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Post #470448
Yami No Yuusha

12:47 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 66

Deist I suppose. none

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12:51 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 716

I'm either agnostic or an atheist.

Is this me in a nutshell?
Pretty much.
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1:22 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 583

I'm a non-praticing Catholic...
My parents are Catholic and I've gone through all the sacraments, but I rarely if ever go to mass or confessions and the like, so I'm only a Catholic in title if nothing else, but I'm accepting of other people's beliefs as long as they don't want to convert me

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2:05 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 1

I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses (^_^). It's interesting to see the variety of religions here.

Also, I noticed a couple people said they were 'scientific minded' and thus didn't believe in God. I just wanted to say I'm also scientifically inclined, and that's the reason I believe in God. (^_^) Not trying to make a point or anything, just thought it was interesting how we viewed it.

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BL is ♡

2:08 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 23

I'm a Muslim(‐^▽^‐) !!~ lol a Yaoi crazy Muslim (〃∇〃)

Translating those lovely Boys Love stories
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2:32 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 247

Latter-Day Saint a.k.a Mormon

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2:32 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 348

Well i dont know what i am. i believe in God and a higher power but i dont believe or understand the other stories. i was brought up penicostle though.

Post #470479 - Reply to (#470465) by Sakura_Hikizaki
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2:52 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 18

Quote from Sakura_Hikizaki
I'm a Muslim(‐^▽^‐) !!~ lol a Yaoi crazy Muslim (〃∇〃)

Me toooooo~ hahaha xDDD oh gosh, but its so cuteeee <3

Post #470483
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2:58 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 152

I'm an atheist that envies the people that do have a religion. I envy their blind thrust in a divine power.

Quote from silencecomes
I'm either agnostic or an atheist.

Dude. Being an agnost means you say: We just don't know. That is science. You can't prove an existence, but you can't prove the opposite either. Atheists say: "I do not believe there is such thing as a divine power."

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No double posts. Read the rules

Last edited by Calíbre at 4:28 pm, May 20 2011

Post #470487

3:06 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 184

Quote from bleeb
Quote from silencecomes
I'm either agnostic or an atheist.

Dude. Being an agnost means you say: We just don't know. That is science. You can't prove an existence, but you can't prove the opposite either. Atheists say: "I do not believe there is such thing as a divine power."

It's possible to be agnostic and atheist. There are multiple levels of atheism.

Weak Atheism: "I merely lack belief in God or gods."
Strong Atheism: "I believe there cannot exist God or gods."

Weak Agnosticism: "I don't have enough now to decide whether God exists or not."
Strong Agnosticism: "I don't think mankind will ever have enough logic/science to prove whether God exists or not."

Post #470488
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3:14 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 636

Ignostic. Informally: "you need to define what you mean by 'God' before I can answer."

Though, to be honest, I find the existence of any one religion's god to be about as likely as the existence of Thor.

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
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3:33 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 974

I believe in my own God, I don't need any religion

"we are people because of other people"
"I am who I am because of who we all are"
Post #470499 - Reply to (#470479) by MangoLuve
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BL is ♡

3:59 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 23

Quote from MangoLuve
Quote from Sakura_Hikizaki
I'm a Muslim(‐^▽^‐) !!~ lol a Yaoi crazy Muslim (〃∇〃)

Me toooooo~ hahaha xDDD oh gosh, but its so cuteeee <3

Yes it addiction ne?!~ ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ lol I'm glad to see I'm not alone <3 <3

Translating those lovely Boys Love stories

4:30 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 7

I believe in myself.
Nah, I am an Atheist.
Proof that is proven to be correct is the only proof.

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4:40 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 247

while I am firm in my faith, I do believe that all religions have some truth in them and part of this test we call life is to find those truths and act upon them ourselves.
besides, no matter your beliefs, there are some basic truths we all believe in. and those are what helps connect us all.

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