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New Poll - Assuming Genders

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12:15 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 10680

This week's poll isn't manga related, but it's an interested one suggested by crimsonsnow00017. When you "see" someone on the internet, which may be say reading a post on a forum or messaging them online, etc, what gender do you usually assume the other person to be by default, without having any other clues or confirmations? Personally, I just assume everyone is a guy unless I know otherwise.

Edit: It's too late, so I am not editing this poll to add more choices

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Your favorite series has been going for a while now. You...
Want it to continue forever - votes: 2963 (29.3%)
Want it to end before it turns worse - votes: 6112 (60.5%)
Want the author to stop to start a completely new series - votes: 359 (3.6%)
Want a spin-off story of it - votes: 665 (6.6%)
There were 10099 total votes.
The poll ended: August 2nd 2014

So the recommendation here is to not get greedy and just end something on a good note.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 9:23 pm, Aug 2 2014

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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Me too ♥

12:18 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 1139

I'm female and I default male.

I think like (is it the romance languages.) where objects have either a male or female form, but most of the time it tend to default with the male form. (I'm probably wording this wrong).
But taking that, I just default anyone on here as male.


I think you should have kept that others option for those who don't want to reveal what gender they are.
I'm not crazy right? There was an others option there before right? O.o

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Post #648824
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12:26 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 705

Poll to see how many people follow rule 16 on MU... so basically the first option.

"I'll shut your mouth~~~~~ with mine~~~"

Post #648825
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1:06 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 58

I find this poll really difficult. For me, it depends on what kind of website or topic it is. I can usually tell if it is a male or a female just by the way they write, though. Sometimes I think it'll be interesting if someone were female or male because of the way they think but other than that I usually don't mind.

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Mad With a Hat

1:21 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 4764

I'm not sure.
I try to see what topics the person posts in, what they tell about themselves.
Can't say I've been wrong many times, unless I was purposely mislead.
But I try not to assume anything.

Forums are different, than say, online games.
Some people like to play like the opposite gender, but they're usually upfront about it or you can tell by their overtly feminine or masculine writing to compensate.
Other times... Who knows? I was mislead for years by an online in game friend who played with his wife's account... The tone was pretty butch, but I liked that. We had fun in-game. I even developed a crush on "her". But then "she" told me "she" was a "he". I felt pretty betrayed... It was never the same after that... ._.

Quote from kitty1826x
I think you should have kept that others option for those who don't want to reveal what gender they are.
I'm not crazy right? There was an others option there before right? O.o

They don't have to reply if they don't want to.

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1:47 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 482

im female, but i always assume everyone else is male if the writing is neutral. but any use of cutesy emoticon i will instantly regard the others as female. any use of excessive shorthand i will think of tween girls. i know, im kinda sexist.

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1:52 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 388

I usually assume genders based on the site I'm at. If the site biases a particular demographic or if it's about certain topics, I will assume that gender.

If it's a relatively equal demographic site, I don't make any assumptions or just base it what their avatar/username/post sounds like. (i.e. sakura/flower/sparkle = female, dude/guns/boobs = male)

I'm right about 75% of the time. Good enough margin for me.

Post #648831 - Reply to (#648829) by SilverStorm
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Is a female

3:12 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 3457

Quote from SilverStorm
I usually assume genders based on the site I'm at. If the site biases a particular demographic or if it's about certain topics, I will assume that gender.


Most of the time I find myself assuming male, but if I'm on something like tumblr, female is what I assume most because well, I find out most of them are female and it kinda sticks ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

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4:26 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 7784

Depends on the site. Most sites I frequent have a large male majority, thus I default a male. If there's no indicator, I use what I can from posts or avatars. If there's nothing like that, male it is, since that's who the user is most likely.

I think you should have kept that others option for those who don't want to reveal what gender they are.
I'm not crazy right? There was an others option there before right? O.o

The data is anonymous and people aren't forced to vote. If we are doing a gender survey, choosing to not specify your gender beats the whole purpose of the survey.

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5:04 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 566

I usually judge by the avatar. If it's male, I assume the person is male. If it's female, unless it's overly sexualized, I assume the person is female. This has mislead me soo many times.

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6:38 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 187

Can you please add an "Other gender and I default..." for us non-binaries?

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6:47 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 421

In social networking sites like Facebook, I don't default to any gender... I believe them to be as they appear...the profile picture also tells you a lot things anyway...

In gaming community(s) like IGN or Steam, I see most of them as Male and they appear to be so...
but, I don't guess, I speak, look at the Avatar and Gametag ... They tells you a lotta things ~

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
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7:42 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 374

Yeah, depends on the site (as well as avatar and phrasing). But I think I tend to assume people to be male rather than female, or it's just that I see more guys around in general. Though on MU, I wouldn't be so quick to assume someone to be male.

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9:11 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 53

I usually either get an impression from the avatar, username and writing style or I just feel like they're "some internet person", not gender specific.

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Post #648845
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9:41 am, Aug 2 2014
Posts: 11

I am ussualy assumed as male but i dont really mind and I also dont bother correcting them.

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