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Shonen manga with familiars

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Post #338260

4:40 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 190

Im looking for a shonen manga with familiars ( main character summon a creature to fight other characters).
I don't like a female lead characters, just so sick of the tsunandre type.
Anyways im looking for an action and if possible no or less romance. It can also be something like pokemon or digimon but like for teens and not for kids (more action). It can also be like familiars within like amulet or other artifacts that is used by characters to fight.
The familiar can be a human, demon, elf etc...

Last edited by ragec at 4:50 pm, Nov 28 2009

Post #338263
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4:48 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 131

magic ban removal hyde and closer is about a guy who fights with a bear... its sorta familiar thingy. bigrazz

Post #338264
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4:49 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 746

Hyde and Closer
The entire manga is centered around people using dolls/familiars to fight.
Oh--already mentioned
#000000 seems to be heading there.. Only one chapter so far, though.

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Post #338265

4:49 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 190

ill check it out
more recommendation plz
The familiar can be a human, demon, elf etc...

Post #338266

4:52 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 490

Chaosic Rune is about cards that are used to summon monsters. Pretty violent
Pokemon Special had to be mentioned, but you already mentioned pokemon so...
Zero no Tsukaima is literally titled Zero's Familiar. I'm sure you're familiar with the anime.

Post #338285 - Reply to (#338266) by kaloo

6:03 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 190

Quote from kaloo
Chaosic Rune is about cards that are used to summon monsters. Pretty violent
Pokemon Special had to be mentioned, but you already mentioned pokemon so...
Zero no Tsukaima is literally titled Zero's Familiar. I'm sure you're familiar with the anime.

well i just made example like pokemon but i dont like pokemon or digimon or other "kiddy mangas".
i watched zero no tsukaima, liked first season but other season just annoys me.
thanks though

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