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sarcastic protagonist...

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Post #277724
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3:38 am, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 235

As the title indicates, Im looking for a manga that features a main character with a sarcastic... even slightly morbid personality. Perhaps someone who views the world as one massive joke and frequently pokes fun at it. I guess the the best genre fit would be comedy for that, but other suggestions would be great even if its a more serious story.

I have read a few with characters such as these but the names escape me at the moment. So any suggestion would be fine for now. thanks. smile

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aka deadoptimist

3:56 am, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 8

I suppose it's not exactly it... but recently I came across a very old and strange thing called Trickster (ARO Hiroshi) . It's abut "jokes" (sick jokes) somehow.
May be it'll help.

Post #277765
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5:54 am, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 3503

National quiz - Might fit òÖ

This week's favorites:

- Golden Kamui

ççççççç[Ô .Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!
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11:51 am, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 2964

Vampire Game
Hatenkou Yuugi

Both heroines I adore. (:

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12:14 pm, Jun 19 2010
Posts: 8

** Shameless bump! **

I would like some more titles, thank you very much. smile

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