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Firm-foot-in-reality type uke?

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6:56 am, Mar 26 2013
Posts: 50

Yo, people's! :3 k, so I`m looking for a yaoi manga where the uke is a no-nonsense kind of guy, or just (thinks) doesn`t want to get swept away in love, so tries his hardest to avoid relationships. Unfortunately, the seme doesn`t give up that easily wink

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7:46 am, Mar 26 2013
Posts: 505

Totally Captivated, he does get into relationships but never takes them seriously and plays around and stuff. When a relationship gets serious he breaks it off. And yup the seme is super persistant.

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Rai from Noblesse

4:30 pm, Mar 27 2013
Posts: 21

There are so many under that category. Try searching under Tsundere

Post #592674 - Reply to (#592619) by SarahSBR
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5:55 am, Mar 28 2013
Posts: 217

Quote from SarahSBR
There are so many under that category. Try searching under Tsundere

Ew hell to the no!!! Realistic aint mean tsundere!!!

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11:31 am, Apr 1 2013
Posts: 250

You have to try Doushitemo Furetakunai. It's basically the best manga ever written.

EDIT: Sorry, just read your question a little more carefully. Okay, so you asked for a "foot-in-reality" type of uke and for that you should definitely check Doushitemo Furetakunai (gah, it's so good~), but the seme here, although he is a stubborn, persistent guy, is not the kind of seme who will force himself on someone when he's not wanted -- aka, there's no such thing as pointless sex where the seme goes "I'll f-ck until you realise you're in love with me" or some rubbish like that. For that I'd say he is the perfect seme. Too many Yaoi(s) out there already revolve around the uke. In Doushitemo it's more like 50/50. Read it, read it. It's great :3

Last edited by MirayAllen at 11:41 am, Apr 1 2013

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