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How do you cope with unpleasant events in your life?

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Me too ♥

11:35 pm, Dec 14 2013
Posts: 1139

How do you cope with unpleasant events in your life?

By unpleasant events I mean anything that would cause you to feel: Stress, Enraged, Somber, Dejected, Foolish, Discouraged, Heartbroken, and/or any other negative emotion in the whole spectrum of emotions.

Do you : Eat food, Sing, Run, Draw, Read, Talk to someone, Watch a movie, Suppress it, Write, Try to make someone else happy, Go to church (or equivalent building for your religion), Listen to music, Dance, Go drinking, Go for a drive, or the countless other activities.

(Two ways you can response to the topic)
- In general what do you do to get you back in the positive side of the emotional spectrum?

- What are recent events that happened, and how you coped?

( Could range from Getting dumped to Having a bad day to Having an embarrassing thing happen in front of everyone to Receiving bad news).

*NOTE This is the chatter box section. If you want to mention something like coitus relives my stress just say H. No need for details. (I even feel like just saying this note might get this pushed to the 18+ section ...)

In general I just sing in the shower to get rid of any negative emotion.
How I cope with getting dumped. I would either eat ice cream straight from the carton, and read manga/watch some movie. Or sulk all day and sleep. Then talk it out with someone. Followed by singing my heart out in the shower. Last tell myself how awesome, and wonderful I am. (You know mind over matter).

Last edited by Kitty18dnsz at 10:12 am, Dec 15 2013

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
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11:59 pm, Dec 14 2013
Posts: 374

Depends on the feeling. If I'm angry, I usually just suppress it or turn on a game on my pc (horror games are awesome for this).
If I'm depressed, heartbroken or anything like that, I like to write in my "diary". I usually analyze my emotional state, write it down and see what I can do better from now on. Also like to walk in circles in my room laugh

And finally, if there's a person in the same room who's really pissed me off (but I know my anger is unjustified) I put on my headphones and turn on some music really loud.

Post #624663
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12:15 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 1028

- In general what do you do to get you back in the positive side of the emotional spectrum?

Doing the things I like. When I feel depressed about my daily life I feel lonely and when I feel lonely I start to see my bad points and when I see my bad points I realize I'm stupid. So I start to do the things I like and that will bring me some knowledge (be it about science or about life). I read mangas (I actually improved a lot of my social skills and reconsider a lot of opinions I had after reading manga), watch movies, dance alone in my room, read books and graphic novels, try to learn something new (cof languages cof)... when I broke up with my boyfriend, I just decide to read every shoujo on my Reading List up to the last chapter available (maybe to see other stupid couples happy?).

- What are recent events that happened, and how you coped?

I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday (like I said, I read shoujo mangas to keep my mind busy). Quite sad, but I'm not feeling sad at all... Maybe that is the way I deal with stuff, thinking everything is okay and that it is just one normal event of life. So I go and do what I like, watch the things I love, read the books I own, learn the things I want to learn... Time passes, I even forget what happened or it feels like a dream. Then later, when I feel depressed by anything, I bring it all at once, the breaking up, the fight, how I was a horrible girlfriend etc etc, I feel depressed, recover doing the things I listed above and try to trick myself saying everything is okay. Stay normal, screw up something else, don't feel anything, have a existencial crisis two months later... and on and on and on...


1:39 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 184

I try to suppress all my emotions. And I don't know why.

Post #624705
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9:29 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 761

I try to forget about it by reading an interesting book, sometimes watching a movie. If I have money I buy something nice/tasty for myself. But to be honest, this doesn't help very much. Books do, but when I finish one (and I read very fast) I'm back to being miserable.

I would either eat ice straight from the carton

I really hope you mean ice cream wink

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10:09 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 213

Joke about it laugh

Post #624714 - Reply to (#624705) by Hanae
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Me too ♥

10:21 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 1139

Ha you caught another one of my many many typos. I really should proof read my posts more ....

You reminded me of something else I do to cope with things. Whenever I get in a fight with my husband (a big argument, not the small stuff) I would go shopping. Spend about $100 on useless stuff. ... More stuff I want, but don't need. However, whenever I get home I kind of just feel sad that I got these things out of anger, and don't really want to look at the things. For the most part listening to music keeps me calm, or brings be back to a better place.

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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Post #624715
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10:39 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 58

I prefer to spend time alone, with friends if I feel like that would be better. When I then spend time alone I try to think of something else, often resulting in me playing games or reading a book, often listening to music as well. Driving is also something I love doing, and it helps me clear my mind.

Post #624717
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10:52 am, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 24

It depends. Regular stress from work I would just push through with it and deal with it. Maybe even joke about it or talk it over with one of my co workers.

On the other hand, my dad passed away last year. The first week was really rough so I spent most of my time eating, sleeping, and playing video games. I talked very little to my friends and family. The two 2 months were the same and I started working again. I finally sought help from a friend who is a body builder. He took me under his wing and I started fueling all my stress, anger, etc into working out. The guy pretty much saved me.

Its all about how you deal with the output of such a bad occasion. My advice is to find something that takes all those negative emotions and turn them into something productive like painting, writing, etc. Mine just happened to be lifting weights.

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11:04 am, Dec 15 2013
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Me personally if I get pushed to depression, or just randomly feel depressed, I sit down in a dark room with music and just meditate, after an hour or so I start to feel better. Any other time, like if I am really pissed or just feeling blah, I sit back with music and a good book... or a REALLY good book if I am really feeling bad. I recommend the Graceling Series by Kristin Cashore, The Heir Chronicles by Cinda Williams Chima, or the Leviathan Series by Scott Westerfeld. Reading calms me.

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Post #624738
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2:28 pm, Dec 15 2013
Posts: 132

Being depressed... Learned a lot about it when my dad was terminally ill. Back then I'd just self-harm and I've done it a lot. It took me almost 5 years to completely quit, and it looks like .... , so if anyone reading this EVER has such a bright idea he'd better re-consider it a couple of times.

Quote from RoxFlowz
If I'm depressed, heartbroken or anything like that, I like to write in my "diary". I usually analyze my emotional state, write it down and see what I can do better from now on

I too find it a very useful mean to cope with stress of all sorts, it doesn't only let you forget but also fclear your mind and find a solution.. and you can always re-read it to check.

I like to listen to music if I'm angry or frustrated, the louder, the better (Korn's Right Now, or L7's Shitlist would be good examples).
If I'm feeling sad listening to sad music and crying, and then changing music to a more soothing-type, and then even a little happy works.

Talking it through with a friend, though hard, works great.

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5:04 pm, Dec 16 2013
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I just face them head on, I never keep anything hidden, I'm an open book, and i literally fear nothing... because of a sever psychological condition that makes me a bit insensible to the point that It negatively affects my interactions with other humans, but I'm pretty open about that too.

Post #624913 - Reply to (#624907) by BlackOrion
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5:25 pm, Dec 16 2013
Posts: 217

then go shopping

Post #624980
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9:15 am, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 829

Wise man once said: Don't complain, no one cares. Depression feeds depression. It's not about not thinking about it but how you think about it.

Resistance is tensing up, relaxing is letting go. Anger is focused. Depression is anger turned inside. Numbness is loose, loose is not relaxed. Focus is shrinking, relaxing expands.

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Post #624988
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10:14 am, Dec 17 2013
Posts: 3457

If it's anger, I usually retreat into my room or a place where nobody is around. That way I can deal with it without hurting anyone else, saying things I don't mean just because I'm pissed off.

If it's sadness... It's a little harder if I'm away from home. I hate breaking down in front of my friends. I mean, I treat one of my flatmates like my brother. We're so close. But I wont go to him when I'm upset. I don't like it when people are super sympathetic to me. I don't want to cry in front of them. I don't want hugs of sympathy. It's just how I am.
The only people I will break down in front of is my immediate family. I haven't found anyone else outside of my family that I'm happy to open up completely to yet.

To make myself feel better, I just do things that'll either distract me, or make me happy. I stay awake until I can't think straight and barely keep my eyes open so I pass out when I hit my bed. That way, I don't have to go through that horrible phase before sleeping where you lay there and think, and then everything gets worse in your head and then you end up feeling like crap again.
And sometimes, I'm so hopeless I have no idea what to do but continue to live my life, a day at a time, and hope things get better. I can't mope and be depressed forever.

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