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Post #244760
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8:02 am, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 31

I'm only reading cuase of zero =3

But in on honesty, i'll probably drop it soon cuase there isn't really anything intense going on in the plot..But if, in the next few chapters, the story picks up it's pace and gets interesting again, i'll continue reading VK

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Post #244764
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8:10 am, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 3120

i'm still reading it even though it turned all WTF in a few of the chapters, at least it's making a bit more sense in the more recent chapters

Post #245055 - Reply to (#244055) by Hermit-chan
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7:01 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 466

Quote from Hermit-chan
Why would I drop it?? confused

I love how Vk is heading to, it's diverging from the typical "LOVE triangle" + Bishies + 'pairing' fanservices towards a stable dark Kaori yuki-like Plot. I've never seen such GREAT plot development eversince Hakushaku Cain Series!

Yuuki has become a MORE likable and Strong character compared to her in the early volumes of VK. The plot that heavily revolves around this so called "Zeki and Kanayuki" scenes are becoming less and clearer in the recent chapters. So yea, I have to admit that I used to Like the whole "biting scenes" and "love triangle" thing, but it's becoming too old.. srsly, why would Hino keep on dragging this whole theme untill the end?

She made the right thing of focusing on bigger issues like the whole Purebloods and Hunter themes rather than narrowing the focus solely on "LOVE triangle between two bishies" on a very indecisive heroin.... none

Personally, with this whole new twist..I'm going to keep reading Vampire Knight till the END!


Looking for this!!!

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7:21 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 539

I dropped it a long time ago, its interesting but its a bit, don't know the word, umm bland? I picked it up randomly and read to the latest scanlations but I stopped reading at 44. If I hear good things i will pick it up again though.

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8:06 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 2964

I'm not going to drop it. VK is actually my very first Shoujo and it introduced me to a whole new world of manga reading.

Sure, I was disappointed with the whole Zero/Yuuki relationship but the series really isn't that bad. I was originally a Kaname/Yuuki shipper but then I got converted, and again I suddenly became interested in Shiki/Rima. The story was interesting before it became mainstreamed and it is still interesting now. I might've lost the spark for it compared to three years back but it's still something I can stick through until the very end. It's not even my OCD talking~

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9:00 pm, Jan 4 2009
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*raises hand* I, yes, it's true, have dropped this manga. It's meh...I can't believe I even made it to chapter 30...
I only started it because I saw hot bishielicious guys on the cover and you know how girls are with bishies *blushes* ;D
But really...the manga itself is nothing special, it was kind of boring, Yuuki isn't really anything special(personality wise imo, not the whole she's-a-vamp- thing).
The bishies are there...and that's just what they are...bishies...but still boring and there are so many of them I can't remember their names.
As big as the fanbase bored me, got tired of it, and dropped it.
If I lose interest in a manga, I do what I always do, drop it.

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manger le toupee

9:30 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 306

I haven't dropped it, but I'm not exactly following it either. I just buy the volumes as they release, and flip through. For longer series like this, I like to wait until I get all of it before diving head in.

With recent chapters, I think it peaked up my interest some, especially c46.

I'm not into bishies, really, so I didn't pick this up because of that. (Plus the covers were pretty ugly to me, they've only recently been tolerable). I guess I'll just keep buying/flipping until it reaches the climax.

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Post #245125
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9:49 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 734

mmhhh not like i dropped it
but im not reading it now

i was at first, the manga was awesome but since i waited 2 much for some chapters and the story was really slow... i stoped
but when the manga is completed i'll finish reading it .... smile ...

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Post #245193
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2:03 am, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 470

I've been reading this manga since the first chapter was released as I'm a fan of the mangaka's other series. I enjoyed it quite a bit in the begining, but over time, I've grown to hate the series and read it out of habit just so I can see it through to the end, but not with any amount of joy or enthusiasm, as I once did.

It seems to me, the longer this manga goes on, the less concerned the mangaka becomes with any sort of cohesive plot or character development. Rather, the mangaka would like to spend all her time on shameless fanservice (really, how many chapter covers do we need of the series bishonen in dishevelled clothing?) and convoluted plot twists designed to keep her cash cow of a series going for as long as possible.

For example, consider how much happened in the last 10 chapters, and how little of it was explained: Rido was killed, as was nearly the entirety of the vampire council, and the head of the vampire hunters association--a total of who knows how many of the series' major villains--and yet as readers we got absolutely NO explaination for why Rido allied with the council in the first place, what happened with the original Kaname, what the vampire council was plotting with Rido, why they'd allied with the vampire hunters, why Kaname felt killing everyone was the best way to go, etc., etc. Why continue to keep such important things mysterious unless:

A.) As readers the mangaka is stringing us along.
B.) The mangaka is lazy / incompitent and doesn't feel like providing answers.
C.) A + B

We are more than 10 volumes and 4 years into this series, and in some ways, as readers, we're just as clueless about all the hidden mysteries of this manga as were after the first volume. It's completely tiresome.

Kaname is the worst mystery of all. What, besides Yuuki, does the guy want? What does he care about? What has he been plotting the entire time? We can guess, but have no firm answers. Many people find this mysterious aspect of his chatacter to be intriguing, but I don't. Without knowing something about his desires and motivations, he just stays a flat, one-note character, and therefore uninteresting to me. And Yuuki! She is utterly clueless about everyone and everything that surrounds her. She knows nothing about any of the things that Zero (and especially Kaname) have done, has absolutely no effect on anything that occurs, and hasn't developed at all since the begining of the manga, since she hasn't been given the opportunity to actually do anything. Her role in this series is to sit on the sidelines rather than participate, and I can't fathom why she is the main character to begin with. And then there's Zero. After all this time, he's still suicidal, still hates vampires, and most importantly of all, still hates himself. How is this different from the first chapter? How are ANY of the 3 main characters different than they were in the first chapter?

Yes, I know the series is ongoing, but how can we actually be at the purported halfway point and have so little payoff? If the mangaka has been so utterly unwilling to develop her characters in the first 10 books, is she suddenly going to start doing it (and doing it well) in the last 10 books? And when are all those mysteries going to get solved? Are we going to be kept hanging up until the final volumeconfused? (Sadly, I'm almost certain this will be the case.)

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2:05 am, Jan 5 2009
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After the 1st chapter.

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Yours Truly,

5:30 am, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 2050


I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you! wink

For example, consider how much happened in the last 10 chapters, and how little of it was explained:
A.) As readers the mangaka is stringing us along.
B.) The mangaka is lazy / incompitent and doesn't feel like providing answers.
C.) A + B

Well, have you considered comparing the Standards of Vampire Knight with other Shoujos or probably other manga genres out there?? Lots of manga releases takes a long time and even Popular mangas out there have Story Arcs that extends to more than 10 Chapters (WITHOUT even properly explained)

Bleach..It;s out WEEKLY and 10-15 chapters of endless fight scenes.
Fruit Basket..Gantz..Claymore..Angel Sanctuary..Yotsubato!
These mangas have Slow releases, and How many volumes have these mangas have? and How long does it take for the mangakas to keep their story "Straight-to-the-point"?

Just like any other mangakas.cliff hangers-Art-bishies-unexplained plots (for now) are her Way of MAKING BIG BUCKS! but ofcourse, As readers, we should anticipate what's going to happen NEXT. Patience, my friend. bigrazz

And yea...

If the mangaka has been so utterly unwilling to develop her characters in the first 10 books, is she suddenly going to start doing it (and doing it well) in the last 10 books?

Although there might be inconsistency in the character and plot developments in the manga volumes, this shows that she's learning and been given room for improvements.. which is GOOD.

(since her colour spreads have shown fore-shadowings of the recent chapters, this shows that Hino actually planned this ALL-ALONG!)

btw..why would people criticise VK when there's actually loads of stupid cliche shoujos out there? VK does have some cliches of a romance shoujo manga but it is arguably good for a Shoujo genre. And as Dark blade had said, it's quite hard to find shoujos with kickass fight scenes and awesome characters.

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1:21 pm, Jan 5 2009
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And you're saying the VK releases are consistent? BTW, Fruits Basket is already finished scanlating. And there are plenty of shoujo manga out there more interesting than Vampire Knight, artwise AND storywise. Ever read Skip Beat? Tokyo Crazy Paradise? Beauty Pop? Basara? Red River? Etc. And those examples I listed are longer than Vampire Knight. And quite a few of them have kickass fight scenes, a lot more than in VK. This isn't Hino Matsuri's first manga, it's basically all about the fanservice imo. /end rant.

Meh, to each her/his own. wink

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Post #245455 - Reply to (#245443) by StarlightDreams
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Madame Red

1:43 pm, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 2172

Quote from StarlightDreams
And you're saying the VK releases are consistent? BTW, Fruits Basket is already finished scanlating. And there are plenty of shoujo manga out there more interesting than Vampire Knight, artwise AND storywise. Ever read Skip Beat? Tokyo Crazy Paradise? Beauty Pop? Basara? Red River? Etc. And those examples I listed are longer than Vampire Knight. And quite a few of them have kickass fight scenes, a lot more than in VK. This isn't Hino Matsuri's first manga, it's basically all about the fanservice imo. /end rant.

Meh, to each her/his own. wink

totally second you on this, starry.

Vampire Knight is overrated.

Post #245458 - Reply to (#245443) by StarlightDreams
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Yours Truly,

1:44 pm, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 2050

Quote from StarlightDreams
And you're saying the VK releases are consistent? BTW, Fruits Basket is already finished scanlating. And there are plenty of shoujo manga out there more interesting than Vampire Knight, artwise AND storywise. Ever read Skip Beat? Tokyo Crazy Paradise? Beauty Pop? Basara? Red River? Etc. And those examples I listed are longer than Vampire Knight. And quite a few of them have kickass fight scenes, a lot more than in VK. This isn't Hino Matsuri's first manga, it's basically all about the fanservice imo. /end rant.

Meh, to each her/his own. wink

Nah, I tried most of the mangas that you've mentioned there, I don't really like ALL of them. I guess there are only some shoujos that really caught my attention..which is why I;m saying VK is exceptional. biggrin

And you're saying the VK releases are consistent? BTW, Fruits Basket is already finished scanlating.

I knoe that FB's scanlation have been completed years ago, I was just implying the length of the manga and how it slowly develops towards its ending.
As for Vk chapter releases, well yah O___o; the VK chapters are released monthly..ofcourse it is consistent.

Last edited by Hermit-chan at 1:51 pm, Jan 5 2009

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2:06 pm, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 591

i put it in unfinished and then i decided to put it back on again cos i was really bored and its stuck on me now

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