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Tales of Creepy Stalkers, Rejection and Harassment + Bus Stories

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7:41 pm, Sep 16 2009
Posts: 1145

Oh where to start...

First we'll start off with that fact that a lot of men seem to have a thing for my feet. I've had a lot of weird situations invovling those. (They are pretty damn cute though. laugh )

At a bar... I was relaxing with a bunch of buddies throwing a few back, minding my own business with my feet propped up on a bar stool. Next thing I know, my toes are in this guy's flippin mouth.
Again out... having a time with a bunch of friends when this little boy who got mad that I wouldn't give him my number decided to get to third base real quick by putting his hand on my bar stool right before I sat down. Sadly was wearing a mini that day.
At the movies... I always rest my feet up on the part of the armrest of the seats in from of me that sticks out. Well, I went to sit up some and used my feet as leverage and my entire leg went inbetween the seats in front. The rednecks decided my foot and leg were really nice because they didn't want to give it back and sat there molesting it.
While housesitting... a friend's dog and apartment I went out to the dog park located in her complex to let her dog get a good run before hitting the sheets. While trying to leave some guy out of nowhere starts grabbing onto me and not letting go. Needless to say, I've never been more pissed off and he got flippin drop kicked.
At my house... seriously I don't even know how this is possible since my bathroom is located on the top floor of my house but some punk managed to shimmey his way up to the ledge just below my bathroom window. Getting out of my jacuzzi tub and for whatever reason glanced over. Damn peeping tom. My roommates like to say I don't have the normal reaction that women should have in cases like this... because I didn't scream, just grabbed a towel and a baseball bat and went out the front door.

...sadly I can think of quite a few others. Weird situations and I seem to go hand-in-hand.

If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.
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7:55 pm, Sep 16 2009
Posts: 807

Last year the creepiest thing happened.

I was sitting down in a corner of the stairs doing some homework during lunch. My two friends went to go get something from the vending machine leaving me to my unsuspecting doom. As I worked out some math problems, this guy comes down the stairs but I ignore him of course. He stops in front of me asking why I was alone. I responded with waiting for a friend so he wouldn't bother me anymore but he was insistent to keep me company.

So it was tense for me because I had no idea who this guy was or what grade he was in. I forgot how we ended up talking and he said he was sure I was a sophomore and of course I was suprised since a few people had mistaken me for a freshment last year.

"Are you psychic?" I ask not expecting he'd get into the thing. I mean he wasn't eccentric or too cheerful. He was calm and lax as he talked. There was some aura of wisdom around him or so it seemed to me. He says he bets he can guess my birthday.
Guess what?

He did. In two tries he got it eek I was so creeped out thinking this guy was a stalker. I guessed he was a senior and got it wrong. I just wanted to get the heck out of there before he guessed more things about my life. My friends never came back none

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Sweetly Macabre

9:32 pm, Sep 16 2009
Posts: 1005

The men of Paris are perverts, seriously.
That, or I have French-attracting pheromones.
I got used to wearing little heels and stomping on dress shoes with them.
I twisted someone's wrist once for groping, and after that, I stopped wearing skirts that ended above the knee...
I never met a pervert before Paris, and I've never had to deal with one after like I did then.

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11:16 am, Sep 18 2009
Posts: 776

I get weird people try to hit on me when I'm driving. One time, I was in the car with my brother (who looks nothing like me; we've been mistaken for bf/gf more than people have correctly guessed we're siblings) and we're stopped at a light. Suddenly, Jake and I both notice the guy in front of us is waveing his arms around like crazy and, as soon as he realizes he has my attention, does that "call me" thing with his hand and starts giving me his number. And just this past summer, a bunch of guys rolled down their window at a stop light and tried to get me to roll mine down. Several times (I think it was different guys each time, though)

I am a breath of insanity in a world of chaos.

Me: Performing Random Acts of Klutziness for over 30 years.
Post #321857 - Reply to (#321762) by IMustBeInsane
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5:25 pm, Sep 18 2009
Posts: 2506

Quote from IMustBeInsane
I get weird people try to hit on me when I'm driving. One time, I was in the car with my brother (who looks nothing like me; we've been mistaken for bf/gf more than people have correctly guessed we're siblings) and we're stopped at a light. Suddenly, Jake and I both notice the guy in front of us is waveing his arms around like crazy and, as soon as he realizes he has my attention, does that "call me" thing with his hand and starts giving me his number. And just this past summer, a bunch of guys rolled down their window at a stop light and tried to get me to roll mine down. Several times (I think it was different guys each time, though)

They've done that to me too. They're just messing with you. Probably.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #359752

10:40 am, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 165

I fear for my family's life soo much sometimes...

my dad got a phone call late one night while working on his laptop and the guy in a deep serious went, ''I know who you are and i know where you live and i'm going to break every bone in your body every which way'' he started to go into detail and my dad freaked and switched it off, we got the police to track the caller for us but nothing came of it curiously enough..

my brother got a call from some guy who for some reason hates him and went ''i'm gonna rape your sisters and kill your little brother, and rape and kill your mother and kill your dad'' and totally in detail btw and a hundred obscenities between each and every word that my brother refused to let us hear it. my mum didn't let me and my sister to leave the house for 3 weeks in total fear.

I got one one aswell, as you can see my family has a problem with random horror film like phone calls no it was someone who disguised their voice and told me to go to our local hospital as my friend at the time had been seriously hurt and is in critical condition, btw my dad got this call but told me about it and he went 'is this true?' and since i'm smart enough to know when something fishy is up I went 'it's a prank' i could feel it, i checked on my friend at school the next day and yeah she was fine and well, i figured out the caller from the dodgy looks and questions i got from these dodgy stupid twin brothers who kept asking me whether i got any funny phone calls recently, i mean, how obvious can you get? i said to them 'i didn't go to the hospital'

there might have been more dodgy things like this in my life, there's just soo many of this that no wonder my family is a paranoid wreck. mad

edit - oh yeah just remembered, last week me and my sister went to the cinema and there was this random guy who sounded like a foreigner who started to annoy me telling me 'no you're doing it wrong, where are you going? stupid girl' blah blah, and I began to start a fight with him and my sister had to pull me away, later when leaving the movie we found a pool of puke on the floor near the food courts and the same guy all pukey and two security guards trying to upright him as he looked unconscious. Now I'm sure he was wasted. embarrassed

Last edited by PoshSam at 10:56 am, Feb 24 2010

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11:17 am, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 9

Whoa.. this is so weird because my roommate and I was talking about all this earlier. She was on the bus and kinda noticed a guy kept looking at her suspiciously but she paid no attention to it. [My roommate is a beautiful girl. I rarely use the word beautiful to describe a person, so when I use it, it really is true. She's a bishoujo.] Then a nice middle-aged lady who was sitting beside her asked where's her stop. My roommate hesitated but the lady told her that she wanted to prevent something from happening. So, she told her that she'll stop at XX station.

The both of them disembarked the bus and the woman asked if it's okay if they were to sit at a bench not far from the bus stop. Then she told her that she noticed the suspicious guy on the bus and suspected that he took a picture of my roommate when she's not looking. The woman also told her that the man got down at the same stop but he's been sitting at the bus stop ever since. Much to my roommate's horror, it was true and the man kept looking at them (obviously looking at her) as if he wanted to make sure he won't let her escape. So they both sat at the bench and making small talk while keeping an eye at the guy for almost half an hour before the man gave up. He then caught the next bus. Afterward, the woman advised my roommate to be extra careful and aware of her surrounding because suspicious people are everywhere.

She was still trembling from both terror and disbelief when she told me about it. Kudos to the nice oba-san!!

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12:17 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 50

I was traveling alone from one country to another and I had a one-night stopover in Korea. There was this guy who wouldn't leave me alone for the whole time for that stopover. He had given me his business card and even told me where he lives. He kept talking to me and trying to get me to tell him my address and phone number. I just kept on trying to be polite while still not giving any info about me. Once I ducked into an airport shop and hid there for a good 30 minutes but he still found me later on. I'm just glad that he wasn't psychotic-like or perverted like the guys jinx_you encounters. He was still a gentlemen.. just a bit persistent.

Other times are the times weird people tried to pick me up while I'm trying to shop. One followed me around the store.

Then there was this horrible time after my first boyfriend and I broke up. I had prank calls, people talked behind my back, calling me names.. this had gone for more than a year or two and they were all of his acquaintances. I was really glad when I was able to leave that school.

Oh, when I was in high school, there was this place where I and my friends stay and wait for the others before going to school. One day, we were told to be careful in the morning because there was a report of a pervert around the campus. Some days later, I got to our place first so I was studying while waiting for the others. A guys in a sweat suit, baseball cap and sunglasses stood at one end of the bench. I didn't mind him at first but then he started moaning. From the corner of my eye, he was rubbing something in front of his crotch. Now at that time, I wasn't really aware of sex or anything like that so I didn't really think much of it, but I was still uncomfortable. But as I wasn't really sure of what he was doing and since it was pretty much in the open (it was early in the morning.. not many people but still pretty open to where people walks by), I just stayed there. I know now that was stupid of me to do. I was just lucky that that's all he did. *vomits*

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11:25 am, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 2964

I was followed home last night. So scary.

Some creeper alley guy was eyeing me throughout the whole bus ride. He got off the bus with me and scurried behind me until I was a block away from my house. Me, panicky, called up my dad, and when my dad appeared, the guy did a literal 180-degree turn around in the opposite direction back to the bus stop. If this wasn't blatant creeper-factor, I don't know what it is.

Post #360318 - Reply to (#359775) by Sugarblossoms
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11:33 am, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 4030

Quote from Sugarblossoms
I was traveling alone from one country to another and I had a one-night stopover in Korea. There was this guy who wouldn't leave me alone for the whole time for that stopover. He had given me his business card and even told me where he lives. He kept talking to me and trying to get me to tell him my address and phone number. I just kept on trying to be polite while still not giving any info about me. Once I ducked into an airport shop and hid there for a good 30 minutes but he still found me later on. I'm just glad that he wasn't psychotic-like or perverted like the guys jinx_you encounters. He was still a gentlemen.. just a bit persistent.

Is he a middle-aged guy wearing a business suit? Did he also tell you that he'll be your tour guide around the city? O_O That sounds similar to my experience in South Korea.

Quote from Rainy Days
I was followed home last night. So scary.

Some creeper alley guy was eyeing me throughout the whole bus ride. He got off the bus with me and scurried behind me until I was a block away from my house. Me, panicky, called up my dad, and when my dad appeared, the guy did a literal 180-degree turn around in the opposite direction back to the bus stop. If this wasn't blatant creeper-factor, I don't know what it is.

Good thing your dad appeared. Always carry a pepper-spray or a taser, Rainy.

Post #360320 - Reply to (#360318) by amaranthine
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11:45 am, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 2964

Quote from amaranthine
Good thing your dad appeared. Always carry a pepper-spray or a taser, Rainy.

Where do I buy these things? o______o Wal-Mart?

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Artificial Life

4:09 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 1591

i was waiting for the bus and i saw this guy waiting for the bus on the opposite side of the street and i didnt care b/c i was late to class but then he ran across the street to my stop and he almost got run over. So i was a bit scared i mean its not like he can forget which bus stop he's supposed to wait at.
but i continued to ignore him because i was listening to music. but then he tried making small talk, and i felt rude if i didnt reply so i did. and he started asking more and more personal questions, and comments like
him:" how old are you?"
him:"im 36"
him: "its alright... age doesnt matter"
me: -_-' (of course age matters wut are u going to do if im not legal yet??)
thankfully the bus came i was going to sit down but he looked like he was going to sit besides me so i stood right beside the bus driver.

As if handcuffed, I'm bound to the memories of you...
Post #360460 - Reply to (#360376) by sweet despair
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9:50 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 774

Quote from sweet despair
i was waiting for the bus and i saw this guy waiting for the bus on the opposite side of the street and i didnt care b/c i was late to class but then he ran across the street to my stop and he almost got run over. So i was a bit scared i mean its not like he can forget which bus stop he's supposed to wait at.
but i continued to ignore him because i was listening to music. but then he tried making small talk, and i felt rude if i didnt reply so i did. and he started asking more and more personal questions, and comments like
him:" how old are you?"
him:"im 36"
him: "its alright... age doesnt matter"
me: -_-' (of course age matters wut are u going to do if im not legal yet??)
thankfully the bus came i was going to sit down but he looked like he was going to sit besides me so i stood right beside the bus driver.

Something similar happened to my friend. We had this HUGE creep at the store I worked at. I was the only girl who didn't get picked up. He even hit on the girl in grade 10 with a baby.

Anyways. He once got my friend alone and was like
"Hey. How old are you?"
"...16...How old are you?"
"I'm 32! So you wanna go get a coffee sometime?!"

I laughed. Hard.

@Rainy: It's actually illegal to carry around pepper spray in some places. A good alternate is hairspray.

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Post #360477
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11:52 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 2275

Hey Rainy, you might want to check this site out. I'm giving you the FAQ page, but it does sell stun guns and pepper spray. Oh, you might want to check this out too so that you can see if you're allowed to have it in the first place.

As for me, the only bus stories I can tell are about crazy/weird people.

Okay, so... One day, I was on an articulated bus to get to my class (it was sometime between 8:00 and 10:00 in the morning) and this old, homeless, and crazy looking woman of unknown race (might have been Pacific Islander or Hispanic) came on board. Now, this did not really bother me, but I just take note of these things so I can be aware of my surroundings. She then sits down in front of the back door. The very next stop an African American teenage girl gets on. She walks to the very back for the bus. I then start to hear yelling. I can't really remember what happened, but the crazy lady began to scream at the girl about stepping on her shoe and telling her to apologize. At one point the women throw her shoe at the poor girl. Swears and racial slurs were heard. Now, this all happened within a matter of 2 minutes, and what's funny is that it happened two blocks from the police station.

The only other short story I can give is more on the discussing side; so, if you are eating, want to eat, or just finished eating... you might not want to read this.
Okay, this poor guy got on the bus. He had a giant cyst on the left side of his face the size of a tennis ball. He sat down by the back doors; so, when I wanted to get off I had to stand there. Unfortunately for him, I am a horrible person that can't help but stare at things like that. I even debated on talking to him and asking him If I could take him to the hospital to get that fucker removed.... Back to the story. So, I'm standing there looking at the cyst that had ruptured... and I saw that it was leaking... not just leaking OOZING. I then saw that the viscose bodily excretion--the color of creamy tomato sauce and consistency of melted mozzarella--was getting longer... and longer to the point that it reached his stomach where a small puddle was forming. It then plopped off only to restart the process again.
I then got off the bus.

Just to say why no one in my family gets harassed is because we are tall, big people that look like we should not be fucked with. Oh, my second sister also has what one guy called "bitch eyes", who will not hesitate to cut off unwanted conversation.

So, a suggestion for people here... there are ways to make yourself less of a target for unwanted individuals. One thing is to project a sense of self confidence. A quick way to do this is your eye contact and movement. It changes how you're perceived from that of pray to something more like an elephant (in the sense that you are not as easy to obtain). Another would be your body posture. If you look like your holding yourself or becoming ball like, you have the look of a victim... someone that will not resist when attacked. So, walking straight with squared shoulders will give you a look of confidence. Now, this is will not guarantee your safety, but it will give you better odds in not being picked.

Last edited by Toto at 12:21 am, Feb 28 2010

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
Post #360683 - Reply to (#360318) by amaranthine
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9:25 pm, Feb 28 2010
Posts: 50

Quote from amaranthine
Quote from Sugarblossoms
I was traveling alone from one country to another and I had a one-night stopover in Korea. There was this guy who wouldn't leave me alone for the whole time for that stopover. He had given me his business card and even told me where he lives. He kept talking to me and trying to get me to tell him my address and phone number. I just kept on trying to be polite while still not giving any info about me. Once I ducked into an airport shop and hid there for a good 30 minutes but he still found me later on. I'm just glad that he wasn't psychotic-like or perverted like the guys jinx_you encounters. He was still a gentlemen.. just a bit persistent.

Is he a middle-aged guy wearing a business suit? Did he also tell you that he'll be your tour guide around the city? O_O That sounds similar to my experience in South Korea.

He's a businessman, I think. He gave me a business card, but he wasn't wearing a suit and he didn't offered to be my tour guide. He's also a passenger like me, on his way to another country. We didn't get out of the airport besides going to the hotel and back, with the rest of the passengers who have one-night stopover.

Last edited by Sugarblossoms at 9:34 pm, Feb 28 2010

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