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How many times have you been confessed to?

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Post #443520
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I am the Devil

4:04 pm, Jan 28 2011
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Once when I was 17 and once when I was 19.
Nothing came of either as both chicks were kinda creepers

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Me too β™₯

6:33 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 1139

I've never been confessed to ...Probably because I always blurted out my feelings first.

... Not sure if I should feel sad about never receiving a confession .. but it's leaning more to I feel indifference about it.

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7:13 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 22

3 from girls

3 from guys

1 from a patient

2 from male homosexuals willing to pay me for a "night" with them, gave me goosebumps... and nightmares.

I'm a straight guy by the way

but you know I never had a relationship before, never had a crush or something like that, my mom said that Im indifferent to feelings, what do you think?

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7:33 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 167

Two times so far...

But first one was kind of funny and unexpected for me since I didn't really thought that guy had an eye on me...and he was really persistent until i completely ran away xD and gave him the cold shoulder because he just wouldn't stop. He was nice-looking, but I didn't feel anything for him...oh well.

Second time I was kind of o.O and thought back to my actions, i probably fed him something right to get him to confess to me lol but nothing came out of it either.

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Post #625066
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7:41 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 36

Once in a letter saying that she liked me but it would never work out because she was mexican and i was asian. Didn't know she liked me and i didnt like her. hahaha

Post #625067 - Reply to (#625066) by Limzayz
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Me too β™₯

7:43 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 1139

Quote from Limzayz
Once in a letter saying that she liked me but it would never work out because she was mexican and i was asian.

Wait a minute ... she wrote "but it would never work out because she was mexican and i was asian" in the letter? Or was that what you thought? ....

Ouch harsh.

Last edited by Kitty18dnsz at 7:49 pm, Dec 17 2013

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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Post #625068
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7:47 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 36

In the letter

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8:23 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 21

0 directly
once in a letter that I pretended that I didn't get because we were friends and I didn't feel anything towards him. So when he asked me about a letter that his friends put in my locker I told him that I didn't get any letter in my locker and that his friend probably put it in the wrong locker. I didn't want to turn him down and mess up our friendship. I always end up not saying my feelings to the guys I like because I'm scared of rejection no I would rather be just friends than get turned down. sad

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🧁 Sweet

8:23 pm, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 287

I've never been confessed to, even though I'm already 23 years old... (T.T)
and I've also never confessed my feelings to anyone...
Am I a late bloomer?? Love is still far away for me...

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." <BR> - Albert Einstein
Post #625286 - Reply to (#625075) by yuri_shibuya

3:23 am, Dec 20 2013
Posts: 22

you a girl? or a boy?

let me give you the throw down

if you're a girl, and you're not pretty, shape up your attitude, its probably giving the guys the creeps or making them hate you, we like what we like because of their attitudes, its not all about the face my dear.

if you're pretty, (or think you are, ahem*) act more feminine, they probably think your a lesbian or something, no matter how beautiful a girl is, if she always acts like a guy, I'll stay away from her.

now if you're a boy - it dont matter if you're handsome or not yo! be pro active! be funny! be caring yo! be mature if the situation calls for it & be immature for the fun yo! biggrin biggrin

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4:21 am, Dec 20 2013
Posts: 822

Haven't counted... well, many times. I think most of them are by girls, actually. It's understandable though, and I think I've always seemed kind of intimidating to boys/men (I wonder why...). Usually the men who approach me are ones who don't know me beforehand. Otherwise they would know better than to put their fingers on meβ€”I'll bite them off.

Last edited by η‹‚ζ°— at 3:27 pm, Dec 27 2013

Far-off places with sweet sounding names.
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9:48 am, Dec 24 2013
Posts: 1181

Maybe once or twice, meh, not even sure if you can call them a confession, we barely know each other, haha.. Maybe we're just both playing each other, but we ended up going out, didn't last long though..
oh, is this topic only for females?

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Post #625781
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10:08 am, Dec 24 2013
Posts: 68

Just once haha, the guy was so shy that I had to finish his sentence for him

him: Do you,,, you
me: go?
him: to're really pretty....and....
me: (gets impatient) to the movies with you?

Sadly I didn't say yes, I was 13 at the time but had the mental age of an 11 year old and dating was like outer space to me, still is actually

Post #626153 - Reply to (#625777) by Knightzomegaz
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3:29 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 822

Quote from Knightzomegaz
oh, is this topic only for females?

Yes, now fuck off.

EDIT: seriously though, what gave you that idea?

Far-off places with sweet sounding names.
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6:48 pm, Dec 27 2013
Posts: 525

Wow, reading this topic... girls get confessed to often, huh? Well, many guys are shallow and would hook up with every female that isn't fat ~~

As for me, never been confessed to and never been in a relationship either. 25 years old and counting.. sigh.

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