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FAQ - Need Suggestions

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Post #5998
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10:13 pm, Feb 12 2007
Posts: 2667

I've decided to put up a FAQ. I think it is about time.

Here are some ideas that the staff and I have come up with already:

  • How do I download?
  • What is a Oneshot, Omake, etc?
  • Why doesn't the group have any info?
  • How do I get to these "channels"?
  • Why is the series info for <name of series> wrong/missing?
  • Why was my post/comment deleted?
  • How can I help out?
  • How do I get more editing privileges?
  • Why was my account upgrade request denied?
  • How do I add my scanlation group?
  • How do I add a group?
  • How do I use the manga list feature
  • What's with all the yaoi?

I'm interested in what other questions or subquestions you would be interested in seeing on the FAQ page.

I greatly appreciate your help!

Post #6006
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11:01 pm, Feb 12 2007
Posts: 612

if this is for the forum, i'd be interest in knowning the exact maximum size for my sig, which i still don't know right now bigrazz , so how about "What's the maximum possible size for my signature?" in the FAQ, if possible?

The Deviant
Post #6007
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11:14 pm, Feb 12 2007
Posts: 2667

Definitely a question that should be answered. I kinda took the easy way out in the forum rules because I didn't feel like being specific at the time smile

Good suggestion though, although I'll probably add it to the forum rules and then link to it from the FAQ (with a "What are the forum rules" question.

Post #6008
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1:35 am, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 71

*Comes out of his dungeon and whispers*
...Some of my suggestions...

*What is a Oneshot, Omake, etc?

- Manwha / Manga - difference could be explained there.

- How do I see other users Lists?

*How do I add my scanlation group?
*How do I add a group?

- Adding a release seems to be missing.

- Maybe info aobut the release filter/highlight genres
- Maybe: Can I write a review? And then how blah where to submit blah....
- Maybe an explanation about the genresearch. Which immo should be located somewhere more visible than series info. Maybe it should be there too but it maybe could be in search when you push the button.

Thats it for now.
*Back to the shadows*

Post #6025
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8:09 am, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 2667

Ah crap, that "how do i add a group" was supposed to be "how do I add a release"... haha, i must have spaced.

Thanks for the suggestions though, keep them coming smile

Post #6030 - Reply to (#6025) by Manick

8:58 am, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 1

How do I download? sad

Post #6031
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9:01 am, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 2667

hah! roll eyes

Post #6040 - Reply to (#6031) by Manick
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11:23 am, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 2896

Warn: Banned

Quote from Manick
hah! roll eyes

Irc is the worst. I think we should have an IRC guide.....

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
Post #6041 - Reply to (#6040) by ares6

11:31 am, Feb 13 2007

Quote from ares6
Irc is the worst. I think we should have an IRC guide.....

There is already one and it even basicly answers the how do I download question:
People just don't bother to look before asking.

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11:40 am, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 302

I think you should add a comment that manga updates does not offer downloads. I've seen a few people posting why they can't download off the site before.

Post #6043 - Reply to (#6042) by frustratedguy109
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12:34 pm, Feb 13 2007
Posts: 2667

Quote from frustratedguy109
I think you should add a comment that manga updates does not offer downloads. I've seen a few people posting why they can't download off the site before.

That'll be the response to "How do I download?".

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10:38 pm, Aug 30 2008
Posts: 10689

We're reviving this because we finally got an FAQ! All suggestions/corrections are welcome~

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #197252
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12:03 am, Aug 31 2008
Posts: 3

Nice, this should help out all the newbies I've been linking here from the Yahoo! Answers board. cool

[Edit] Maybe have an explanation on who scanlators are (fan-group volunteers)?

It's mainly to serve as a catch-all answer to explain why certain releases are late, aren't being made anymore, why there's no "release schedule," etc. As that's just one of the common Q's I keep on answering on the Y!A board.;_ylt=Ar.XSMxCXJzoztbQlj7oT JTsy6IX;_ylv=3?sid=396545198

Last edited by HB13 at 12:11 am, Aug 31 2008

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12:06 am, Aug 31 2008
Posts: 10689

Now the problem is actually getting them to read the FAQ~

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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2:17 am, Aug 31 2008
Posts: 4917

.....wait, nvm, i actually looked to see what yall got and it seems most of the bases are covered.

Good Job!

But its as you the trouble is getting them to read it...

maybe add the some of the FAQ stuff to the registering thingy?

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