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Post #361866
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12:33 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 321

I used to do it, a very very long time ago. So my answer would be never I guess.

The reason why is because whenever I finish reading a manga I just feel like "finally, now I can begin to read the next manga". But some time ago when manga was all new to me and shit I reread things all the time, Dragonball for example.

Besides, what good is there to reread something when I already know what's gonna happen?

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1:40 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 910

Only when I have nothing else to read. I normally only read new releases, but if there's nothing to do, I might read some good series I've finished before.

Post #361896
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3:19 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 50

I frequently reread series I've read especially the longer ones that are on-going just to refresh my memory about things. It's interesting because you notice stuff in beginning that your never noticed before like in Sekirei
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During Chapter 3, all of Minato Sahashi eventual Sekirei are shown.
and adds another element to what I'm reading

Last edited by ReaderM at 3:27 pm, Mar 6 2010

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3:56 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 3888

Only when I don't have anything else to read...

I don't usually re-read manga. =/
Like the last one I re-read was...Hikaru no Go months ago.

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3:59 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 874

No I've never done that.
Sometimes I'll skip through the manga to the scenes that I like.

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4:29 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 981

I've been reading manga for about a year, and I re-read manga all the time. I'll re-read a whole series or just parts I like. I've always done that with books, which I tend to read non-sequentially. I'll go back and forth, read ahead and then go back and read parts over again, although manga I tend not to read ahead so much, mostly because it's harder to do reading on a computer. As tactics does, I usually only buy something I've already read and know I will like, for the pleasure of enjoying it again.

Several people have said that they see no point in reading something again when you already know what's going to happen. I suppose that's true if you're only or mostly reading just for plot. However, I'm not reading just to find out what happens next. I enjoy the artwork, characterization, dialogue, etc. Sometimes I'll just admire the way a page is laid out. Even knowing what will happen, I often like to go back and see what I didn't notice or understand the first time.

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5:08 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 166

I've probably reread Tokyo Crazy Paradise twenty times! It's just so good and always makes me laugh. One Piece too, and Kodocha and Komatta Toki ni wa Hoshi ni Kike!
Most others, unless I left it for a while and forgot the plot, but want to get back in

Post #361924

6:27 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 1762


Last edited by Raeryn at 7:24 pm, Aug 21 2015

Post #361930
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7:11 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 2342

I don't really read much at all anymore, so I guess that's a no. xD

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7:29 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 776

I reread/rewatch everything, so of course I reread manga. I've lost track of how many times I've reread certain series (like [m]Skip Beat[/m] and Hana Kimi). Usually, I see something in another manga that reminds me of it and then I can't stop thinking about it until I reread that title.

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Empire of the Gun

8:28 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 300

Yeah I'll re-read it after its been a while since i last looked at it. Like Love Hina. I think i've read that one through 4 or 5 times.

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The Gorilla Killa™

8:38 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 3229

I only re-read certain manga when I can't find anything else to read, or when I come across something that reminds me of a manga that I read already (Like watching NFL games sometimes makes me wanna re-read the good parts of Eyeshield 21).

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9:56 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 838

I tend to reread things all the time. First reading is usually a quick pass. Second is a more thorough reading. Any more readings tend to be just quick skims to remind me what a series was about after a new scanlation is made of a series that I haven't touched in a while.

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10:25 pm, Mar 6 2010
Posts: 167

I don't reread every series I buy, but do reread some that I really like examples would be Mars, parts of Immortal Rain,Hana Kimi, and Hapi Mari. Right now I'm re reading Angel Sanctuary but that's only because I stopped buying that series for a long time and just finished the series.

Post #362009
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5:32 am, Mar 7 2010
Posts: 7

I reread most series that I've rated high once, just because I love them. So the answer would be: yes.

Just finished rereading love monster and will probably reread one piece soon, just for fun.

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