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did man really land on the moon

did neil arm strong really land on the moon during in 1969
yes are you crazy for even thinking of asking
no it was all a conspiracy by the american governmet to end the cold war
i dont think so
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Post #124224

6:55 pm, Feb 14 2008

Anything I would have said about this, Razril and his/her allies had already said...
Even thought I'm not one to believe anything that is fed to me in the news, specially since I listen/read these news in 3 different languages and each holds a totally different version of the story lol... But on this subject, it being a hoax is as likely as the whole Men in Black scenario... (The matrix scenario is actually even more likely!)

Post #124234 - Reply to (#124012) by modestman
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7:25 pm, Feb 14 2008
Posts: 254

Quote from modestman
I'm not so sure about the first moon landing but I'm pretty sure the rest actually landed on the moon.

Thank god someone with sanity that doesnt necessarily know as much as SliceA1A (well frankly I didn't). Who cares if th first one was a sham (which is highly improbable to begin with) man hs landed on the moon without a doubt, even if it wasn't when they first announced they did. Oh and for the people I saw asking why we havent built anything on the moon yet heres my question, why the hell would we? Not only is it beyond ridiculously expensive to send things all the way up to the moon, it serves almost no purpose in a cost/benifit breakdown (at the moment anyways)

Double dino to micro crimp!!!
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1:06 am, Feb 15 2008
Posts: 51

This is a conspiracy that deals with BELIEF vs KNOWLEDGE. If a person believes something, then no evidence to the contrary will change that person's mind. Don't bother showing films of Neil Armstrong hobbling along the moon's surface in low gravity (can't fake that!) or the actual moon rocks and dust that they BROUGHT BACK WITH THEM (can't fake that either!)

Next thing you tell me is that people who believe the moon landing was staged will be saying that a UFO crashed at Roswell and/or the Holocaust never happened! roll eyes

Post #124317

1:10 am, Feb 15 2008
Posts: 81

If it was fake why do it what 13 times?
Also in the pics you can see the top has a support stick so the flag doesn't just drop.

Post #144552
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Mome Basher

4:32 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 3380

Man...really...I don't know why people even ask this question or even doubt the event as a whole. Especially since we're living in the 21st century. With all the technology that we see nowadays, how can we doubt that we could have at least landed on the moon back then?

I actually know a guy that is so sure that man didn't land on the book just because he thinks his religion states that it's impossible. -_-"

The answer to the question is YES.
YES man landed on the moon.
YES they haven't gone on more trips.
Wanna know why? 'coz there's nothing there -_-

Believe in technology, people!

P.S - Sorry if I said what others already did...but I'm kinda running on 5kb/s here XD (and the topic ticks me off >.< )

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Post #144562 - Reply to (#124316) by SliceA1A
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5:03 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from SliceA1A
Next thing you tell me is that people who believe the moon landing was staged will be saying that a UFO crashed at Roswell and/or the Holocaust never happened! roll eyes

Um no,

There is a huge difference in man landing on the mood and the holocaust....

As for the topic, there is too much evidence that it didn't happen, to be considered 100% true.

in my eyes, as long as there is a shred of evidence for something, you cant be sure that it happened/didn't happen.

Post #144568 - Reply to (#144562) by Identity Crisis
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Mome Basher

5:27 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 3380

Quote from fallofkakashi
Quote from SliceA1A
Next thing you tell me is that people who believe the moon landing was staged will be saying that a UFO crashed at Roswell and/or the Holocaust never happened! roll eyes

Um no,

There is a huge difference in man landing on the mood and the holocaust....

As for the topic, there is too much evidence that it didn't happen, to be considered 100% true.

in my eyes, as long as there is a shred of evidence for something, you cant be sure that it happened/didn't happen.

evidence? what evidence? you mean claims?

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
Post #144575
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The Final Cylon

5:44 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 334

I really wished this topic had just remained in oblivion.

People love a good conspiracy theory. Can't deny that. It's cool. It's the "in" thing. It makes people happy to know they're distrusting authority. It makes them think they sound intelligent. Perpetrators do it to get attention. Every major historical event has a conspiracy theory that goes along with it. Man didn't land on the moon. The whole 9-11 thing was an inside job by the US government. Princess Diana was murdered. The pyramids were so intricate, they had to be made by aliens.Lizard people are running the world!
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. Some people even believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old.

People can distort facts to support whatever it is they're concocting. Just look at the fan-made documentary Zeitgeist and all the traction it's been getting. It's just ridiculous.

Someday, maybe not in our lifetimes, humans will be able to go to mars, and tourists will be able to travel in space (some already had, actually). But some people will still close their eyes and ears and say it didn't happen. And some people will believe them.

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Lurker Queen.

6:22 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 779

If man landed on the moon when computers were the size of a house and couldn't do half of the stuff we do nowadays, or 10 years ago for that matter I pretty much doubt it bigrazz.

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6:50 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 37


They did land on the moon.

For those doubting they could do it in 1969, you're underestimating human intellect.

For those nitpicking over the little "inconsistencies", why don't you go and verify for yourselves that it is, indeed an aspect that pertains to a montage and not something else?

The flag has been explained. Besides, haven't you seen the way things float in space? Wouldn't pushing a corner of the flag give it momentum in a given direction? That's how it moves.

There is too much evidence in favor of having actually landed to refute it. As someone else said earlier, this is "belief vs knowledge". Stop believing and start thinking.

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Lurker Queen.

7:07 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 779

In those times the virtual memory was measured in Kb if not less. Me and I guess everyone else is not underestimating human intellect but the machinery and technology they had at the time couldn't compare to what we have now and even nowadays it's pretty demanding for systems to handle a flight. Not to mention construction materials and the like.
And @James Knight: if it was that obvious then conspiration theories wouldn't be that popular, right? Why isn't there a theory that JKF wasn't actually shot, but it was all a scene set up for him to get a quick retreat from politics?

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Mad With a Hat

7:08 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 4764

Come on.. What's with the conspiracy trand..
Landed on the moon, didn't land on it.. Is it even so important?...
Well, I guess it is..
But come on.. I'm kind of tierd now, and don't have the energy to argue..
I'll just say- So they landed on the moon, get over it!

Oh, about the size of computer memory, maybe the stuff they put there, and how they used the resourses were just different and wasn't made to suport games.. only data >.<

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Post #144601
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The Gorilla King

7:36 am, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 1117

yes i think it was some one witha strong arm or somethin >.>;

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Post #144946 - Reply to (#144568) by Scyfon
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10:31 pm, Mar 21 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from Scyfon
Quote from fallofkakashi
Quote from SliceA1A
Next thing you tell me is that people who believe the moon landing was staged will be saying that a UFO crashed at Roswell and/or the Holocaust never happened! roll eyes

Um no,

There is a huge difference in man landing on the mood and the holocaust....

As for the topic, there is too much evidence that it didn't happen, to be considered 100% true.

in my eyes, as long as there is a shred of evidence for something, you cant be sure that it happened/didn't happen.

evidence? what evidence? you mean claims?

there is evidence for both sides, not just claims, and for that matter, how can you just go about dismissing something as possible/impossible...?
its possible humans did land on the moon and people are just paranoid, but its also possible that humans didn't and the us just used it to get back at the USSR

either way, i don't really care, since i am neutral in an argument like this, since people tend to get all pissy and push opinion's on others.

Post #144976
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Super Mod

12:14 am, Mar 22 2008
Posts: 1325

I'll be locking it soon, if no one has any more facts to post ( for what I see, you only argue now ).

And please don't mention Holocaust in such a context.

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Still the bad cop.
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