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How many times have you been confessed to?

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7:06 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 7784

Once I think. If more, I sure as hell haven't noticed. People are kinda like that. For some reason they shit their pants if they have to talk to me if they don't know me well enough. I've heard stuff afterwards at times, but face to face, only once and even that wasn't actually face to face, but over internet. Often people just like me for aesthetic reasons as I am an "ass/clown/whatever" by default and people can't tell if I am serious or not if they aren't familiar enough with me to know how I behave when I am really serious about something.

So yeah, definitely once.

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7:27 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 183

I've only been confessed to twice in middle school, but apparently there were a lot of guys who liked me in high school but I never knew until people told me much later.

The 2nd time I was confessed to was so weird. I was confessed to by twins. They said they both liked me and all I could think about was how weird it is that they decided to both share me. O_O
I didn't like it. I was freaked out because they were obsessive, would always be staring holes into me, walking by my locker suuuuper slow, and one time they secretly filmed me when I was eating lunch in the cafeteria.
They asked me out over and over, like 11 or 12 times I don't even remember
and when it didn't work on me, they moved onto my friends -_-

for me it seems that I got asked out frequently when I was young, but as I got older guys seem more afraid to do the asking out. I think it makes sense because in a way it's scarier to ask someone out when you start to have an idea of who they are.

Post #626179
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8:06 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 37

While I was in school (the whole 12 years of education) several times, I have never counted them...and I'm not gonna do it now.
In college I got smarter, socially speaking, so I was able to avoid putting myself in those kind of situations. Still two of my friends asked me to marry them, great guys. I was just not in love with them, though.
The sad part is that the only time I have ever been in love with someone and confessed, he said no no

Post #626180
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8:43 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 362

once. lol. i got scared and ran away

oh but once in high school a guy passed a note saying to me "i think ur hot" but i don't think that really counts lol

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8:59 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 428

Actual confession-confessions? People don't really do that, in my experience. But uh, once?

When I was fourteen, I think. From this distant friend-more-like-acquaintance dude. He pulled me aside after this school dance type thing. I was a bit shocked because I thought we mutually mildly disliked each other. I remember after he said it, I just stood there, all gross and sweaty in my dress, and we just awkwardly looked at each other for a while. I think I may have said something like "huh?" to him. Oh god, past-me.

Yeah, nothing happened because I was averse to the idea of non-fictional romance, haha.

Last edited by ImaginaryWishes at 12:52 pm, Dec 28 2013

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9:19 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 17

Once in Primary School some boy confessed to me through msn. I heard from his friends he wrote me a letter but never mustered up the courage to give it to me. After I rejected him he asked me whether I had someone I liked and when I said no he asked if I was a lesbian :\. Yeah because I don't like you I'm obvs a lesbian...

Other than that I haven't received any proper "I like you" confessions. Usually I find out through friends/intuition when someone likes me and then proceed to friendzoning tactics. Also I was quite the crazy bitch in Highschool and my friends were also quite intimidating so I don't think anyone would've dared.

Post #626226 - Reply to (#626173) by -shiratori-
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1:15 am, Dec 28 2013
Posts: 1181

Quote from -shiratori-
Wow, reading this topic... girls get confessed to often, huh? Well, many guys are shallow and would hook up with every female that isn't fat ~~

Not sure about that, as long as the female is nice and really serious, guys can at least try, my opinion only..

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10:36 pm, Dec 28 2013
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2 times 1 online
one was in first grade but I don't really count that one he just kissed me on the cheek and he did that to everyone he got suspended by kissing girls by force at recess..

I just came to a new school in third grade and some boy said that some kid liked me and he hid behind a wall. After that he moved to a different school and now he is in one of my classes...

The one online was creepy because I was playing on a kiddy website and girl who obviously lied about her age saying she was 13 when she took 7 minutes to type and she misspelled a lot of things said she liked me...

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10:44 pm, Dec 28 2013
Posts: 365

None. I was always the one to confess. wink

"Shouldn't be alive but the condom broke."
Post #626503 - Reply to (#626226) by Knightzomegaz
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8:10 am, Dec 30 2013
Posts: 7784

Quote from Knightzomegaz
Not sure about that, as long as the female is nice and really serious, guys can at least try, my opinion only..

Depends what you'd call fat too. Nobody, regardless of gender is normally attracted to huge loaves of fat. It's just how biology works. Being fat is not healthy and you don't look for sickly mates. Extremely fat people don't look appetizing to anyone who doesn't have a fetish. All people are shallow too. Nobody in this whole thread would want to date a neckbearded fedora guy. You can't be anything but shallow, since you can't see past the exterior. Goes for both looks, motives of actions and words.

Post #626511 - Reply to (#626503) by Mamsmilk
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8:35 am, Dec 30 2013
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Quote from Mamsmilk
Depends what you'd call fat too. Nobody, regardless of gender is normally attracted to huge loaves of fat. It's just how biology works. Being fat is not healthy and you don't look for sickly mates. Extremely fat people don't look appetizing to anyone who doesn't have a fetish. All people are shallo ...

Uhhhh, yeah, but if the male/female knows that s\he Is so out of your league, well, s\he wouldn't be that serious and actually confess...
After all, it takes a lot of courage for a girl to actually confess to someone they really love\like..

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8:48 am, Dec 30 2013
Posts: 136

Never been confessed to.
Well, if it doesn't count that this one guy claimed that I'm his woman but that's really not a confession...

Edit: At least if you ask me biggrin

Post #627631 - Reply to (#410536) by Pikapu
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3:59 pm, Jan 7 2014
Posts: 2050

Quote from Pikapu
Three and a half? times.

Woah, I can totally, totally update this! Let's see. I'm going to say five and scratch out that half, just because it wasn't really a blatant confession.

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Post #627637 - Reply to (#627631) by Pikapu
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4:09 pm, Jan 7 2014
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hoho, go Pika. ;3

I guess I can update as well. Number has drastically increased from 5 hoho. ;3 The most memorable one now happened about a year ago. I was confessed to, proposed to and could have probably gotten a (small) city named after me should I have accepted. <3 I only declined because language would have been a barrier and he was too old for me. laugh

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9:17 pm, Jan 7 2014
Posts: 4030

Quite a bit, especially in high school. I honestly lost track.

Nowadays, no one confesses. People just hook up, and bam, they're engaged laugh

I think I am at an age when confessions are for things you did wrong... Like, "babe, I cheated" or "sorry I ate the last chocolate bar" etc. Thankfully my boyfriend haven't said either, so we're good.

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