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Code Geass predictions *warning spoilers*

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Local Prig

6:04 pm, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 1899

The speed can be explained by the fact that this season is entirely plot driven, whereas in the first we had ample time to pause and consider the morality/implications and had a bit stronger character development (at least IMO).

I like that people suddenly understand Suzaku a bit more. He's been the same way the entire series, just a bit more stubborn about it. The difference is that he finally accepted that Lelouch's path is one that you can find redemption on (too bad Kanon got in the way and confused him).

The betrayal rumors are true- absolutely everything has happened so far in accordance with that source (although it's debatable if "ring" and "bandaid" were mixed up. CC doesn't seem to see any difference though).

I have to apologize for missing something on the raw- the poor quality had me mixed up during the five second part that was incredibly important. Lelouch is actually dumb enough to send ROLLO of all people to rescue Nunnally... Either she'll die or become the source of whatever redeems Rollo's character before his death.

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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
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sleepy ghost

6:13 pm, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 1140

It'll be interesting to see what happens if/when Zero's identity is finally revealed. I doubt all of the the black kinghts will abandon Lelouch, but it's hard to say who will go AWOL and who won't.

I found it weird that Lelouch had Rolo on the team meant to retrieve Nunnally. Granted that Rolo's geass would be extremely useful, I would imagine that a skilled and well organized team with Sayoko (given her loyalty to Nunnally and Lelouch) would be enough to retrieve Nunnaly. I always thought that Rolo is as likely to kill Nunnally on sight as he is to actually save her, given his fake-brother complex and more recently why he killed Shirley.

For some reason, I doubt that Suzaku will be the one to fire off the Freya round at Lelouch. I don't think Nina would simply entrust Freya in the hands of an 11, Knight of Rounds or not. She could have just installed some remote device (if Suzaku hesitates or just outright doesn't fire it) or just made a second Freya round that she would fire herself in another knighmare.

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
- Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
Post #186853
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10:55 pm, Aug 3 2008
Posts: 38

After watching a little bit more than the second half again, I'm predicting that Nina is going to go "OMG WTF" on Lelouch when she finds out that Lelouch "murdered" her almighty Euphy. Rollo will have a nervous breakdown from finally confronting and meeting a major insecurity in his life, Nunnally. I expect that he'll point a gun at her head but won't kill her because he knows fully well how Lelouch will react to her death. I just hope Lelouch isn't too shaken up when he finds out that Nunnally is finally safe that it would cost the Black Knights the battle.

As for the Black Knights betraying Zero, I don't think it will happen but it's still possible. Without Zero, the Black Knights would be useless. Also, how heartbreaking can finding out that your leader is a student can it get? I don't think Lelouch's royally exiled name will be revealed just yet but if it was, the Black Knights would rather respect him even more because he's going against his own father but for the right reasons.If they do happen to betray Zero like the spoilers have predicted, then Zero will just pull out another miracle.

And I finally noticed the part when Jeremiah connected with his old pal, Siegfried. I'm happy now. I've been waiting for him to pwn some Britannia butt with his baby. I hope he will be the one who beats up the Knight of One. I don't know the Knight of One's name. Or more like I don't remember how to spell it. ^^;;

It's amazing how much respect Suzaku will or hasn't yet already received respect just from this episode. The fact that he was quite impulsive and just looking for someone to blame and the person would be Lelouch is still irritating though. In my opinion at least. Now I finally understand that if Suzaku were to ever die in the series, it would be in an honorable way instead of a gruesome death like everybody wanted. The possibility of Kallen beating him up with the pwnage Gawaiin is still good though. :]

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Local Prig

11:01 am, Aug 6 2008
Posts: 1899

Magazine summaries are out again. You can find them on Koshimizu's live journal.

Spoiler for some basic summary/implications:

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18- Only new information is that Kallen is rescued by Sayoko, and apparently kills Luciano (or fights him, at least) before rejoining Lelouch in her super Guren. The information seems to imply that it requires two pilots, and that Sayoko rides with her, but I could be wrong. This also means that Rollo ALONE is sent to rescue Nunnally.

Suzaku also prevents Lelouch from meeting Nunnally, and it seems he really does drop Freya and massacre the Japanese (it seems this is a result of the "live!" command as well...)

19- Nothing really new. Still 90% sure Rollo dies at the end of this episode. Either he fails to rescue Nunnally or he killed her.
EDIT: Staffer says that "Rollo will be at a big turning point in 19." Basically, like I've been saying, he'll be another character who immediately redeems himself before death, just like always.

20- Title has been changed from "Emperor Assassination" to "Emperor Disqualificaiton". This may imply Schneizel creating a separate Britannian faction, although that's unlikely. The summary also says that Lelouch is isolated, meaning the betrayal really does occur in 19 in accordance with the Korean blog.

21- Title is "Ragnarok Connection" so I guess the Emperor begins his plan. Newtype has pictures of chibi-VV and Charles so I guess we'll see the full extent of their contract. Charles has also apparently resolved to destroy the Gods without VV. This episode summary also mentions Suzaku going so far into despair that he is capable of killing anyone and is "fearless in battle" since he keeps trying to die. Lelouch apparently is also is a "realm above men" in this episode, and is learning the truth, while Suzaku faces the "strongest opponent" in his Knightmare. The general consensus seems to be that Suzaku is challenging the Knight of One for his position and will win at the same time as Lelouch defeating the Emperor- both achieve their goals simultaneously, but they then conflict with one another. This seems to set the stage for a finale in which Suzaku and Lelouch's rivalry peaks and only one of their outlooks can be victorious.
EDIT: Animedia (or maybe Animage? I'd have to look again) has a few staff comments and pictures related to 21. Apparently we'll find out the truth of Marianne's murder, and a picture of Anya mind tripping from episode 11 is displayed next to a picture of Marianne and a picture of Lelouch and Nunnally playing happily. It also states that Marianne's relationship with Charles and VV is "related to the world of C" (...duh.)

22- Title is "Emperor Lelouch". Logical conclusion for me is that the symbol "Zero" has been effectively destroyed by the Black Knights betrayal, so he tries to become Emperor instead. This episode mentions that he is in a "place of neutrality from his memories" and that he's "using the division between the UN and Britannia". Other spoilers indicate that "Lelouch's battle reaches the climax". My guess is that Lelouch actually manages to succeed the Emperor in this episode, which leaves Suzaku at a loss for where his loyalties should be. This would probably cause him to join Schneizel and the other members of the living royal family in a revolt against Lelouch . Lelouch's plan is probably to have Britannia join the UFN.

They're keeping pretty quiet about Anya :(.
-Other important piece of information is that Charles actually stole CC's code, meaning that he has 2 and that you would have to steal both of them to be able to kill him... This makes my "CC and Lelouch become immortal" ending a hell of a lot more likely.
EDIT: Apparently not. If Lelouch defeats Charles in 21/22, then CC will either regain her memories in the process or never regain them. The ending seems like its heading to a place that's more mundane with the Geass piece of the plot potentially resolving in 22. If that actually happens then LelouchxKallen is probably a likely outcome.
-Also, Lancelot Albion is apparently a more powerful machine than the Guren 8-extremities type. Who knew?

EDIT: Updated with new summaries from two additional magazines + thoughts/predictions.
EDIT 2: Added with some slightly new information concerning episode 21.
EDIT 3: Episode 18 summary added. This post is entirely too long *sigh*.

Spoiler (highlight to view)
-I wasn't really paying attention during the opening, sorry guys. I assumed it would be the same, but I caught the end of it and it caught me off guard. I doubt it was anything important though.
-We begin again with Lelouch's plan.
-Suzaku board Lancelot with Freya after Nina attempts to. He says that you also have to have the will not to use it.
-Rollo says he's going to kill Nunnally once he finds her.
-Suzaku appears to fight Lelouch, and gets owned by Jeremiah.
-Gino rescues Suzaku, and Anya uses her super-cannon to force back the Druid System.
-Sayoko rescues Kallen before her execution, and brings her to the new Guren.
-Nunnally boards an airship.
-Right before she breaks through the Druid System's barrier, Anya mindtrips and her machine falls to the ground.
-Lelouch is subsequently caught by the Knight of 10 and his squadron.
-Kallen launches in the upgraded Guren 8-extremities, which is so ridiculously overpowered that it destroys basically everything in its path.
-Sayoko finds Nunnally, which I suppose confirms her suspicion that Lelouch is Zero.
-Tamaki gets ejected. Again.
-Lelouch is asked by Luciano what his "most important thing" is. Luciano assumes that its life, but Lelouch instead calls Nunnally's name.
-Kallen rescues Lelouch at this point, annihilating Luciano's squad and making quick work of Luciano, reiterating his line to him.
-The Emperor is moving "towards Japan" in his airship, but Schneizel predicts his target is somewhere else because Kyoto has no strategic value at this point.
-Cornelia escapes.
-Lloyd freaks out that his work was stolen (Cecile corrects him by saying that it was both of theirs, not his). Lakshata is similarly annoyed that Lloyd and Cecile messed with her Guren.
-Kallen fights Suzaku, and destroys him almost to the point that he's going to die. Nina tells him that if he uses Freya, he can survive, which causes a thought process that activates his "live!" command. He uses Freya and a massive retreat ensues. Lelouch realizes he can't do anything to save Nunnally and freezes.
-Guilford pushes Lelouch out of the explosion at the cost of his own life yelling "Live, Princess" over the intercom. Cornelia apparently hears him.
-Asahina (the male holy sword) yells to Toudou essentially about how he shouldn't be trusting Zero, and enforces it immediately prior to his death in the explosion.
-Nunnally and Sayoko presumably die in the explosion.
-Tamaki miraculously survives (as seen in the preview).
-The episode ends with Lelouch stunned, demanding that Rollo allow him to speak with Nunnally. Rollo says "She's dead Nii-san" and Lelouch replies "Please, just for a little while, let me talk to her".

First for death-related thoughts:
-Anya survived the explosion. Originally I was about 90% certain that Nunnally would live through it, but now I don't think she will. Lelouch is almost at rock bottom because of this, and since he'll lose everything but CC(slave-version), Jeremiah, and Kallen in the coming episode, he'll hit it at the end of next episode.
-Regardless of whether or not Nunnally survives, Sayoko is dead. Even ninjas cannot escape atomic bombs.
-The Emperor's target is clearly kaminejima. There's not really anything to argue about there.
-Next episode, Lelouch's identity will be revealed to all thanks to Schneizel's ambassador (or Schneizel himself, whoever it ends up being.). The Black Knights attempt to sell Lelouch for Japan.
-Rollo dies overusing his Geass at the end of episode 19.
-Anya will resurface, her enounter with Lelouch having fully restored her memories. Like I said before, I'm pretty sure she's Lelouch's sister. If Nunnally is actually dead, Anya won't die. In fact, her death seems pretty damn unlikely at the moment.

I predict that Lelouch begins to regain all of the things he lost starting with episode 21, when he confronts the Emperor. Anya replaces Nunnally, CC returns, he and Suzaku finally reconcile at the end, etc. If the geass plotline is resolved completely in episode 21 or 22, Kallen will replace Shirley as his "lover", no matter how much I dislike that. However, if it is not, CC-end or lonely-end are both very likely.

On a side note, anyone else seriously impressed with Taniguchi's timing with this episode? It's a pretty bold statement to air it the day after Nagasaki was bombed...

That was quite an episode. Went from a ton of crazy action to actual character development. One of the better ones we've had this season.

Last edited by Crenshinibon at 2:01 am, Aug 10 2008

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...

11:43 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 6

Pure curiosity. Is it possible that Freya's weapon ends up beign a giant teleportation device that sends people to other dimensions? Just a little thought for now.

Post #189306 - Reply to (#189303) by GSDAkatsuki
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11:55 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 914

Quote from GSDAkatsuki
Pure curiosity. Is it possible that Freya's weapon ends up beign a giant teleportation device that sends people to other dimensions? Just a little thought for now.

I think it's more along the lines of a nuke. As remember when scientist dude met freaky perv chick she was talking about something like uranium/atomic weight/spilitting/massive amount energy etc.

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Local Prig

12:46 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 1899

As far as I understand it, it's a weapon that destroys things at an atomic level and functions in a way similar to a black hole. So no, it's not any sort of transportation device, but it's a little bit different from a nuke (I'm fairly certain that it breaks that law of conservation of matter).

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #189314
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12:59 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 2128

Watched ep 18 a few hours ago,

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So sad for Sayoko and Nunally.... I'm still hoping they somehow myteriously survive.... and why does that chicken-shit-idiot Tamaki always manage to live.
Stupid masturbating megane bitch!!

~Point & Squirt~

6:54 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 6

Well we never found out if it was really destroyed you know. That was mroe like a suck in kind of thing. I mean mass can not be destroyed. It doesn't jsut disappear.

Post #189409 - Reply to (#189408) by GSDAkatsuki
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Local Prig

6:57 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 1899

Quote from GSDAkatsuki
Well we never found out if it was really destroyed you know. That was mroe like a suck in kind of thing. I mean mass can not be destroyed. It doesn't jsut disappear.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure it breaks the law of conservation of matter.

Comments Lloyd's VA made in his blog a few weeks ago:

"When recording a certain anime a few days ago, I heard about an upcoming horrifying weapon from the director Taniguchi. It's said to be a weapon that can eliminate space from an atomic level. Of course it's anime, and such weapon doesn't exist IRL, but what would happen if there really were such a weapon? It gives me chills just to think about it. Nowadays, people die so simply in virtual space like video games. However, to actually die completely eliminated from the atomic level is a terribly horrifying thing."

Since Taniguchi is the director of Geass, this is clearly directed at FLEIA (or whatever its acronym is.)

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
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12:10 am, Aug 11 2008
Posts: 37

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we need a death-count for episode 18.
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Alot of people died in nina's pink Atomic bomb. You think they might have another one?

I'm going with Lelouch and C.C. somehow, stay together for all of eternity.

Death should be embraced, not rejected.
Post #189482 - Reply to (#189409) by Crenshinibon

12:35 am, Aug 11 2008
Posts: 6

Quote from Crenshinibon
Quote from GSDAkatsuki
Well we never found out if it was really destroyed you know. That was mroe like a suck in kind of thing. I mean mass can not be destroyed. It doesn't jsut disappear.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure it breaks the law of conservation of matter.

Comments Lloyd's VA made in his blog a few weeks ago:

"When recording a certain anime a few days ago, I heard about an upcoming horrifying weapon from the director Taniguchi. It's said to be a weapon that can eliminate space from an atomic level. Of course it's anime, and such weapon doesn't exist IRL, but what would happen if there really were such a weapon? It gives me chills just to think about it. Nowadays, people die so simply in virtual space like video games. However, to actually die completely eliminated from the atomic level is a terribly horrifying thing."

Since Taniguchi is the director of Geass, this is clearly directed at FLEIA (or whatever its acronym is.)

Dude we got a mchine that can recreate the big bang. Do you even want to know what the hell will happen when it is used on Eart?

Post #189485 - Reply to (#189482) by GSDAkatsuki
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Local Prig

12:38 am, Aug 11 2008
Posts: 1899

Quote from GSDAkatsuki
Quote from Crenshinibon
Quote from GSDAkatsuki
Well we never found out if it was really destroyed you know. That was mroe like a suck in kind of thing. I mean mass can not be destroyed. It doesn't jsut disappear.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure it breaks the law of conservation of matter.

Comments Lloyd's VA made in his blog a few weeks ago:

"When recording a certain anime a few days ago, I heard about an upcoming horrifying weapon from the director Taniguchi. It's said to be a weapon that can eliminate space from an atomic level. Of course it's anime, and such weapon doesn't exist IRL, but what would happen if there really were such a weapon? It gives me chills just to think about it. Nowadays, people die so simply in virtual space like video games. However, to actually die completely eliminated from the atomic level is a terribly horrifying thing."

Since Taniguchi is the director of Geass, this is clearly directed at FLEIA (or whatever its acronym is.)

Dude we got a mchine that can recreate the big bang. Do you even want to know what the hell will happen when it is used on Eart?

Generally, being anime allows it to break the laws of physics. If that wasn't obvious from the mechs, just look at how Suzaku defies gravity entirely whenever he kicks someone.

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
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7:42 pm, Aug 11 2008
Posts: 1096

I just saw episode 18 earlier today and I was completely devastated.

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I absolutely refused to believe that Nunnally is dead. I later learned that there is still hope since sunrise hasn't labeled her as dead in the character chart. It's just says that her whereabouts are unknown. Live on Nunnally!

Post #189760 - Reply to (#189754) by UnknownUser
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8:03 pm, Aug 11 2008
Posts: 468

Quote from LawX
I just saw episode 18 earlier today and I was completely devastated.

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I absolutely refused to believe that Nunnally is dead. I later learned that there is still hope since sunrise hasn't labeled her as dead in the character chart. It's just says that her whereabouts are unknown. Live on Nunnally!

But she's so incredibly useless. -.-'... Has she -ever- done anything productive?

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