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Will one piece become....

Will this turn to a tedious manga?
Of course
Nope it will be ok
Never! It amazes me everytime
It already has
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2:42 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 5

Very well stated Wahn. I must say OP will never be tedious in my book. I look forward to each chapter and will continue to do so for as long as the manga runs. Really is a fantastic one of a kind manga. XP

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2:56 pm, Jan 9 2010
Posts: 101

At some points it does become tedious but usually the idea is interesting enough that I can enjoy it anyway. Like the islands they come to are interesting enough and if they aren't, they have something to do with one of the main characters that is relevant.

The boss fights I do enjoy since I would like to know what kind of outrageous move Luffy is going to come up with in order to defeat them. Also usually the villain is so annoying, I want to see the crap beaten out of them.

One Piece can go on for a very long time and I will still follow it every week like I did for the past few years.

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2:59 pm, Jan 9 2010
Posts: 910

Hopefully not. The story is not cliche. If when it is, it's done in a hilarious or non-cliche way.

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3:04 pm, Jan 9 2010
Posts: 32

i felt it got a bit tedious during that time they were in that cloud city... but then they recovered and it was awesome

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6:02 pm, Feb 23 2010
Posts: 79

Some parts of the arcs can get a bit tedious, such as the Moria fight scene, but then the amount of humor in the manga more than makes up for it. Plus, like everyone else said, it's not really following the basic shounen pattern of level up, fight evil guy, level up, fight evil guy.
With the new Ace arc, it's definitely not tedious. biggrin

Post #359965
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7:55 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 89

Yes there WERE some fights and things that went a bit far too long, but it seems those have accelerated with Oda's evergrowing experience, but what gets me the most and I know I'll never get tired of it is all the different islands that are like a small world in itself, as well as the characters, their relations with each other as well as the humor and the abilities and the way Oda makes my predictions(which for most manga are corect) completely fail.....that's the most favorite thing I guess how you can never predict One Piece and how with each new chapter unlike most shonen manga OP gets better with each passing chapter, while other manga like naruto, bleach KHR and others from WSJ are good in the beginning but as the storie unfolds it gets more and more boring, and I know that will never happen with OP and that's what makes this manga special, and why I hate when ppl whoe start reading OP and then drop it say it suck, if they just hold on a bit for the story to develop they'll see the greatness of the world of OP that Oda Created


8:23 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 1041

Water7 was so boring that i quit reading OP for a bit after that saga was over

OP goes up and down just like any other long going series
the main thing that sets OP above the rest is the likable main character
everyone likes Luffy

...the rest of the crew too...they are all interesting good chars


8:43 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 2

each story must pass through unavoidable stage that may seem boring
but this manga is very strong and its always return to its top smile wink grin

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9:12 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 55

I was totally sad when Ace died.. I don't know what Oda-sama is thinking already...

but still.. One Piece will always be the best manga/ anime I've ever read...

I love this manga/anime so much, that I will surely buy original volumes and anime cds...
with Oda-sama's signature... someday... haha...

One Piece taught me a lot of lessons about life and also makes me LOL...
One Piece will always be my No. 1...!

stop dreaming... start working!
Post #361236
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2:47 pm, Mar 3 2010
Posts: 68

It might get slow @ times, but One Piece will never get Stagnent or tedious cause Oda-sensei is to good of a story teller to let that happen, the current Arc is absolute proof of that.

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