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Chapter 345

What are your thoughts from reading this chapter?
$100 on Inoue saying "Kurosaki-kun!"
Ichigo's gonna get severely beaten down~
Ulquiorra's release is awesome!
Why didn't Ulquiorra release earlier?! >:[
I wonder what purpose Yammy has left...
*in chorus* Hollow Ichigo, we want you!
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9:34 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 9026

Chapter's out, guys. Discuss!

Nice scene change to Rukia's fight. And Ulquiorra's release is simple, yet effective. I like it.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #257467 - Reply to (#257465) by Dr. Love
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sleepy ghost

9:50 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 1140

*sigh* you can always count on Inoue to say "Kurosaki-kun...."
Quote from Dr. Love
Chapter's out, guys. Discuss!

Nice scene change to Rukia's fight. And Ulquiorra's release is simple, yet effective. I like it.

Ulquiorra didn't really do anything though. If anything, his release is like Ichigo's ban-kai, consisting of a increase in speed. Nothing crazy like the other Arrancar releases.

And where are the captains? It feels like they have an ulterior motive to going to Los Noches besides providing back-up.

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9:56 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 9026

Haha, I've worded it weird, I guess. I meant Ulquiorra's release's character design. It's minimalistic, yet looks good and fits his character.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #257471 - Reply to (#257467) by true_grave_unit
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10:04 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 31

Quote from true_grave_unit
Ulquiorra didn't really do anything though. If anything, his release is like Ichigo's ban-kai, consisting of a increase in speed. Nothing crazy like the other Arrancar releases.

That is what we saw until now. There may very well be more to it.
(Why "bind"?)

@ poll: If I could, I would have voted for 1,3 and 6 xD
I'm not absolutely sure about 2, not if 6 comes. (Okay, IF he comes, he'll wait until Ichigo is half dead again)


10:13 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 44

*Yawn* should be up there as one of the choices.

I dunno, I just find Bleach uninteresting after the Soul Society arc. Too many DBZ elements makes it boring. At least make someone fight properly. All the fights have been revolving around how much power a person has rather than combat tactics, sword skills and what not.

Post #257474

10:24 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 332


Last edited by Sijy at 11:11 am, Dec 25 2015

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10:26 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 9026

I don't see any useless page.

12-13 seem so, but they're actually supposed to be a double page. Also Bleach isn't meant to be read chapter-by-chapter. If you read it in one go, it makes more sense why Tite framed those pages like that.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #257478 - Reply to (#257474) by Sijy
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10:30 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 4030

Quote from Sijy
Was I the only one that was all wtf for all the wasted pages? Do people really like stuff like that? i.e. pages 7, 8, 12, 13 all seemed wasteful. And half of half the other pages seemed pointless.

I don't know why I still read it...

So true! I thought it was only me, but yea, I think Tite's being lazy on his art too O_O Doesn't he have assistants?

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10:52 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 155

Hmmm guys, sorry if i don't understand ulquiorra correctly. maybe my english sucked. Just enlighten me will you?

Anyone above quatro is forbidden to unleash their power, huh? but he's only number 4. i thought anyone above quatro should be 1 to 3. Hmm sorry, just wondering.

Somehow I understand that his form is not totally that of an animal except for the wing but grimmjaw's form which is a leopard or was it a tiger , not remember is totally cool and sleek than that of ulquiorra, imo.

If I were the rain.....
Could I ever merge with somebody's heart,
Like the way the rain merges the sky and earth,
Never meant to connect...
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Herder of Pigeons

11:25 am, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 132

Ichigo's gonna get cut to pieces next chapter...

I too like Ulquiorra's release. He had one of the cooler character designs out of all the Espada (especially in colour) so makes sense not to change it drastically.
And he got wings!

They weren't wasted pages, it's called atmosphere and setting. You've got a fight on top of a dome the size of a small city, so why not show it? I like how he gets great atmosphere in the art with not much detail, when most of my favourite manga artists look like they spent all day drawing each background.

I agree this is definitely not meant to be read weekly though, it's over before you know it.. and once again there are too many fights going on to keep track of.

Post #257510
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12:12 pm, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 186

yo doc you forgot 1 choice for the poll Ichigo goes supersaiyan. god when the hell are the vizards gona come into play only reasone im still reading is to see what happens between aizen and the vizards

Post #257516 - Reply to (#257496) by centzon totochtin
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12:25 pm, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 4030

Quote from centzon totochtin
They weren't wasted pages, it's called atmosphere and setting. You've got a fight on top of a dome the size of a small city, so why not show it? I like how he gets great atmosphere in the art with not much detail, when most of my favourite manga artists look like they spent all day drawing each background.

I agree this is definitely not meant to be read weekly though, it's over before you know it.. and once again there are too many fights going on to keep track of.

Call it what you want then... O_O He could have shown it in a panel or one whole page for dramatic effect even. But it dragged out throughout the chapter. Also, when I meant lazy, I was mostly talking about the action scenes. It's mostly slashes and lines and sfx (is that the name for the sound effects thingies?). But yea, background is... missing. That could be due to the place they are though, so not really complaining about it.

If it's not meant to be read weekly, then why published in Shounen Jump Weekly? laugh

>__< but I'm not really bashing Bleach, I mean, I can't even draw half as good as Tite.

Post #257520
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Smooth Operator
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12:39 pm, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 5329

This is giving me a case of the yawns

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Narutos my Nympho.

12:57 pm, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 496

It was a good chapter altho it seemed short. I wanted to see more itsygo/ulquiorras fight but im satisfied.

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Post #257526
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I am the Devil

1:10 pm, Feb 13 2009
Posts: 2081

well, im glad that something sorta happened after like 2 months.

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