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Sweet Contagions

12:12 pm, Dec 1 2008
Posts: 33

Countries I have visited:

Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Canada (Vancouver)


Montana, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Ohio, Nevada, Kentucky, Virginia.

I think my best experience was going to Europe when I was twelve. I was surprised by how small and pretty all the cities seemed. The US seems so spread out in comparison. All the buildings here are ugly in comparison, they're not built to last like in Europe. All the landscapes in Europe were so pretty too, I would love to live there some time.

Also, I would like to visit Asia, since I have taken Japanese and Chinese. Also Russia... Ah man I wanna go everywhere!

Oh by the way Dr. Love, you are from Antwerp right? I remember being at the pretty trainstation there when I was twelve. I was really impressed. eek

Heisenberg may have slept here.
Post #233148 - Reply to (#232911) by IMustBeInsane
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10:51 pm, Dec 1 2008
Posts: 741

Quote from IMustBeInsane
Quote from Caliber
Quote from ahoaho
Quote from xShatteredSoulx
Okay, I was sort of panicking. If I'm stuck in a car, I'd better be able to listen to music or someone else in the car, otherwise I'll get car sick.

Try driving 500 miles at 2 am with nothing but a broken muffler to keep you company.

I did that once, except it was sunny as hell and the AC was busted, so it was a freaking sauna in the car.
It was cold as hell, so rolling down the window might've been worse. Who knows.

That would almost be a relief sometimes. I've been crammed in the back seat of a small car with two brothers for two days straight on multiple occasions (most times we visit my grandparents). The trip is well over 1000 miles and the last few hundred are always tiny little two-lane highways. Luckily, now that my brothers are older and my parents finally sprung for an SUV, it's not as bad anymore...

When I was 13 my mom put me and my sister on bus to make a 700 mile trip to my aunt's place. The bus stopped at every little town so the whole trip took about 18 hours. I had no music or anything. All the crazies on board kept me amused though. My mom took a plane a few days later to catch up with me. mad I took a plane back with her. biggrin

As for where I traveled.
All the western states from Texas to Washington. Lived in texas now in cali.
Lived in hawaii for a month.
A bunch of states in the northeast for a weekend trip.
Visited vancouver, canada a few times.
Philippines for 2 years.
Japan for 2 years.It was a fun anime/manga-less time of my life
studied abroad in Italy for a quarter.
I want to go back to all those places again but I also want to travel everywhere else too. I can't decide there's so much left to see.

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
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11:03 pm, Dec 1 2008
Posts: 114

Me I was born in Italy and moved to France for six years then came to America (Organ then to GA) after that we took a vacation in Canada I have also visited Germany, the UK, Japan, Russia and Brazil mostly due to me helping my dad with work (he used to represent a lot of companys that sold arms such as colt and FN) when I was younger. I was also told that I had gone to South Africa and Switzerland with my famliy when I was a baby but I can't remember them -_-.

Last edited by shard2323 at 11:11 pm, Dec 1 2008

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Eat Me

7:40 am, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 438

I have been to around twenty or so states in the united states. I have been to Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Germany and Austria. I am moving to France in just over a year to study there for a term, and I would like to travel all around Europe while I am there. I love to travel.

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7:53 am, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 38

has anyone noticed how disorienting it is to be in as trange airport and seeing all these strange posters of half-naked people around....a lot of airports in italy have 40 feet tall posters of half-naked men all over..ehhhi wonder why...

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Post #242089 - Reply to (#242087) by nanichan
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Eat Me

8:02 am, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 438

Quote from nanichan
has anyone noticed how disorienting it is to be in as trange airport and seeing all these strange posters of half-naked people around....a lot of airports in italy have 40 feet tall posters of half-naked men all over..ehhhi wonder why...

Well I have never been to an airport in Italy, but I think even if I had, I probably would have tried my best not to notice the posters of half naked men. bigrazz

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Black Angel

12:04 pm, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 336

Hm I was alredy in :Luxembourg French Spain and Turkey
but exept for Spain they were all boring...

For the sane people I am insane,<BR>for me the sane people are insane!
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1:17 pm, Sep 20 2009
Posts: 9026

Polite bump.

I've always wanted to go to the US~ So, might make use of a transferring program to get there. Add Japan to the list, as well. Seems like an interesting country to visit, even if you don't know about anime nor manga. Thanks to my awesome school, I've already gone to London, Italy and Switzerland. Awesome places. Recommend them to anyone.

What I like about Europe is that despite its small size, it offers a wide variety of cultures and countries that have a rich history behind them!

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #322286 - Reply to (#322250) by Dr. Love

3:07 pm, Sep 20 2009
Posts: 282


Last edited by chibilin at 3:34 pm, Dec 15 2012

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3:14 pm, Sep 20 2009
Posts: 807

I've only been to Mexico and Oklahoma. I do wish to travel out of the country (or continent in my case) like go to Japan or Europe. smile

Post #322299
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3:51 pm, Sep 20 2009
Posts: 1975

I've been to:
and like 4 states here in US.
If it were me, I'd travel much more, but we don't have time. xD

I wish to go to:
China. Specifically Canton region!

Post #322542

5:21 pm, Sep 21 2009
Posts: 208

I live in Chicago. smile

I've been to:

Hong Kong
Gurnee, IL
Los Angeles, California
Monticello, Indiana
Orlando, FL
Sandusky, Ohio
San Francisco, California
Toronto, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
Wisconsin Dells

Last edited by xanimeem at 7:39 pm, Jan 6 2010

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5:09 am, Sep 22 2009
Posts: 1698

Only a few places.. ><.
Most places I've traveled to are in the California area anyways.
I'm not a big traveler. At all.

In State:
San Francisco, Orange County, Fresno, San Bernardino & Mariposa.

Out of State:
Vietnam, Mexico.

Places I'd like to Visit: Places in Europe, Canada, China, UK, New Zealand, and at least outside of California.

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A Person

8:47 am, Sep 22 2009
Posts: 2126

I've been to Mexico Before, and I think around 10 of the 50 states (Like... actually set foot in them. I have flown over them all.). Yeah, I don't travel much..

Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?
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The Coolest

8:53 am, Sep 22 2009
Posts: 891

i went canada few times to visit relatives and also the the water falls....went to new york few times and boston and detroit(used to live in detroit b4 movin to IL) too.

i plan to go to japan and/or taiwan to visit and see stuff....maybe go to europe too.

The Don: Young Makaveli

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