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Whats going on with all the yaoi?

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Post #267

3:56 am, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 9

lately every second release i click on is either yaoi or shonen-ai
i dont want to bash the genre, but the amount of newly released chapters is quite astonishing, is this a rising trend? what happens to us poor minority who like to read shoujo-ai / yuri? besides lililicious i dont know of any group releasing girlxgirl romance besides a few one shots

please dont forget us!!!!

Post #268 - Reply to (#267) by schokomax
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4:45 am, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 6

I wonder about that too. There's an excessive amount of shounen-ai/yaoi compared to everything else. It's actually been this way since the first time I visited Baka-Updates!

Also, next to lililicious you have otenba, who're scanlating three shoujo-ai projects: Hayate x Blade (heavy hintage), Shoujo Sect (yuri/adult) and Kannazuki no Miko.

As a fellow shoujo-ai fan craving more, I feel your pain. embarrassed

Post #269

5:24 am, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 23

this phenomen is something you could blame on there being tons of fangirls loving yaoi/shounen-ai....

there isn't that much of a translator base for yuri/shoujo-ai titles at the moment...
i blame that mainly on men failing to accept mangas as something 'in' ,like those fashion-magazine call their created trends whats 'in' too....

there are enough japanese doujins with yuri content and enough stories with shoujo-ai, but translators are not too many out there... and the female translators like to translate yaoi more than yuri, as it seems....

Post #270

6:19 am, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 9

oh i thought otenba wasnt releasing anymore

Post #271
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7:38 am, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 2666

Yea, it seens there is a majority of women involved in the mangaverse vs. the animeverse.

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12:45 pm, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 6

Aha. So true. So true.

I suppose there are enough doujinshi (with yuri elements) out there, but it's not exactly the same, is it?

To my knowledge otenba is still scanlating (though they have been rather inactive as of late). Well, I hope they are, at least. Where else will I get my Hayate x Blade fix?!

I guess we'll just have to bite the dust a little while longer.

Post #276
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2:41 pm, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 26

I guess I really don't mind all the yaoi, since I'm a yaoi scanlator. If it was up to me, there's not enough of it. But I understand your point as well. Yuri is severely overlooked; if it's not hentai, the male translators really don't look at it, and female translators generally pick shoujo or yaoi titles, so there just aren't enough people out there to scanlate yuri. The same is true with licensed manga releases. There's been a boom in the amount of yaoi available, but to date very few yuri titles, and the numbers aren't going up. Not much can be done about it, since the translators will work on whatever projects they want (they have that ability since they are in such demand).

If you want sweet and cute yuri, stick with Lililicious. If you're after something with more...umph, then Doujin World has a number of books, including futanari. bigrazz

Post #280 - Reply to (#268) by sugar_decoy
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4:25 pm, Aug 29 2006
Posts: 10680

Funny that you mention Kannaduki no Miko...

/me scanlates that for AQS

As for Manick's little remark, from the groups I've worked with, there are more men...I must be weird, right? Hehe...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #289 - Reply to (#276) by Reppu

1:01 am, Aug 30 2006
Posts: 13

Wait wait wait, did you just say there isn't enough Yaoi scanalated? or am I just misreading those first few sentences... I kinda hoping I am, since It seems like More Yaoi is translated alot faster then most other regular manga.

Anyways, I don't mind yuri and shoujo-ai, But even though I like lesbians. I just don't find the aspect very interesting in a manga. Then again, I'm not big on the whole love story thing anyways.

Post #290
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1:21 am, Aug 30 2006
Posts: 26

Well, when you look at the amount of yaoi out as compared to the amount of shounen titles, especially the big shounen titles, then there is more shounen than yaoi. Besides that, big titles often have more than one group working on them, each rushing to be the first to post a story. The yaoi community is far more laid back, and stories get released whenever they get released. I will admit that there has been a boom in the number of yaoi scanlations groups and in the amount of yaoi that's available though. That's a good thing in my book.

Actually, I prefer stories that are more plot driven, rather than romance driven. For that reason, I rarely read shoujo at all. I don't want love; I want fighting and battles and really cool weapons. I'm a huge shounen fan, but lately I've gotten harder to please. Therein lies my dilemma. But that has nothing to do with yaoi, does it. biggrin

Post #353
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6:57 am, Sep 1 2006
Posts: 452

Yeah! Way too much Yaoi! Not too offend yaoi fans but compared to yuri ther's way too much imo. I read a lot yuri and I want more lol! Dynasty scans (hope I spelled it right) scanlate some as well. They scan manga like Kashimashi (I belive they dropped it though) Iono (or wathever it's name was) + some minor more.

mwa ha ha ha...
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4:30 pm, Sep 1 2006
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That would be Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~ (yes, you spelled that right but this is the full name), Iono the Fanatics (full name), Strawberry Panic, and Simoun. All of that is a little yuri...As for No Bra, that's technically yaoi, since the person that looks like a girl is actually a crossdresser...but it doesn't have any real yaoi themes at all.

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #373
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7:18 pm, Sep 1 2006
Posts: 9

Doki Doki also does yuri. and yaoi. and other stuff. They're like the Everyman of scanlation.

Post #374
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7:27 pm, Sep 1 2006
Posts: 555

If you want to go with a more "real" lesbian manga, try Kotonoha's Free Soul, and Love My Life. There's also another one named Sweet Blue Flower (I think) but it's supposedly on hold.

Post #420

11:17 am, Sep 2 2006
Posts: 49

DokiDoki does other genres? Wow. Considering that they do 2353434 Yaoi titles for every one of the other genre, I won't see myself filtering through all that to find it.

I think the massive amount of Yaoi is just due to the release of barrier -ie: one moment there's none, the next we got a billion. I'm fine with it as long as there are readers for it. I do wonder about how many read those on a regular basis. If my suggestion gets implemented at one point, we'll get to know that bit of info cool

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