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New Poll - Loli/Shota

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11:52 pm, Nov 14 2014
Posts: 10678

This week's poll from mattw895 could be a bit polarizing... If you have an opinion about loli and shota, do you think it should be banned or made illegal? I realize there's no options for something like "No / Don't care", but too bad. Deal with it. Have an opinion on all or nothing. There's also no option for "What's that?" for similar reasons.

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you have any manga-related apps on your phone or handheld device?
Yes, and I regularly use them - votes: 2723 (27.9%)
Yes, but I don't really use them - votes: 1590 (16.3%)
No - votes: 4129 (42.3%)
I don't have a phone or handheld device that can install apps - votes: 1328 (13.6%)
There were 9770 total votes.
The poll ended: November 15th 2014

Hmm, I'm actually quite surprised by the number of people that do have apps like that...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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12:05 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 287

I'm surprised on the percentage of people who have apps too. It's hard to find good ones to me.

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but to one person you may be the world."

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (from Hamlet, Wm. Shakespeare; Act II, scene ii)

(Even though the quote above is from Hamlet, I first saw it in a Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer on YouTube ^o^)
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12:29 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 47

I voted no/no. If we illegalize it, then there is plenty more types of manga that should be illegal.

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12:33 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 161

I'd tend to say no to the poll, but I'm a bit uncomfortable about it. I really dislike loli stuff, but I'm also strongly opposed to censorship.

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1:02 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 482

NO, NO, and NO. well, i get banning it in school, workplace, or regular bookstores, but that also apply to any work with sexual content. one should never made illegal or banning written works, however 'harmful' they might be since i believe in free expression. unlike other people, i actually believe video games caused violence and porn and hentai caused depraved sexual urges. so many books able to change the world (like mein kampf and das kapital) and media able to make people fat by fast food adverts and anorexic by skinny models.

HOWEVER - thats just it, we are always being influenced by one thing or another, when you start banning loli shota, you will start banning others like gore porn of the saw franchise, drug and alcohol glorifying movies like the hangover, mafia movies because it incite people to become criminals...etc, etc. you just cant stop people from being influenced by everything, if we ban the 'undesirables' we will just have a sterile culture.

and anyway, children rape are bad in places like zimbabwe because they thought it will cleanse them of AIDS or nigeria because child bride is A-OK there. they dont have loli shota manga, they just have a f#cked up culture. thus, the most important thing in preventing child molestation is not banning anything, its education and actually have a civilized culture.

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1:33 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 57

I voted no/no even though I don't like the two much, simply because if I went by proper moral standards, I'd have to vote for banning not just loli/shouta but also ALL hentai, ALL ecchi, depictions of racism, sexism, hatred, etc., ALL mature content like strong language, excessive violence and gore, anything not censored to the degree that you don't know what the heck is happening, and probably more stuff on a long list. So, I guess you can see why I had to vote no/no. Can't be half-hearted about it either way. biggrin

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Lone Wanderer

2:07 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 2127

I despise loli/shota (and I don't get how people think underage porn is actually comparable with porn depicting adults, but w/e), but I voted 'don't care,' because this kind of thing just isn't feasible. If someone wants to find child pornography (manga or with real kids in them), they'll find it, banned or no. And real life child molestation will continue regardless of whether porn of that sort exists or not.

Instead of wasting resources weeding out fiction, that time and energy should be devoted to finding real child molesters and people who make porn featuring child actors, and taking them down.

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A manga parasite

2:26 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 319

I voted yes/yes. I can't think otherwise than that stuff is way to close to porn with childeren.

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
Post #656233
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2:46 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 445

Hey, why not ban Romeo and Juliet? Burn those books. And when we are at it, why not burn Oedipus the King too. People have a convenient scapegoat with games, manga, anime, cartoons. If i go around killing people, raping women and children and do every atrocity that i can think of and then blame everything to games, manga, anime and the rest, that is so convenient. But these are only fiction. Not real. People just don't go around shooting just because they played FPS games, they were messed in the head in the beinning.
Even loli-shota too. I don't like loli because it's against my taste, but i'm a huge straight shota fan, and not only hentai. There are good Older woman Younger man series with shota, so should we ban them too?
And if some pedo can satisfy himself with loli-shota fiction content and never think about touching a child, isn't that good?
Funny, that everyone is talking about Hentai but as i said, there are loli shota series that aren't.

Post #656235
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Pies are good! *w*

3:06 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 329

Voted yes/yes. It's sick. I don't get what grown adults find attractive about children. I hate and would seriously kill anyone who I come across sexuality assaulting a child. They are innocent and should never be dirtied and disgraced in such a way so young.

FYI people who defend this by saying, "Well, they could always touch a real child instead of reading this!" Most criminals get their ideas from books/tv. It makes them want to do it in real life.

Either wa,y they will still do it regardless if this is around or not. Ban this garbage.

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3:17 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 421

Well...I did vote for “ Don't Care ” (for now)...
as I don't read anything related to loli/'s not my taste...

But, called for making it illegal or banned would be too high a horse to ride...too bothersome...and certainly wastage of time...

and You see the number of Lolicon are quite high here, 42.8% atm...while the people standing against it are some what half of it, 20.7% atm...don't counting the don't care ones...

Oh! It's not surprising that most of the ones voted for Yes/Yes like me(I'm a guy) are Girls...ya, love those people...Women Are Certainly Intelligent Beings !!

So, that's how it goes ~!

Last edited by MinatoAce at 7:38 am, Nov 15 2014

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
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3:56 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 203

Let's ban all the fiction! biggrin

Seriously though, I voted no/no because it's fiction. Of course, if it's a hentai [insert the media here] based on real events I'd see no issue with banning that specific piece, but all of it? No, just no.

Also as mentioned, some people get inspired by fictional works and some even by real events. But banning something just because an idiot that's psychologically ill (most likely antisocial) copies what was done in a fictional piece is just wrong. These people will just get inspired by something else then. Maybe they'll end up doing human trafficking just by watching someone selling vegetables at a marketplace. Or maybe they get impulsive and kidnap, rape and kill children in the thousands.
Whatever you think, banning isn't the right way to stop these people. It just creates more of them. And by the time you've banned everything that can inspire criminal acts there's a full scale rebellion and anarchy outside. Good luck stopping actual rape of anything (women, children, men, animals, objects) at that point.
What should be done however is trying to find these people before they commit a crime and give them the help they need to function in society. Some, however, will never function in society. Ever...

Post #656239

4:02 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 4

No / No. It´s all fictional so no harm is done to anyone.I read loli but it would never cross my mind to do "stuff" to a minor.

Post #656240 - Reply to (#656237) by GuttedGnome
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Demon Child

4:13 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 127

you don't know what antisocial means, the type of people you are talking about are sociopaths (you need a lot more then just antisocial behaviour to get the actions you have listed)

I voted no/no its all or nothing
if loli / shota fiction is banned or made illegal, then the bible must follow that is the most harmful fiction in the world

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Big Bucks

4:14 am, Nov 15 2014
Posts: 208

I can understand Loli or Shota stuff being banned. But illegal is a little high horse.
Think about it. Let's say unintentionally drew some loli child, in an awkward pose, on a piece of paper. And then 5 seconds later, without any warning, my house is raided by police officers and they find that art drawing of some unintentional loli, in an awkward pose, I drew 5 seconds ago. I go to prison for doing something that could be done by anyone unintentionally.

No Artist (professional or newbie) will be safe.
If this becomes globally illegal, it would just mean freedom of speech has been limited to just "speech".

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