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Top 5 anime

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9:02 pm, Jul 26 2010
Posts: 364

1.God save our king
2.Honey & Clover
3.Special A
4.Hell Girl
5.The law of ueki

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Lone Wanderer

2:07 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 2127

1. Mushishi - Less beautiful than the manga, but still stunning.

2. Kino's Journey - Pretty much the ultimate slice-of-life + adventure anime. I wish this was longer.

3. One Outs - The only sports anime worth watching, IMO.

4. Red Garden - I think this'll be good, though I'm only halfway through.

5. Mononoke - One of the best anime in the supernatural genre.

I tried to recommend one from every major genre type. I hope you find something here that you think is worth watching!


2:22 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 1041

2.Gundam 0079
4.combattler v
5.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure [OVA series]

Post #394837
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2:28 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 636

1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (liked the first season too).
2. Fate/stay night (pales in comparison next to the VN though).
3. Code Geass
4. Katanagatari.
5. Excel Saga

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Black Witch

3:20 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 381

1: Code Geass (Is the Absolute Best) Season 1 and 2 Ofc

2: Bleach Episode 271 (I laughed so hard)

3: Highschool of the Dead (It really follows the Manga well)
4: Nurarihyon no Mago (it really follows the manga well)
5: One Piece "Stong World" (I really like it when they entered the meeting)

Last edited by Lightmare at 4:05 am, Jul 27 2010

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† Lightmare †
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Peaceful Dictator™

3:23 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 742

1.Ghost in the Shell Series
Murder Princess
Ergo Proxy
Steam Boy
Code Geass
Samurai Champloo
Samurai 7
Fullmetal Alchemist

except for ghost in the shell the rest are not in any particular order.

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4:15 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 86

I'm the only one who liked ergo proxy?

Post #394864 - Reply to (#394863) by Kurozuka
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Peaceful Dictator™

4:20 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 742

Quote from Kurozuka
I'm the only one who liked ergo proxy?

I don't think so. it's been mentioned by a few people in this thread including my self.

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Post #394871 - Reply to (#394863) by Kurozuka
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4:43 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 748

Quote from Kurozuka
I'm the only one who liked ergo proxy?

Nah Ergo proxy is in my top 5 as well. Its hard to believe some people had tengen toppa gurren lagaan as their top 5, I gave it a go, watched like 10 episodes or so to see why it was so great and failed to find anything to show me why it is soooo popular and highly rated but anyways... fitting what you seem to like which seems to be mature plus action then my top 5 would be

1) Code geass--both seasons though I think you have seen or atleast heard about them
2) Eureka seven--really liked the romance aspect, the character development of both leads especially eureka and action is good as well. Light hearted compared to the ones below.
3) Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~---pretty mature, some romance, awesome action and its only fault lies perhaps with the conclusion and kinda open ending but still a must watch.
4) Ergo proxy--good action when needed kinda like darker than black but less I guess, nice plot, liked the psychological aspect, some romance very little though.
5) Valkyria Chronicles--romance definetly, action present, .

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
Post #394882
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5:08 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 79

Aria series - NOT what you're looking for, Yu_Yu_Hakusho_FTW
Kara no Kyoukai - on the other hand, this one fits the bill nicely
Slayers series
Denpa Teki na Kanojo - more of a psychological thriller but has some realistic action. The story is very... well, I love it but YMMV greatly. Also, this finally made me a fan of Hirohashi Ryou.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni series.

As for recommendations, Baccano! is what you need. I still won't put it into my top-10 until it gets a sequel, though.

Post #395028
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1:16 pm, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 258

Gurren Lagann
Clannad (especially season 2)
Code Geass (especially season 2)
FMA brotherhood

sorry couldn`t choose just five, eight is the best i could do biggrin

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Post #395030
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1:38 pm, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 156

1) Angel Beats (even though it was only 13 episodes it was really good)
2) Natsume Yuujinchou (hoping for a season 3)
3) Shiki (i'm liking it better than the manga, even though it's the same lol)
4) Densetsu no Yuusha
5) Darker Than Black (although i haven't watched all of it yet)

Post #395037
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Patent Pending

2:35 pm, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 520

1) Gintama
2) Ouran High School Host Club
3) Soul Eater
4) One Piece
5) Kemono no Souja Erin (Epic and underrated.)

Honorable Mention:
-Samurai Champloo
-Jigoku Shoujo
-Death Note

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3:32 pm, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 3

In no particular order:
* Gintama (series)
* Patlabor (original series & first two movies)
* Cowboy Bebop (series)
* Castle in the Sky (movie)
* The Twelve Kingdoms (series)

Post #395071 - Reply to (#394871) by John21

5:49 pm, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 307

Quote from John21
Its hard to believe some people had tengen toppa gurren lagaan as their top 5, I gave it a go, watched like 10 episodes or so to see why it was so great and failed to find anything to show me why it is soooo popular and highly rated .

Maybe because they have their own opinions? There's nothing wrong with that. You will always meet a person who hates your favourites, don't hate on other peoples'

And only watched 10 can't judge it's quality, but you can figure out if you enjoy it by that point.

Anyways, ON TOPIC: I don't have a top five, I just really like Cowboy Bebop a lot.

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