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Tales of Creepy Stalkers, Rejection and Harassment + Bus Stories

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Artificial Life

6:24 pm, Mar 1 2010
Posts: 1591

i forgot about this one... i was sitting on the bus to my university, and believe me when i say its crowded.... you literally have no space on any side of your body, you cant move at all.
anyways, i usually sit on the bus (cuz im usually the first ones on the bus, but i give the seat to the elderly when the other arses dont give up their seats) so its not that bad (except all you see is the crotch in front of you (not a good view)

but one day it was as crowded as before and i was sitting in the front and this girl stands in between my seat and this empty space that ppl usually dont use because its VERY uncomfortable to stand there and probly not safe but there is a lot of space between me and that girl. at first it was ok, but then it started getting weird, because she started leaning closer and closer to my seat, and then all i felt was her well... um... butt touching my arm. i moved away, and then that feeling came back, and then she started moving... i was like WTH and then she turned so her crotch was there and she sorta rubbed it so i was like WTF. the minute the next stop came i got up and gave the seat to someone else. (they could suffer)

btw i was curious so one day i stood at the same spot she was standing at and for the WHOLE ENTIRE bus ride i touched no one. it wasnt impossible. i feel violated.. >.<

As if handcuffed, I'm bound to the memories of you...
Post #360860
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6:52 pm, Mar 1 2010
Posts: 3120

You must have a seductive arm.


12:40 pm, Mar 2 2010
Posts: 202

i have couple stories, but wasnt really that bad

well, i was in this plaza, when there were like a group of girls passing by me and were like just standing in my direction for like couple minutes, and i thought they were just lost or something or trying to read a schedule

next thing i know they take out their camera and start to take pictures of me, while they thought i didnt notice... but i didnt say anything cause i thought maybe if i was wrong i would only embarass myself, but i knew they were doing it... after i stood up and just glared at them, they just quickly hid their camera and just walked in another direction.
this happened to me twice in about the same area...

and in the a shopping mall, this guy followed me throughout half my time in the mall, i was like what the heck is wrong with this guy, i just ran fast and just lost him afterwards

Post #361010
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1:27 pm, Mar 2 2010
Posts: 321

First of all I just want to say that I absolutely love this thread smile


Me and my friend were going to lunch one day and as we were on the escalator we saw this old man falling off the escalator and dropping all of his belongings. Now, because we are so kind hearted we immediately ran to help this old man and see if he was okay. And by the time we got there another dude was helping the old man from behind trying to raise him up, because the old man was lying on the ground with his face on the ground. The dude kept yelling "dad! dad! are you okay!? dad!". We therefore assumed the dude was his dear son.
So we called and ambulance and waited. The old man seemed to be pretty okay though besides the blood coming from his head, nothing serious.

This is where it gets totally weird and random. The son that was helping the old man together with us picked up some of the dropped belongings, still yelling "dad! dad!"

(I also want to point out that at this point the son was still standing behind the old man and had not seen him from the front.)

And as soon as the so called "son" saw the old mans face he had the best wtf face I had ever seen in my entire life, and dropped the things he had just picked up.

"But you are not my dad! What the hell!"

And then he just ran from there. Me and my friend however stood there waiting for an ambulance to arrive.


Now, I don't know if the old man who wouldn't respond to the dude yelling "dad! dad!" all the time was the weird one or if it was the dude that was weird. I'll never know.

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8:15 am, Apr 21 2010
Posts: 846

I used to get a lot of harrassment from "old men" as a child(in elementary school)... .___. I was harassed by a ton of males from their 20s to 50s... ><;; They'd just keep sneaking teasing/dirty looks at me, singing songs, trying to offer candies/sweets/etc., speaking in low and flirtatious tones, etc.

It's because of those assholes that I never got a guy my age coming up to me. sad

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8:38 am, Apr 21 2010
Posts: 193

This one time I was sitting inside a bus shelter and was waiting for the bus to come to get home. I was reading a book, (can't remember what it was called) and than this old creepy man came up to me and asked me what book I was reading. Being young and stupid I answered him and than I hoped that he wouldn't ask me anything else. (It was night time by the way and it was practically just the two of us)

He asked me my name and I told him it was Shelly (not my real name at all) and then we got into a conversation. (He was obviously drunk). My bus came and I was horrified to realize that he was going on the same bus so I sat next to somebody else. That person eventually got off and than the guy from before came and sat right next to me. It turned out that I lived in an area where he had lost his job because he broke something (bones or something like that) while doing construction work.

He got off two stops before mine and than asked the bus driver for a hug and to say Merry Christmas to him. The bus driver kicked him off (not literally) and came and told me that if that situation ever arose again I should go to the bus driver and tell him/her and (s)he'll deal with it.

I was very stupid when I was younger ... another time a guy stalked me on the bus. He also asked me what book I was reading and we got into a conversation and he was telling me how he wanted to commit suicide and he invited me to his house. He also found out what area I lived in (although it's a wide area) because he stayed on the bus. I was scared as hell! I told my uncle what happened and he told me to not speak to these people and just ignore them.

There are lots of other stories of things that happened when I was on the bus, but this post is getting too long. (like this one time a guy on the bus repeating over and over that "the woman sitting down with a silver purse is a child rapist." he said it over and over and the bus was jam full and not moving. (The bus driver was waiting for the police to come and take the man off of the bus)

Last edited by aries_girl at 11:27 am, Apr 21 2010


5:09 pm, May 6 2010
Posts: 36

never really had anything drastic happen to me but... the other day i was riding in the subway ( i live in toronto btw) and some guy next to me was was pretty traumatizing dead

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6:47 pm, May 6 2010
Posts: 158

This thread reminds me why I hate being a girl.

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Post #376848
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7:40 pm, May 6 2010
Posts: 186

When I was a freshman or a sophomore, I was leaving lunch with a bunch of other people, and someone behind me squeezed my butt, it was so humilating...and while I had a suspect, I never found the guy. *sigh*.

I don't believe that I've had any weird phone calls/text messages or anything though.

But I believe once when I was in junior high, this guy asked me to have internet sex with him or something, I was like..."WHAT? O.o", and left the conversation.

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8:41 pm, May 6 2010
Posts: 910

Starry and her friend have stalked me before. Other than that, I haven't been in any of those extreme situations most of the posters have o.o

Post #376864 - Reply to (#376831) by Revi_Malsaneta
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2nd wave MU user

8:56 pm, May 6 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from Revi_Malsaneta
This thread reminds me why I hate being a girl.

I never see cool stuff like this happening whenever I take rides.
Never seen anybody being molested.

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5:13 am, May 8 2010
Posts: 1698

Quote from Revi_Malsaneta
This thread reminds me why I hate being a girl.
The reasons why I started to dislike older men..

When I was 16, this older man on the public bus found out that I worked on Tuesdays, and that I took the bus to work. So he'd come on the bus, and when all these people would get off at a few stops before mine... he'd move seats and eventually end up next to me and like.. leaned against me.. or his elbow just hit the "wrong places" because the bus is so "shaky." He has done way more than that though, I just don't want to get into detail.

This disgusting pig is known as the "Asian Pedo," because I'm not the only Asian victim of his. He has molested more than 5 females I know. I tried to bring him to court, but no adult would accompany me because I was a minor. Even my mother didn't want to come with me! She said it's all my imagination. And it only happens in TV and crap.

And I'm not even safe at work. One of the kitchen workers there is so disgusting! when he'd walk pass me, his hand would brush against my ass. Like seriously, the 5 feet wide walkway is apparently not enough for this disgusting prick! He has gone as far as to visit me on my lunch break, and he has grabbed me inappropriately. I told my boss.. but it's because I was one of the newer workers that they didn't fire him. Of course not, that guy has worked at that place for 30 years, and he does his job right. He just happens to be a disgusting pervert. And I can't exactly quit either. I have to support my mother and pay for bills. He has stopped his disgusting behavior towards me though.. which is sorta.. alright. Although the malice in me wants him to die in an accident.

Because of my encounters with older males.. Although I try not to judge them all based on gender.. I'm really paranoid around them. I feel extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes I'm okay with younger males and those that are dressed nicely.. (there could be young nicely dressed perverts, but it's more of a visual-trauma for me..) I have so far avoided any type of relationships with males..

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