Friday and went camping and another time i skipped an entire week and went to a anime con or i skipped another friday and went to an amusement park,but i think my favorite was when i skipped one friday for a 3 day paintball survival Capture the flag and I layed with my sniper rifle paintball guns for almost the entire time just waiting for a target

Bieber Fever

10:09 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 411

depends, if like me you can miss half a school year and still go to post secondary then go for it.

If not then probably shouldn't cause a few more days in school is better than a life of walmart.

You need to get some excuses, IE diaria and some other things, I'm pretty sure during my 12th year my aunt died twice.

Starter of Controversy.
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10:09 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 7

mmm, does it really matter?
it's not that big of a deal, just don't make it a habit.

For anyone who pays attention to how i rate what i read:
7- good little read, not the best and may be cliche.
8- pretty good, made me smile & recommend it (:
9&10 - Hellyes, i freakin loved it <3!
Post #406640

10:20 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 486

only if you have a good reason, or just wait til 12th grade...for the official senior skipping day wink

Post #406641 - Reply to (#406633) by blakraven66
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10:21 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 2050

Never heard of "wag" before. none

Quote from blakraven66
Skip only if you've got a better reason to do it than "just for the hell of it"

This. roll eyes roll eyes

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10:35 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 87

Are you being serious? Are you really that concerned over skipping school once? If this isnt a joke, I suggest you chill out and take a whole week off, you sound like you could use some relaxation. Maybe your school is different than mine were and there's some kind of crazy penalty for skipping in which case, I dont know what to tell you. However it would probably be better either way just to call in sick or something.

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