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Do you own a pet / pets?

Do you own a pet / pets?
bunny rabbit/s
glowing mutant in the cellar/attic
a mix of several from the above
all of the above
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Post #622418

4:00 pm, Nov 28 2013
Posts: 16

I have one big, young and mischievous dog and a little, old (very old) and grouch dog, they are two lovelies but I only have photos from my big dog. And my grandma has one proud and arrogant cat but I love him too.
And I'm allergic to them but I get medication because I wouldn't know what to do without a dog, they never get mad at you, always get happy when you come home, I don't know they make my life happier I suppose.

Last edited by Karuna at 8:09 pm, Jun 1 2015

Post #622420
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4:46 pm, Nov 28 2013
Posts: 130

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Found it in my backyard, doesnt have a name even after 7 months since i found it.

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10:32 pm, Nov 30 2013
Posts: 2

Lets see our house has 4 dogs, 6 cats, 2 parrots, 1 chinchilla, 3 horses, 1 sugar glider, and a fish ^^
Out of those I own a cat, a fish, and a horse smile

Post #622674
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5:09 am, Dec 1 2013
Posts: 822

Do people count if they're not your siblings? Which reminds me: Romans kept lambs and children as pets.

Far-off places with sweet sounding names.
Post #627635 - Reply to (#622674) by 狂気
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4:04 pm, Jan 7 2014
Posts: 2050

Quote from 狂気
Do people count if they're not your siblings?

Yes! My boyfriend is my pet. He has long and fluffy hair, and I rub his belly all the time because it's so smooth...

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You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.
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And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.
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Me too ♥

7:06 pm, Jul 24 2014
Posts: 1139

And here I was about to make a thread asking what you name your pet(s) or if you were to get one what would you name it. Good thing I found this thread. (since everyone is naming their pets here anyways, heh)

To the point, right. I do not own any pets (... unless you count my children >.> ... I mean you should right? You take care of them, potty train them, feed them, play with them, I mean the only thing different would be they talk back to you, and you understand them ... but then again you "could" say you understand your actual pet when they talk ... I think I'm messed up for counting my kids as pets ... )

If I were to have a pet, I would like a pet
Turtle - I would name him Bob
Dog (Lab most likely) - I would name him Bob. Not really, but I don't remember the dog names I had picked out.
Snake - I would name him Bob or George.
Some Fish - I would name them Fish 1, Fish 2, Fish 3 etc. Oh or maybe Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3 etc.
Now I want a pet Rock, but it would have to be one good looking rock to be my pet - I think I would call it Bobette, or maybe just Rocky.

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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7:32 pm, Jul 24 2014
Posts: 195

I have 2 parakeets (type of bird); names are Jacket and Easter.

Internet Lurker At Heart
Post #648177
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Mythical Creature

8:19 pm, Jul 24 2014
Posts: 285

You dont own pets, pets own you.

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10:14 pm, Jul 24 2014
Posts: 583

I currently have 3 cats and my mom has a parakeet, besides we feed some stray cats and used to feed a possum too, and they all had names

My current cats are:
Nikita- 3, female
Tiki-7, female
Felix-7 male

My previous cats were:
Kyo- 5, male
Gregorio "Goyo" aka Haineko- male
Ikki- 4, female
Parakeet is Sanyu aka Roy Switchtenberg

Possum was Jeremias
I've had fish , they were:

And some of the strays that actually got names were:
Valentino and 'El Cabezon'

Post #651632
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3:44 pm, Sep 8 2014
Posts: 410

Fish. Never got round to naming them before I overfed(?) them. Or they just got bored of looking at my living room.

Do people actually get "attached" to fish?

Post #651634
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Allen!! fan scream

4:33 pm, Sep 8 2014
Posts: 382

i got 5 cats here, a hamster, and a bunny.... as you might expect they dont get along too well haha

my cats name is Annie and she is 5 years old
other cats -> Hersheys, male and 15 years old, Kimiko, female and 7 years old, Kiari, female 4 years old, and Grey is male and just over 9 months old(he is super cute!!)

our bunnies name is Umbreon, and our hamsters name is HamHam.

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Post #651689
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2:17 pm, Sep 9 2014
Posts: 647

No, it's a nuisance to take care of anything but myself. I love animals and bugs (except for blister beetles and mozzies) but I would rather just go outside and see them in their natural habitat.

Post #651694 - Reply to (#651632) by forror
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3:27 pm, Sep 9 2014
Posts: 365

I've got 6 fish, and I love them dearly.

Quote from forror
Fish. Never got round to naming them before I overfed(?) them. Or they just got bored of looking at my living room.

Do people actually get "attached" to fish?

Yes. I cried hard when one of my fish died couple of months ago. Mine don't have any names neither but they're my precious babies.

"Shouldn't be alive but the condom broke."
Post #666269
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7:00 am, May 26 2015
Posts: 131

lololol SIBLINGS in the vote? that's... CRACK!.. laugh

(BTW, I gave up in owning pets, since no family pets in my household survived long...
either be a proper owner or never be)

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3:37 pm, May 29 2015
Posts: 1698

So I now have three cats. My allergies haven't gotten better. I'm a masochist.
(Mr. Kitty) Calico: 3 years old
(Wormy) Orange tabby: 2.5 years old
(Poopy) Grey tomcat: 2 years old

I have a tank that has a crayfish, an eel, and about 100 feeder guppies. My eel recently ripped my blue lobster in half. *cries* The crayfish is a replacement but I'm still really sad.

I have three lizards. Two leopard geckos that are 4 years old, and an alligator lizard that's 5 years old.

My boyfriend and I take care of all these pets so it's not like I'm some crazy pet-collecting lady or anything... none

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