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Tales of Creepy Stalkers, Rejection and Harassment + Bus Stories

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2:38 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 1096

There was this one person who enjoyed biting me (hard too) everyday when I was minding my own business. Of course I did try to get it to stop but after a while I just let it happen. I just didn't care anymore.

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3:14 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 142

hmm, i've no interesting stories to tell.
A lot of the things that people are saying are that people would ask about them and stuff, which in itself isnt very bad, but then they add that this stalker was creepy, so then its stalking? if he/she was good looking it wouldnt have been a problem?

And sympathies to all those sad stories, especially to those ones that happened at young ages, oy vey. sad

Post #213531 - Reply to (#213334) by blakraven66
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3:19 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 4030

Quote from blakraven66
I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

LOL that's why you're so fun to stalk, Blak~

@Law: That's creepy O_O You should bite back!

Post #213533 - Reply to (#213527) by TheRedSpade
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Crazy Cat Lady

3:21 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 1850

Quote from TheRedSpade
A lot of the things that people are saying are that people would ask about them and stuff, which in itself isnt very bad, but then they add that this stalker was creepy, so then its stalking? if he/she was good looking it wouldnt have been a problem?

IMO it's not so much whether the person was "good looking" or not, some people just give off a "creepy" vibe. Also, asking some things once isn't a big deal, maybe, but asking repeatedly (and/or asking for personal information from someone you just met on the street) is definitely creepy. eyes

My friends & I were "stalkers" in jr. high and HS, btw. We meant no harm, we were just "gathering information" about the guys one or another of us had a crush on but were too shy/whatever to actually talk to & get to know. laugh

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
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Post #213536 - Reply to (#213531) by amaranthine
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3:26 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from amaranthine
Quote from blakraven66
I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

LOL that's why you're so fun to stalk, Blak~

@Law: That's creepy O_O You should bite back!

I wish I had such a beautiful girl around me all the time.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #213539 - Reply to (#213536) by x0mbiec0rp
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3:30 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 1027

Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from amaranthine
Quote from blakraven66
I have a stalker...Her name is Ama...User Posted Image

LOL that's why you're so fun to stalk, Blak~

@Law: That's creepy O_O You should bite back!

I wish I had such a beautiful girl around me all the time.

you could always stalk her O_O

If the sea were made of Whiskey and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and never come up
Post #213540 - Reply to (#213512) by UnknownUser
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Mad With a Hat

3:32 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 4764

Quote from LawX
There was this one person who enjoyed biting me (hard too) everyday when I was minding my own business. Of course I did try to get it to stop but after a while I just let it happen. I just didn't care anymore.

There's was a person who used to punch me... And we were supposed to be friends...
That was...
We aren't in touch anymore... (in any way).

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
User Posted Image
And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

Click 'n Play!

If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.

3:39 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 245

Personally, I do get harassed on a (sadly) pretty much weekly basis, but it's nothing major. It seems in my town men aren't used to girls with, uh, a nice front, so it really doesn't surprise me or anything anymore when I walk down a street and comments fly and eyes stare, and guys come up to me and start the most pointless conversations (which I try to conclude as fast as possible. Honestly, if you're talking to me, at least look me in the eyes, for God's sake!). Twice some guy even pulled up his car and tried to talk me into giving me a lift, but he wasn't very convincing, really.

Aside from that, nothing really. No dramatic rejections or stuff like that.

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4:13 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 2964

I've mentioned this in the "WTF" thread buuuut,

I was waiting for the bus at a bus station. This middle-aged guy approached me; first beginning with small talk and then it led to asking what country I was from, what nationality I was, how old I was. I didn't answer any of it besides giving vague answers and after he asked me if I wanted to %$#$ and then if I wanted to go to his apartment. The bus came. I middled finger him. : D

I was 12.

And then something recent, this guy tried to touch my butt unsuccessfully on the skytrain but I saw his reflection on the window glass and moved away before he could; I made eye-contact with him and gave him the evil eye; I glared at him for the rest of the ride.

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6:00 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 18

I have a lot of these kinds of things happen to me. My friends like to make fun of me and say that I'm gonna marry a creepy old guy and stuff. But anyways:

when I was 13 I went on a trip to a beach in Mexico with my cousins and we were always hanging out on the beach and since the town was right on the beach we would go into stores and food places in our bathing suits, anyways my cousin who was 14 at the time and I decided to get something to eat and while we were eating I felt someone staring at me and I turned around to find two guys who were around 22 staring and looking me up and down and stuff, but I just ignored them, then my cousin and I left the place and the two guys started following us, I really didn't get creeped out until the point where my cousin had gone into a store to try on some clothes while I waited for her and one of the guys who had been following us came up behind me, grabbed me by my waist and started to undue my bikini strap. I screamed for my cousin to come out and then with no shoes on tried my hardest to stomp on the guys foot so I could get away,I was struggling so hard to get away when I finally elbowed him in the ribs and he let go, luckily my cousin came running out of the dressing room and I just remember grabbing her and running for dear life, the guy however was still pissed at me and was chasing after us and he yelled for his friends to help him catch us, so we are running and they were catching up but we turned a corner and my cousin pulled me into a church and we hid in one of the confession booths until a priest found us, I was so freakin scared that time. I told my older cousins and we left to another town that same day.

This was the worst one of my numerous stalkers/creepy guy moments that seem to happen to me a lot.

Et vivre sans aimer n'est pas proprement vivre
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Artificial Life

6:05 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 1591

well some guy called my dads cell saying o yesterday was wonderful so on... blah blah blah so then i was like are u gay? i laughed so hard cuz he hung up ^^

another one... uh... theres these 3 guys who follow me.... >_> its creepy....

and uh... no more i usually do the stalking ^^

As if handcuffed, I'm bound to the memories of you...
Post #213583
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6:38 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 3120

i remember once there was lady who kept screaming at me in French, couldn't figure out why though....

Post #213604 - Reply to (#213583) by Sagaris
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8:22 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from Sagaris
i remember once there was lady who kept screaming at me in French, couldn't figure out why though....

You must've looked like her Ex...

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #213610 - Reply to (#213604) by Calíbre
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8:34 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 3120

Quote from Calliber
Quote from Sagaris
i remember once there was lady who kept screaming at me in French, couldn't figure out why though....

You must've looked like her Ex...

what makes you say that?

Post #213619 - Reply to (#213610) by Sagaris
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8:49 pm, Oct 10 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from Sagaris
Quote from Calliber
Quote from Sagaris
i remember once there was lady who kept screaming at me in French, couldn't figure out why though....

You must've looked like her Ex...

what makes you say that?

It happened to me once. Some woman came up to me all upset trying to curse me out. She thought I was her Ex... or her baby's daddy. Whatever.

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
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