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Tales of Creepy Stalkers, Rejection and Harassment + Bus Stories

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Post #213274
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9:16 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 117

Ever have a creepy stalker? Or have someone physically unappealing, too old/too young ask you out? Get prank calls and love letters from someone obsessing over you? This is the place to tell it.

Let's see, I've never had anything crazy happen to me, usually younger girls ask me out, that were too young, so I had to say no. And of course hurt feelings, crying, sulking and the cold shoulder pursue. Then awkward silence, then small talk. Small talk is the first step to acceptance of rejection!

Umm, my mom got creepy obscene phone calls for years from this guy at her school...Hmm, I guess the creepy stuff would happen to girls more.

My friend and I got stalked while trick or treating at night. He probably liked my friend though, cause she's pretty hot.

Oh yeah! And one time I went shopping with my friend, and we bought some candy at walmart, and this old hag at the register was like, "is there anything else you'd like to pay for?" and we're like, "uhh no" then this guy in a black suit stalked us throughout the store until we met up with my dad. I hate stupid old ladies. Cranky old people only cause trouble and they need to hurry up and kick the bucket.

This guy on the bus harassed my dad (who was a bus driver at the time) He sat right behind him rocking back and forth saying, "Bus driverrrrrrrrr, bus driverrrrrrrr, heeeeey bus driverrrrr." Later found out he had escaped from the mental hospital and the police were looking for him.

Another time a guy who just got stabbed crawled onto the bus my dad was driving. My mom covered my eyes real quick.

Oh yeah, weird bus/subway stories are welcome here too.

Lemme go talk to my dad...

Okay here's one. Takes place in a rough neighborhood A guy, a hothead, was driving the bus, this guy gets on. the guy goes to the back and opens up a window. The driver is like, "I have the air on, put the window up." so they start arguing about it and eventually the guy leaves the bus. The driver swerves up on the curb like he's about to hit him and drives away. The guy, was so mad, he ran 6 blocks to catch up to the bus, runs in front, pulls out a gun. the driver holds up his hand. the guy shoots. the bullet goes through his hand, up into his arm and through his chest, into his heart, killing him. So now the bus driver is dead and the guy is in prison because they were acting crazy over the summer heat.

More stories plox.

Post #213275
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9:20 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 3120

the hell?
........sounds like it must suck to be a bus driver..........

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Crazy Cat Lady

9:21 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 1850

Um. Nothing THAT crazy has ever happened to me, but I did have a guy call up once and ASK if I wanted an obscene phone call. laugh (I said no and hung up.)

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
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Post #213279
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9:24 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 117

Congrats on yer 1000th post.

Yes being a bus driver sucks. You sit and drive in the heat and cold all day, dealing with smelly ppl, ppl who refuse to pay, ppl talking too loud, ppl complaining. People not following the rules. One time my dad got steaming burning hot nachos smashed right in his face. (more on that in another post)

No fun. Go to college.

Post #213284 - Reply to (#213276) by TofuQueen
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9:44 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 4030

Quote from TofuQueen
Um. Nothing THAT crazy has ever happened to me, but I did have a guy call up once and ASK if I wanted an obscene phone call. laugh (I said no and hung up.)

Gawd, I had a phone call like that too O_O Worse is that I know the guy... he's a perv, called all my friends too.

I've had my fair share of creepy stalkers... maybe that's why I'm the one who's stalking now~ mad XD

Post #213287 - Reply to (#213279) by Jhauk
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9:52 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 1574

Quote from Jhauk
Congrats on yer 1000th post.

Yes being a bus driver sucks. You sit and drive in the heat and cold all day, dealing with smelly ppl, ppl who refuse to pay, ppl talking too loud, ppl complaining. People not following the rules. One time my dad got steaming burning hot nachos smashed right in his face. (more on that in another post)

No fun. Go to college.

exactly, be a college bus driver. don't have to worry about taking admission(free for everybody) and most of the kids smell fresh to not scare away the attractive ppl in their classes

but on topic, regrettably never been stalked. though a friend of mine(one of those buff italian types) did always get hit on by this one girl everytime we played this team away and home in sports over a few years. it all culminated to her mom inviting him to come home with them after the game because they had a hot tub(no joke i was next to him like eek )

Post #213294
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Mome Basher

10:08 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 3380

It happened when I was in 6th grade...

I was on the bus heading my way to night classes. The bus was quite crowded on that day so I had to stand. Among those who didn't get a seat was this old man, and he stood behind me (not directly, sorta diagonally >_> ) . I felt a hand softly touch my back and stayed there and I looked over at him. He just smiled at me and took his hand off so I took it as him losing his balance and had to hold on to something. Then, it happened again, same thing - I looked, he smiled...I started to get a little weirded out. I decided, if he touched me again, I'd punch him or something (old man or not). Luckily for him, he got off at the next stop...>_>

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Post #213301
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Pies are good! *w*

11:08 pm, Oct 9 2008
Posts: 329

I ride the bus and subway all the time but nothing bad really happen. Anyway when I use to leave with my cousin there was this guy who liked me and i though he was cute. I even talked to him a couple of times. I stopped talking to him because I found out he had a girlfriend. A couple of months later I see him again and begans talking to me but I'm not really interested. My friends and I decided to walk around because we were bored. He followed us. I thought that he was just going to meet up with someone because he had stopped and started talking.So we kept walking and our friend who was with us happen to look back and he was there. We ignored him and my friend started laughing roll (She thinks everthing is funny and it pisses me off). Well we were on our way home and had stopped following us by then. As we are walking we see him leaning on a pole. We kept walking but he wanted to talk but I told him I had to go inside because it was late. We kept walking and my cousin looks back and then she grabs my arms and we are running into the house. I was like what is wrong with you! She said OMG he had a gun! So I was no he didn't it was probably something else but I was still freaked out. A couple of weeks later I was walking with my cousin and my other little cousin on our way home one night. And so I heard someone call my name and it was him. I waved and kept walking. My little cousin was like did you see what was aroung his neck. And I said I could see becaue he was like in the dark. He said he had some type of huge gun around his neck. I though he was lying because he is just a kid but at the same time I was really scared. I never really saw him after that but it was one incident where he called by the wrong name and I was pissed because he called me by the name of a girl I didn't like. My friend start laughing (God I hate her) but he asked me for my number so I gave him my real one because I was think of what he would do if I gave him a fake one. He called once but i said hi and hung up and pretended my phone wasn't working. lol I never saw him again and then we moved so I don't have to deal with him. I hope he's in jail somewhere because he was a very calm insane person and it freaked me out.

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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

12:04 am, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 3229

I have two stories.

Right now, my best friend's sister is trying to go out with me. She's 16 and I'm 20, and I told her multiple times that it wouldn't work. She seems to understand but whenever I'm at my friend's house, she always walks around in a small shirt and booty shorts (And believe me, she's stacked on top AND bottom)

The other one is with an ex-girlfriend. We broke up because she thought that I said that I wanted to break up with her. We tried to be friends afterwards but it was too soon, so we stopped talking for a while. Now after this, I'm pissed at her because it seems like she planned it to get with another guy, so I erase her off my friend's list and her phone number and we stop talking to each other. 8 months later, out of nowhere she sends me a friend request. I erased it, but then she sent another one the next day. I erased that, and ANOTHER one comes about 4 hours later. So while I'm erasing these things, she's also sending notes apologizing. I just keep erasing them, but then I get a phone call. So, I answer the phone, AND IT'S HER ON THE LINE. eek Apparently, she had my number the whole time we haven't talked. And the weird part was when I answered, she sounded like a stalker, all out of breath and laughing a bit like The Joker.

We got to talking and we're friends again, but I'm making damn sure that I don't go out with her again no And the sad part is that she's one of the hottest redheads I've ever met (Me like redheads biggrin )

Last edited by loosecannon504 at 12:37 am, Oct 10 2008

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Post #213315
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12:23 am, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 49

Yeah...oh boy its happened to me.

On my senior year in high school there was a girl that was after me.

Stalking me...


For the right time to...



She knew everything about my life. It was creappy. She tried to make her move when i broke up with my girlfriend at the time. She knew where i live, who where my friends, my phone #, the times i had fights with my girl, what the fights where about(this really creeped me out the most), etc. basically my entire life.

It took me a year to have her stop bothering me.
Moving helped too(she wasnt the cause)... lol

Thank god for graduation. biggrin

I wouldnt have been able to survive another year of that.

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12:50 am, Oct 10 2008
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I feel like it happens to me but I'm just kind of a paranoid person and my imagination kind of is a little crazy. o___o

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Mad With a Hat

1:47 am, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 4764

I had a creepy stalker once. And it creeped me.

So, one day I was walking to my friend's hous and suddenly some old guy starts talking to me from his apartment...
He asked if I was going to the beach (I wasn't)...~
He started asking where I'm from, and where do I live...
I said I needed to go and left with a creepy feeling>.<
But this guy just wouldn't stop... When I walked by that way again, he saw me and started asking the same things...
He actually thought I was going to give him my address~

Well, some time has passed and I thought it was all done, but nooo...
I was going home after shoping and saw this guy next to the bus stop...
Unfortunatlly I bought stuff and it was to heavy to carry in the sun for half an hour so I waited there, hoping he won't see me...
But he did, and he offered me some fruit... I said I didn't want any...
He said "it's really good, sweet and sour"...
And he asked me for my name... Like hell I'll tell ya~
Good thing the bus came...


Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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Post #213327 - Reply to (#213326) by NightSwan
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1:52 am, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from NightSwan
I had a creepy stalker once. And it creeped me.

lol, I really like this line. But I think this technically isn't a stalker, since he didn't follow you home or anything. Could be considered harassment.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
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3:40 am, Oct 10 2008
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I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

Post #213335 - Reply to (#213327) by x0mbiec0rp
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Mad With a Hat

3:47 am, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 4764

Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from NightSwan
I had a creepy stalker once. And it creeped me.

lol, I really like this line. But I think this technically isn't a stalker, since he didn't follow you home or anything. Could be considered harassment.

It was creepy though laugh


Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

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If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
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