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Can men and women truly be friends?

Can men and women truly be friends?
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Post #645978
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3:33 pm, Jun 30 2014
Posts: 380

Of course they can. '-_-
Is that still a subject people are wondering about?
I think it's weirder to have friends from your own gender exclusively.

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3:12 am, Aug 13 2014
Posts: 13

Of course. can't believe certain people still have problems understanding that at this day and age


8:51 pm, Sep 23 2014
Posts: 7

It's definently possible, but if your in a committed relationship, this should be pretty restricted for both parties. Plenty of people can remain good friends with the opposite sex, but usually close friends share conversations and other things rather intamately with one another after a certain point. A friend of mine (who has more experience with being cheated on then any other guy I know) at this point decided that he would never allow a girl he's dating become friends with someone of the opposite gender. These guidelines are always set up at the beggining of the relationship because he had become paranoid at this point. He once told me the best way to get out of the friendzone is to wait till your friends dating. He said that when you get in a relationship, what tends to happen is that there might be a rough patch or something not fully satisfying you or your partner. Who do they go to, to discuss this problem? There friend, and what better friend then a male one who they think understands the situation better because they are of the same sex as there partner. Sooner or later the partner with the opposite sex friend will probably start noticing what there partner is lacking and what there friends have. Doesn't take long after that. Personally of think it's worse for woman because even though guys are statistically more likely to cheat, but when a girl does, they are statistically more likely to turn It into an actual relationship that they want to pursue. That's just from his experience, me personally I just don't trust girls in general cause my mom cheated and it fucked with my mind, so I only pursue girls for sex and nothing else.

Post #652990 - Reply to (#652758) by TrackKing

10:31 am, Sep 26 2014
Posts: 128

Quote from TrackKing
A friend of mine (who has more experience with being cheated on then any other guy I know) at this point decided that he would never allow a girl he's dating become friends with someone of the opposite gender. These guidelines are always set up at the beggining of the relationship because he had become paranoid at this point.

I pity the girls who are naive enough to date those guys. Paranoia is a personal problem, and being abusive and controlling towards your partner solves nothing.

Quote from TrackKing
That's just from his experience, me personally I just don't trust girls in general cause my mom cheated and it fucked with my mind, so I only pursue girls for sex and nothing else.

Then that's no different from assisted masturbation. You're missing out. And you're generalizing way too much. My father was and still is an extremely shit person, and I don't mistrust all guys out there because of that(ok, I do, but I in general am very untrusting of people), and you should solve your problem as well.

You have a ton of very sexist and biased opinions against women, and that is not good. You say women are more likely to turn cheating into a relationship? Want me to tell you something? Vast majority of women I talked to who cheated felt extremely guilty about it, and most who did did it because of coercion or drunkenness. Most men who did, seem to justify it in ways. And the only reason they don't break the relationships is "because they want to have someone to fuck if no one else is around". That's of course the worst of worst scum out there, but it's not uncommon among those who cheat.

You should consider making female friends, because exposure therapy is the best treatment here. And consider getting a therapist, a good one will always help you, even with seemingly "minor" problems.

Post #653119

1:46 am, Sep 28 2014
Posts: 2

Let's see.
If you 'love' someone already then all the other sexes can be your 'friends'

Post #653315 - Reply to (#652990) by asmageddon

12:59 pm, Sep 30 2014
Posts: 7

Not true at all. Males are naturally sexually aroused by the opposite gender; or the same gender; I don't judge; as are females in an opposite sense. At the end of the day you will always be lacking in some form or another, and the friend can easily make up for it. And it's not really abusive if both parties agree to the guidelines. He's not forcing her to do anything. It also helps to avoid later arguments that you generally don't want to have like why he can't read her texts if there's nothing to hide and vice versa. I think it's just silly to be naive about these kinds of things especially if it is completely possible for it to happen. If I was married to a woman, then what is it that her male friend can provide that I can't and why Hasnt she told me? You don't think things will go down hill, but if and or when they do, they go down hard. Take for example another friend of mine who might or might not read this post. He has just been recently engaged to a girl and when they first started to pursue the relationship, he told her that he didn't want her to be so close to her guy friend. She thought he was being silly and told him not to worry about it, but then when the guy friend was pressured about it, it was revealed that the guy friend was also sexual attracted to my friends girlfriend. She would have never known, if not for being pressured over texts that he thought where from her but where from my friend. It would have been quite possible for him to have been quite the block on the relationship, especially if he wasn't performing to her expectations in all areas.

And I do have females friends that are girls, I just don't wish to pursue any form of relationship with girls because I know exactly where that goes. Especially if you add on that they are my "friends". Sex is sex, and doesn't need anything else to make it complicated my friend. If I want to pursue a relationship I will, but I don't need to not so I want to.

And I'm not sexist. Guys are just as bad as girls. I wouldn't trust me if I was dating me. So your sexist cover is false

Oh and one more thing! Cookies if you get the reference. Guys cheat more then girls this is true, but when a girl cheats she is more likely to build a relationship with both parties. This is possible in both sexes but it seems your not very informed if you think that most girls who cheat feel guilty and are usually drunk. You should go look it up because usually when anyone cheats wether to be guys or gals, they only feel sorry after they got caught, and nt because they did something wrong, but because they got caught. For someone who calls other people sexist, your pretty sexist yourself.

As a matter of fact, your whole third paragraph sexist!!!!!!!!!! Practice what you preach!!!

Last edited by lambchopsil at 6:53 pm, Sep 30 2014

Post #653450 - Reply to (#653315) by TrackKing
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9:32 pm, Oct 1 2014
Posts: 651

I don't think it's abusive to ban your partner from being friends with the opposite sex, so long as it's a mutual agreement. It's certainly strange though. I would never date a guy who set this kind of condition - not only would I not want to give up my guy friends (none of whom I would ever cheat with), but it's too much of a red flag in terms of trust/control issues and a history of unhealthy relationships. People cheat, yeah, but the majority of people don't. Find someone who legitimately respects other human beings and that person will not cheat on you.

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1:00 am, Oct 2 2014
Posts: 421

Yeah...why not ?...though sometimes it depends...

“Sex” part doesn't always get in the way I think...sometimes it's other way around^^

Conclusion : It will always be stuck on Maybe or Maybe Not ? Will always vary from person to, In The End It Always Depends On The Individual...ya

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
Post #653672 - Reply to (#653450) by hkanz

2:31 am, Oct 7 2014
Posts: 128

Eh, what you're talking about only holds true if we assume humans are no more advanced than animals. I would never want to be with someone who tries to tell me who I can and can't be friends with, honestly, I would not even want to be friends or acquaintances with such a person.

In the end, lack of friendships with either of the other gender severely limits and warps your perspective of it. People become sexist, unreasonable, creepy. They stereotype and generalize.

So yeah, sexual attraction is not exclusive, but we always knew that. Honestly, there are no feelings at all that can be felt towards one person and no other. But that does not mean anyone is going to cheat. It doesn't mean anyone is constantly looking for better partners either. Are you constantly looking for better friends to replace your old ones? Because what you are implying is extremely similar to this. It's just not something most people do.

In the end the most common cause for cheating is dissatisfaction with the relationship, and in majority of cases, that's the fault of both parties. And guess what, dissatisfaction with it is going to happen regardless of having friends of the opposite gender.

This isn't medieval anymore where women have no rights. The overwhelming majority of people has friends of both genders, some people might have more of the opposite gender than the same. Trying to tell someone to not talk with anyone of a given gender is seriously overstepping the boundaries of what should be allowed in a relationship.

And besides, like I said, what about bisexual people? Do you advocate locking them up in the basement so they don't come in contact with other people of either gender?

Post #653784 - Reply to (#653769) by asmageddon

9:10 am, Oct 7 2014
Posts: 7

See, you should inform yourself about infidelities before you try and lecture others about it. There are number use sites that can help you understand that it's not some rare occurrence. bout-infidelity.html

Look at the two with the highest percentage, second and third to last. More then half would cheat if the opportunity arises. And it seems one night stands occur less then long lasting affairs as well. It also shows your more likely to cheat with someone you know and are acquainted with rather then someone you don't know at all. I can see that your still niave about the subject, because firstly you decided to pull a you must be sexist care when clearly I was speaking about both sexes and then you pulled the you must be homophobic and despise bisexuals. That assertion is completely balogny because first of all, I didn't even make reference to bisexuals and secondly they are free to have relationships with whomever they like. If both parties agree to have open relationships, then that is there decision and I fully support them. But you seem to assume that bisexuals just enjoy sleeping around or something, which is entirely false. Bisexuals are just as capable of remaining in a one on one relationship as someone who is gay or straight, the fact that you would make such a blanketed assumption is more proof that you are still misinformed and spend to much time on tumblre. And it's perfectly alright that you wouldn't date someone that wouldn't want you to spend time with other guys. But this is just from what I've seen and read and it seems more often then not that it's safer just to not make friends with the opposite gender.

And cheaters are always in the wrong because if they truly dissatisfied then they should voice their discomfort of the relationship. And if that still doesn't work or your partner is unresponsive to your discomfort, then you should leave the relationship rather then hurt your partner more with infidelity. There is no excuse for cheating and there is no excuse for abusing a relationship selfishly. Cheating is never logical, it's always an emotional decision.

And it's obvious that it's not the Stone Age. Your literally not reading my argument at all. I just said that in my last comment that it should be a decision that both parties make. Nowhere did I say that only GIRLS should follow this rule. Guys go sleep around. Guys should have to follow the same guide line that the girls are asked to follow as well.

And please don't accuse me of saying things that I'm obviously not saying. It's rude.

Post #653788 - Reply to (#653784) by TrackKing

10:38 am, Oct 7 2014
Posts: 128

Quote from TrackKing
And please don't accuse me of saying things that I'm obviously not saying. It's rude.

You accuse me of doing that right after you claim I say bisexual people sleep around? I have said nothing such. I just said that if you want to restrict people from friendships with the gender(s) they're attracted to, you're literally telling bisexual people to cut all contacts with everyone but their partner.

Let's be honest here, what you are advocating has nothing to do with infidelity. You're telling people to cut dozens of contact because the person might cheat with one of them? That's abusive, and that's certain.

If you honestly believe that any potential partner of yours shouldn't be allowed contact with the opposite gender, please at least tell them before anything happens before you for their good, so they can nope the fuck out of there.

Post #653795 - Reply to (#653788) by asmageddon

12:18 pm, Oct 7 2014
Posts: 7

If you remember my answer you would know that's not what I'm saying at all. I literally said that a decision both parties must make together. Why do you keep calling it abusive when I just said they both have to agree on it? Usually when two bisexual people go into a relationship with one another, boundaries are made. Two things generally happen, either they both agree that it would e more beneficial to retain an open relationship, or they set up some form of guidelines that won't allow the opportunity to arise. Did you not just read the statistics. Stop calling abuse when I clearly did not say that nor imply it. That's like calling abuse if a husband and wife come to a consensus that the husband should work and the wife should stay at home, or vice versa. If the husband or wife forces the opposite to do what he or he wants against what the other wants, then you may call abuse. But I clearly said oth parties have to make a decision, and if you still think that's abuse, I feel sorry for you because it isn't. If you don't ever want to be in a relationship like that, it's perfectly alright, but calling abuse just because you don't get to do what you want I assume is fallacious to some extent. And the reason I accused you of being misinformed of bi sexual people is because the way you worded it made me come to the conclusion that you thought that bisexual people shouldn't have to be content with one partner. I apologize for misreading.

Did you read those links by the way, because everytime I bring up a counter argument, the first words out of your mouth are abuse. If where debating, could you please cover te points that I brought up, or are do you not have any and are just arguing because you don't want I be wrong?

Post #653810 - Reply to (#653672) by TrackKing
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4:41 pm, Oct 7 2014
Posts: 651

I didn't say that not many people cheat; I said that the majority of people don't. Clearly you're a glass-half-empty kind of guy. Anyway, again, I don't personally care what boundaries other people choose to set for themselves in their relationships, but I can't imagine a healthy relationship in which friendships with the opposite sex are banned. Purveyors of this route however may want to ban Internet usage as well, so that their partner can't 'accidentally' check out Ashley Madison. Oh, and tear up the Classifieds in the morning newspaper, because there may be some nasty shit in there. And make sure that his/her workplace contains only people of the same sex, and never hire anyone for yard maintenance...

Post #653825 - Reply to (#653810) by hkanz

7:38 pm, Oct 7 2014
Posts: 7

That depends. If you read the link, it ranges from 30% to 60% which is a big statistic. And I think the statistic for people that would cheat if given the opportunity and would t get caught is about seventy. That's a bit more then half, and something that is quite daunting I think. But I agree that my guidelines are clearly not other peoples guidelines, and I respect that. I think couples should do what works bet for them.

And the glass is always full. The content might differ wether it be water rocks or air, there will always be something in the cup!

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