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Can you play an instrument?
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7:20 pm, Aug 12 2008
Posts: 16

Whoops created a new duplicate topic, didn't even see this one haha when I went through 5 pages. Pretty cool that alot of people do play an instrument. Hope I'm not bringing a dead topic back up. Well time to copy/paste some of what I said.

Me, I play the Guitar and Piano. Self -taught for Guitar, Bass and Piano. Played Recorder (haha Good old days) Bass and Drums and Violin. I tend to play Rock Genre though, lately more Acoustic type like Sadness and Sorrow (Naruto), Sakasama no Chou (Jigoku Shoujo), Warmth (Love Hina) and Wind Scene (Chrono Trigger) or Good Riddance (Green Day) though it was my first song I learnt or Summer of 69 (Bryan Adams). On Piano learning to play some Touhou songs. Play the Guitar from time to time, and Piano twice a week as it's at my Aunties. Been asked to join a band, but never really interested me. I just play for hobby. Don't really right my own music, though I find it easier on the Piano to do.

Now to sleep as it's 3:20am right now, laters and peace out.

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3:57 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 1901

I used to play flute and violin.

But my dad sold my flute... and then I had to sell my violin because I am poor.

Now I just play my cheap ass 6 dollar guitar... that has a picture of Jon Stewart glued onto it, next to Bucky...

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4:35 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 11

Tuba, saxophone, piano
I play the tuba and saxophone for the school band/jazz band.
Piano was self-taught, so I'm not too great at it. Some random anime themes once in awhile.

I also play the clarinet, flute, and guitar, but just scales, chords, etc.

Go female tuba players XD

Konosetsu FTW
Post #190581
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5:26 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 193

I play the violin and viola, though I like the viola much more.

I've been playing... for fourteen-ish years. O.o

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5:38 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 776

Well, been playing the piano on and off since kindergarden. Played the oboe for a year and a half and hated it; also played the flute/piccalo for five years. Then, of course, there's my beautiful *coughcough* singing voice. That definitally counts as an instrament.

I am a breath of insanity in a world of chaos.

Me: Performing Random Acts of Klutziness for over 30 years.
Post #190586
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5:38 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 23

Well, i played flute for 5 years ^^.
Know how to play some songs on the piano ( altho i cant read notes for the piano sad )
Know some basic drum rhytmes.
Im Totally imba pwnzor on Guitar Hero bigrazz ( if that counts as an instrument lol laugh )
But i wanna learn how to play guitar and/or bass, im still young so i have some years on me to pick em up ;D

Post #190588 - Reply to (#190586) by Joltrix
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Smooth Operator
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5:43 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 5329

Quote from Joltrix
Im Totally imba pwnzor on Guitar Hero bigrazz ( if that counts as an instrument lol laugh )

NO!! mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

Listen here
Livin just to keep from dyin
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8:50 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 32

I can play the drums.

Post #190693
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10:30 pm, Aug 13 2008
Posts: 70

Yes, I play some violin though I really suck at it. I can barely use my pinky, and most of the time the sound's off because I overcompensate. I also play the...dun dun dun...RECORDER! biggrin Can't forget playing the recorder in 5th grade. ^^

Post #190958
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Phoenix Knight

5:31 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 227

I can't really play anything. I have tried the recorder (who hasn't?), electric guitar, keyboard (self taught), trumpet and bagpipes (I was born in Scotland and they sound good...when played properly, end of story).

Reasons for not playing vary.

Recorder: it's a recorder roll eyes
Electric Guitar: guitar I had was WAY too big for me at the time
Keyboard: it broke
Trumpet: caused skin problems around the lips
Bagpipes: I just don't have the puff. Inflating the thing nearly causes me to pass out.

Anyone else turn into a human metronome when a piece of music they like plays? Not just with their feet or hands.

Lose - Opposite of win, to misplace something/someone. e.g. To lose your way, to lose a fight.
Loose - Opposite of tight. e.g. To have a loose screw, to loosen a jar lid.

^ Not just scanlators, but also company documents are getting it wrong now!
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5:36 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 539

I attempted to learn an instrument... but i could never learn how to read music quickly. So i decided to not do any work in music class.

Post #190960 - Reply to (#190958) by Perim
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5:38 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 914

Quote from Perim
Bagpipes: I just don't have the puff. Inflating the thing nearly causes me to pass out.

I would love to learn to play bag-pipes or something like that mainly because I enjoy the sound of it but most people hate it xD

Post #190961 - Reply to (#190960) by Rob1988
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Phoenix Knight

5:40 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 227

Quote from Rob1988
Quote from Perim
Bagpipes: I just don't have the puff. Inflating the thing nearly causes me to pass out.

That's cheating!!! eek

Lose - Opposite of win, to misplace something/someone. e.g. To lose your way, to lose a fight.
Loose - Opposite of tight. e.g. To have a loose screw, to loosen a jar lid.

^ Not just scanlators, but also company documents are getting it wrong now!
Post #190962 - Reply to (#190961) by Perim
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5:41 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 914

Quote from Perim
Quote from Rob1988
Quote from Perim
Bagpipes: I just don't have the puff. Inflating the thing nearly causes me to pass out.

That's cheating!!! eek

It's not sad heavy smokers have the right to play the bag pipes too bigrazz

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like moss on trees

6:12 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 97

Yep, I play the piano. I've played since I was 7.

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