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Not annoying, funny idiot protagonist

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Post #408507
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11:08 am, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 761

I'm looking for a manga with a character (preferably a girl, but it may be a guy too) who behaves in a silly way, but his/hers behaviour is really funny, not annoying.
What I'm not looking is a manga in which the protagonist pretends to be stupid. The character has to be an idiot, although sometimes it may seem otherwise.

Some examples:
1/2 Prince - Prince
Tokyo Crazy Paradise - Tsukasa (usually she does behave like an idiot smile)
Gokuraku Seishun Hockey Club - I guess there's no need to explain this one smile
Oresama Teacher - Hayasaka-kun (Mafuyu also has some idiotic moments smile)

What I find annoying:
- Weak, pathetic, clumsy idiots (Keitaro from Love Hina)
- People who get into trouble because their own stupidity and have to be saved by other people (Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi, I suppose)
- Extremely cheerful and optimistic characters (Tohru from Fruits Basket)

I don't like ecchi and yuri/shoujo-ai, but shounen-ai is fine.

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manger le toupee

11:23 am, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 306

Madoka from Bitou Lollipop. smile

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Lone Wanderer

11:53 am, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 2127

The girls in Azumanga Daioh , Hidamari Sketch , Sketchbook and (most probably) Non Non Biyori and K-ON! are all like this, more or less.

Yasuna from Kill Me Baby is a perfect fit.

And - it's only a one-shot, but be sure to try out Afghanistan as well.

Edit - About A*D, which the person below me has recommended; I'd like to warn you that when considering the protagonist, it is very much a case of 'smart and perceptive guy pretending to be stupid' - which you said you didn't want.

Last edited by calstine at 12:07 pm, Sep 21 2010


11:56 am, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 259

Riku and Force/Forth from A*D

Yuuki from Momogumi Plus Senki

Roselle from Teriyaki Western [Pfff... Epic win chara I tell you laugh]

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1:56 pm, Sep 21 2010
Posts: 109

koukou debut

The protagonist has her idiot moments biggrin

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Post #409076
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7:31 am, Sep 23 2010
Posts: 761

Thanks a lot smile A*D is a very good suggestion, I said I didn't want "pretends to be stupid" manga because I didn't want all the recommendations to be like this.
I've already read Koukou Debut, but it definitely is what I am looking for smile
I'll read the rest, thanks again smile

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