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Post #181674 - Reply to (#181671) by shadow skill
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Local Prig

8:27 pm, Jul 20 2008
Posts: 1899

Quote from shadow skill
Who said anything about those five or six people in his inner circle being equals? It's not a question of superiority or inferiority but a question of uniqueness. Though I think the Emperor looks at things based on the idea of superiority versus inferiority he is absolutely correct when he says that humans are not created equal. If everyone is different they most certainly cannot be truly equal at the same time. Everything at this point is going to hinge on what Schnizel does, and how he does it.

Now the writers are free to do whatever they like and reduce things to the six or so main cast members, but it would be kind of silly in my opinion. They have managed to avoid fucking things up like alot of these shows and I would like for that trend to continue. Let's all pray they don't make the show degenerate into a Gundam Seed like clusterfuck of sheer idiocy.

It seems more that the makeup will look like this than 5-6 cast members vs. Britannia or some such nonsense

UN v. Schneizel (full scale war)
Lelouch v. Charles (personal vendetta)

There's nothing that suggests Lelouch will wage full scale battles, but he does seem to be separated and achieving different goals. The Emperor has a comparable number of confidants who know the truth of Geass and the like, so it wouldn't really be all that one-sided. Don't expect some Jesus Yamato-style intervention where Lelouch destroys both sides entirely- but Lelouch will probably no longer have a continous effect on the fate of the world. His work as Zero is probably done. It's possible that he's reinstated somewhere in 20-25, but I oon't really see a reason for it.

Summaries for 18-20 are out, further confirming those spoilers and my correctness.
Spoilered for paraphrased premise and implications
Spoiler (highlight to view)
18- The Second Decisive Battle for Tokyo
-Schneizel knows who Lelouch is (we know from the Korean blog spoilers that this is a result of Lelouch and Suzaku's meeting, and that he releases it to the world)
-Guren 8directions type participates in the battle for tokyo.
-This episode was previously titled "flash of freya" indicating once more that Nina's bomb goes off.

19- Betrayal and Siblings
-A Britannian envoy visits the Ikaruga. As the summary for the next episode will indicate momentarily, this envoy is visting for the purpose of, as the spoilers stated, the Black Knights giving Lelouch to the Emperor in exchange for liberating Japan.

20- Emperor Assassination
-Rollo helped Lelouch escape his predicament in 19 (the spoilers indicate that Rollo will stop Schneizel's men and the Black Knights from capturing Lelouch by overusing his Geass. Naturally, it's fatal.)
-Lelouch resolves that there is only one further path he can take (presumably killing the Emperor, based on the title).

So yeah, blog spoilers are true. Black Knights will betray Lelouch, Cornelia will escape and visit Schneizel, then presumably change sides with the Glaston knights (Guilford apparently will "go the path of Orange"), Nunnally's fate will be unknown, Kallen will choose Lelouch over the Black Knights, and CC will get a ring from Lelouch. The others have all been at least half-proven already, and more will be proven by the end of next episode. Not to mention all of the correct mech info given by him- expect the Emperor to have a flagship named the "Great Britannia" in the near future, in addition to a modified Siegfried and mini-Gawains for all of the Glaston Knights.


Behold, episode 16 summary. This episode was surprisingly filled with a ton of win, including a ton of my personal favorite (Anya). Oh, and new CC is absurdly moe.

Spoiler (highlight to view)
A ton of important facts, so I'll just list them.
-The Emperor initially disappears.
-Lelouch still has his Geass.
-Lelouch meets with Cornelia. She asks him what he's going to do with his power, and he answers that he's just going to save his younger sister.
-CC doesn't remember anything, but still loves pizza.
-Lelouch promises never to hurt CC.
-Anya has diary entries from a time she doesn't remember- and some of them don't match up with her own memories. Apparently she was Geassed by the Emperor, but the reason for that is still unknown.
-Kallen beats up Suzaku (I know a ton of people will be thrilled by this).
-Knights of 10 and 1 show up. The Knight of 10 is apparently the "Vampire of Britannia" and is a skilled assassin.
-Knight of 10 confronts Kallen. Gino inexplicably defends her (what!? GinoxKallen? Having even 1 hint of it is odd.)
-Lloyd indeed played around with the Guren. Cecile said it was their hobby, but I think the manner of speech was indicating it as some sort of fetish (not great with that sort of Japanese for obvious reasons)
-Orange calls Guilford (who actually calls him Orenji-kun).
-For those who care about minor characters, Chiba basically says she's going to confess to Todou after the battle.
-The United Nations are formed and resolve to liberate Japan (duh.) Zero is put in primary control, with Xing-ke as his second in command (I only think this- I can't read kanji very well)
-The Emperor reappears and basically declares that he will conquer all opposition. A massive battle for Japan approaches.
-Lelouch is totally unnerved. He keeps running through different scenarios under which he can still save Nunnally (he rejects them one after another, including revealing his identity as Lelouch vi Britannia because "The Black Knights would betray him".
-CC welcomes him back (she seems to trust him after he gives her pizza), but Lelouch totally snaps at her after she offers the leftover pizza to him, shattering the plate and cutting her ring finger. Lelouch understandably freaks and apologizes. He realizes that such things were an ordinary occurrence for her, and becomes so disturbed he starts shaking. She asks him if he was cold. Anyway, he basically asks her what he can possibly do in this situation, and her answer is "rely on your friends" (she mentions how she doesn't have any sort of dishearteningly).
-As a result, Lelouch calls Suzaku, who asks him if he is Zero point blank. Lelouch reveals his identity and begs Suzaku to save Nunnally. Suzaku asks Lelouch to meet him. End episode.
-I may have missed a resolution scene between Viletta and Ougi (I was watching a live stream), but Ougi is still alive, in any case.

Obviously, pretty big episode. New batch of predictions:

-CC's ring-bandaid may be replaced by a real ring. Regardlessm she's clearly the person that "comforted him" in Shirley's place (this was mentioned on Shirley's official character page. CC seems to be able to calm him down).
-KallenxGino? Regardless of whether or not CC dies in the end, LelouchxCC is slowly becoming canon, so are they going to randomly pair off Kallen after two scenes? Seems kind of weird, but I can't think of another explanation for that scene at the moment.
-Anya was geassed for one of two reasons. Either (a), she knows why Marianne died, or (b) She's Lelouch's sister. Although I like b better, a seems more likely since that would dig into the plot a bit more thoroughly. She seems to be remembering bits and pieces after her clash with CC in episode 11, anyway.
-Anti-Zero rebellion will occur soon. Asahina no longer trusts him either, it's only a matter of time until it blows. Since the spoilers still indicate the correctness of that statement, 19 is the most likely time.
-Rivalz may suddenly stop trusting Lelouch when he learns his identity. I actually think his reaction will by far be the most interesting one.
-Nina won't die in the explosion, even though Lloyd said she would if Suzaku used it.

Last edited by Crenshinibon at 2:05 am, Jul 27 2008

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #184274
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12:49 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 2009

Like I said b4, C.C's moe factor jumped up while her BAMF factor shot down, I think the peeps who write this decided to make C.C a moe newb to take the place of Karen in the "romantic" factor of the plot. Besides I guess they needed to introduce another stereotype to please the uber otakus (Karen being the tsundere person, C.C is now the loyal moe maid like figure).

Post #184276
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12:56 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 2128

To be honest, and forgive me for straying off topic a bit, I don't really care how Geass ends.... as long as it does end and not make us wait for another damn season.... It has been a pretty good ride with all the plot twists and tactical/political maneuvering, but twist something too much and it'll eventually break.... and judging from what I just saw in ep16 and Crenshinibon's spoilers (thanx) .... the breaking point before all coherence is lost is real close to snapping.

As for the end of the series, I just hope that psycho, masturbating megane chick dies a horrible death. (God, she irritates me)

P.S.... I apologize for this post not containing any relevant info/predictions and also for not including any deep insight whatsoever. none

Last edited by gan17 at 1:06 pm, Jul 27 2008

~Point & Squirt~
Post #184277 - Reply to (#184276) by G-17
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12:57 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 2009

Quote from gan17
To be honest, and forgive me for straying off topic a bit, I don't really care how Geass ends.... as long as it does end and not make us wait for another damn season.... It has been a pretty good ride with all the plot twists and tactical/political maneuvering, but twist something too much and it'll eventually break.

As for the end of the series, I just hope that psycho, masturbating megane chick dies a horrible death.

Lulz Nina ftw.

Post #184279 - Reply to (#184276) by G-17
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Local Prig

1:11 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 1899

Quote from gan17
P.S.... I apologize for this post not containing any relevant info/predictions and also for it not containing any deep insight whatsoever. none

Actually, the coherence is a pretty good point. To be honest, as much as I love Geass, I've been a bit disappointed with this season in comparison to the first. It basically sacrificed a lot of the things that made Geass great (the real world parallels, moral struggles, etc) in favor of more action (well, action based purely on action rather than strategy. We would never have seen a ninja-maid fight a cyborg in the first season), plot progression, and almost totally random plot twists. Obviously I still like the show a lot, but the first season is clearly much better (despite the absence of Anya).

On a sidenote, I actually doubt Nina will die. She'll probably suffer for a bit and then do something that partially redeems her character- Taniguchi seems to be extremely fond of that as a plot device -_-;;.

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #184280
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1:12 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 340

What I see happening is...

We get this massive love/hate/deception/revenge Decagon going. Where Lelouch lies to "x" person whom likes Lelou; thus, lies/deceive "x-2" person. "x-2" person does not know what going on, yet believes "x" person; for "x-2" person is pregnant with "x" person's baby. But "x" person is not the real parent, so he ain't coughing up the dough for child support. Therefore, "x-2" person goes to "x-3" person for support, but "x-3" person knows "x" person was not the baby's daddy, so "x-3" person does not help. Instead, she can't keep her mouth shut. She, then, goes and blab about it to "x-4-5-6-7-8-9" people about it. They are followers of Lelou; thus, tying the whole matter into this crazy, awesome decagon relationship I've created.... eyes

Post #184304 - Reply to (#184279) by Crenshinibon
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2:34 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 2128

Quote from Crenshinibon
To be honest, as much as I love Geass, I've been a bit disappointed with this season in comparison to the first. It basically sacrificed a lot of the things that made Geass great (the real world parallels, moral struggles, etc) in favor of more action (well, action based purely on action rather than strategy. We would never have seen a ninja-maid fight a cyborg in the first season)

Nice to know I wasn't the only git feeling this way.

Spoiler (highlight to view)
As for Sayoko, I wonder which side she'll take when they all betray Lulu

Also, at the risk of sounding like a troll.... Geass, despite all that's great about it, will never gain a 'masterpiece' rating from me.... purely because it's an exhibition for wanton murder, mostly committed by people younger than I am. (yeah, I know they all question their morality from time to time, but the pacifist side of me has difficulty accepting that). This is a so called "advance" society that knows the effects of war, yet they have no reservations committing the same shit over and over again.

But I guess that's the glamorized world of anime for you in a nutshell.


~Point & Squirt~
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Local Prig

2:45 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 1899

I suppose I can understand the "younger than you" part, but as far as wanton murder goes, it's really not all that different from real world revolution and imperialism. War exists in reality, and so does terrorism. Those are just facts.

I'd really have to question society being more "advanced' when the majority of the world is controlled by an imperial monarchy with a racist society- it's just the technology that's improved. Although to be fair, they didn't have any sort of atomic bomb prior to Nina (I guess atomic power was never developed because of sakuradite), so there weren't really the same deterrents.

But yes, it does over-glamorize it. It's certainly not like I'm going to suggest that war and terrorism are good and productive things, and being anime, it can't really afford to have any qualms, lest it end up even more like Gundam SEED. The manner in which the story is told just demands it, but the critiques that really make the show interesting (to me at least) are still there.

Eh, that's just my two cents though.

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #184314
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2:58 pm, Jul 27 2008
Posts: 2128

I guess you're right....

I've not watched any Gundam in my life.... the closest I've come are the models Sgt. Keroro collects....heh.

BTW.... Just saw ep 2 of Xam'd: Lost Memories..... pretty good so far.... More wanton murder.... guess I'm pretty self-contradictory.

~Point & Squirt~
Post #186442
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11:22 pm, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 38

I'm not going to offend the spoilers but I'm going to ask if they were actually confirmed yet. I found another source but that's the complete opposite of what will happen in episode 18-20.

Spoiler (highlight to view)
Turn 18- Tokyo Decisive Battle, The Second「第二次 ト ウキョウ 決戦 」, August 10th
From TV Fan *new
The overall confrontation of elites is further intensified because of Guren Seiten Hakkishiki's participitation. What will be the outcome of this desperate battle?

From CompAce *new
Previous version title: The Flash of Freya 「フレイヤ の  閃光」
Schenizel knows that Zero is Lelouch.
Having the United Federations of Nations backing them up, the Order of the Black Knights begins the decisive battle in Tokyo Settlement.

Turn 19- Betrayal and Brotherhood 「裏切り と  兄弟」 *new
From CompAce
Large casualties in the battle of Tokyo Settlement.
As if to pierce through this confusion, a Britannia special envoy visits the Ikaruga. Who may this person be?

Turn 20- Emperor Assassination 「皇帝 暗殺」 *new
From CompAce
Lelouch got out of a tight fix thanks to Rolo. However, there is only one road that he should tread... Is the world facing a new phase?

Apparently, these spoilers have been confirmed to be correct

These spoilers are not mine. I got them from Crimson Moon from LiveJournal who happens to be an extremely reliable source for Code Geass ranging from episode spoilers to magazine articles based on Code Geass.

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Local Prig

11:28 pm, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 1899

I'm not really sure what your point is. You may have mixed something I speculated with actual spoilers while reading. In any case, the ones you have posted are indeed confirmed as they are translations from magazines. The blog spoilers have had everything correct so far as well, and are not disproven by said translations. If I'm misunderstanding something though, I'd be happy to clarify/be enlightened.

Depending on replies, I may later update this post with this week's summary.


Summary for episode 17.

Spoiler (highlight to view)
-Starts out with the usual monologue, but as this episode packs a lot in, we also get Guilford asking Jeremiah why he called him to come alone as "Cornelia's only knight" or something like that.
-Lots and lots of action scenes. Excalibur is pretty awesome.
-Kallen begins to wonder who the "real" Lelouch is- the ruthless one she knows as Zero, or the one that's Nunnally's kind older brother.
-Describing Lelouch and Suzaku's conversation detracts from it a bit. Basically, it comes down to Lelouch repeatedly begging while Suzaku demands answers. What was the most interesting to me is that Lelouch acted as though Euphie's order was intentional so he could receive more blame. His explanations generally follow the same vein- everything is for himself and the black knights, and he never considered anyone else. Despite that, Suzaku agrees to save Nunnally if Lelouch will truly become an "ally of justice" and create a kind world.
-However, Kanon arrests Lelouch, and Lelouch believes that Suzaku betrayed him, despite Suzaku having nothing to do with it.
-It turns out that the meeting with Jeremiah was actually with Lelouch, where he orders Guilford to see him as Cornelia once he makes a certain gesture, confirming another blog spoiler in which Guilford "goes the path of Orange" and rescues "Cornelia".
-Schneizel still learns Lelouch's identity, and basically double teams Suzaku with Kanon and a guilt trip to apparently force him to reveal the secret of Geass.
-Gino is actually a pretty good guy. He goes and talks to Kallen, showing her Suzaku's photo album. Gino seems to want Suzaku to "truly smile" and says that Kallen could easily become a KoR thanks to her half-britannian heritage.
-While looking at the album, Kallen either reaches a conclusion about who Suzaku is or Lelouch is. I'm assuming Lelouch based on her previous dialogue, but the picture of them as friends is the one she has a revelation about.
-Suzaku asks Kanon how he can atone, and basically comes to the conclusion that he has to use the Freya equipped to the Lancelot to annihilate Lelouch.
-Diethard has Viletta captive, and Todou still has faith in Zero (although questions his necessity once Japan is theres). The two holy swords dislike him though.

Basically, this episode proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the blog spoilers are correct. So we all know what will happen the next two episodes anyway, but I'll throw out some random other speculation.
-Gino will die trying to help Suzaku out of his post-Freya usage depression.
-Anya rescues Nunnally (I'm predicting 21 or 22 is going to be an episode focused on her past) from the blast, and also recovers from the Emperor's Geass during it. She'll disappear for a bit.
-Guilford will die fighting the real Cornelia.
-Orange's new mech owns the Knight of One, but the battle isn't fatal.
-Kallen escapes next episode thanks to Gino, rather than her own skill.

That's it for this week. I'm looking forward to next week a bit more.

Last edited by Crenshinibon at 1:37 am, Aug 3 2008

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #186543
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7:54 am, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 2128

Thanx for the synopsis/summary, Crenshi-kun. Just watched it.

I've been having C.C withdrawal, lately.... wanna see more of her in "maid-mode".

The thing I'm most lookin forward to is Anya's past.

~Point & Squirt~
Post #186721
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4:12 pm, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 38

@ Crenshinibon
Thanks for the spoilers for episode 17 even though I read it after I watched the episode. It's just that I was a little too excited for the next episode that I blanked out and forgot what happened through the whole episode. Now I finally remember so it's all good. xD


The whole Suzaku and Lelouch moment was somewhat. Um. How should I say this. Depressing. It's depressing how Suzaku demands answers and Lelouch is the one who answers them but puts himself for the blame when not everything was entirely his fault. Even though Lelouch had something to do with it since it involved geass it still wasn't first-handily his fault. The fact that Lelouch humiliated himself in front of Suzaku for him to save Nunnally was brave but all he got was a nice foot-bashing from Suzaku.

Apparently, Suzaku had nothing to do with the betrayal but I'm guessing it left a huge scar on Lelouch's heart if he's going to say that Suzaku will be his first and last friend. As much as I am an anti-Suzaku, when I saw Suzaku's sympathetic expression when he saw Lelouch being betrayed I felt sympathetic myself. In this episode, the line between Britannia and the Black Knights has been draw. Basically, everybody is trying to decide which side they're going to fight for. You can be with one side but not the other and it's not based on heritage.

Even though Suzaku has been such a loyal Britannia, I think he's going to have a change of heart and come to Lelouch. I'm not saying that Lelouch will welcome him with open arms but he'll still fight for the Black Knights but I could be wrong. Also, Ougi is pretty much cannon on who he is fighting for.

Since the Korean spoilers are pretty much confirmed, Kallen will continue to trust in Lelouch and pwn some Britannia butt with the hawt Gawaiin. <3 However, Gino has proven to be a pretty decent guy. I got my Gino fanservice so I'm all good. I'm guessing he's one who wants to avoid the fighting and just skip to the peace.

And may I point out that the C.C. moment was pretty random when compared to the rest of the episode. o.O

Post #186743
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Prinny Puncher

5:03 pm, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 120

First things first, I feel sorry for Suzaku now, I think he understood some of what Lulu was lying to him about and poor Lulu talk about an onset of a betrayl complex, especailly if the rumours about the Black Knight Rebellion are true.

when I saw the C.C. Moment i thought it was something that the writers where showing in becuase CC has never really know 'true' love as in a love that wasn't brought on by her Geass and as for the series going forward I can't see The Black Knights turning on Zero, but rather Zero leaving them after the conclusion of the Tokyo Battle.

And is it just me or is this Season of Code Geass moving alot faster than the first one?

If there was a real evil in the universe it would be the illusion that man creates to defend its Forsaken Ideals.
Post #186753
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5:46 pm, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 38

@ Belzera
Actually, yeah. I just noticed that this season of Code Geass is a little rushed but it's not ruining anything. I think it's because the writer has only been given 25 episodes for R2 to explain and end everything.

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