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Swords or Guns

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10:55 pm, Apr 22 2012
Posts: 764

Naked hands for me. I would be a Monk warrior if i was a character on a rpg, that or bows. I can't make my self like guns and i just prefer to fight with (or see people fighting with) just the fists. And the bow thing is just because i like them

Post #547143 - Reply to (#418231) by calstine

11:16 pm, Apr 22 2012
Posts: 118

Quote from calstine
I love both swords and guns when they're being used skillfully and with good taste.

But my favourite weapon has got to be the scythe. I adore the gentle curve of the blade and the carvings along the handle! (Could look at one all day ^^) I wish they actually existed in the real world, though.

... er, what? Of course Scythes exist, just visit a farm or something. Preferably one of those Luddite Communities where they do everything old school minus technology...

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✯ Sarcastic

9:21 am, Apr 23 2012
Posts: 597

Guns can be cool, I guess, but Swords always are; they require skill, & there is less chance for a cowardice sneak attack. Men used to duel to preserve their Honor, and the better one would win. It is interesting to see how a Man dies/loses in a Sword fight.

'Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu (Style).'

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4:46 am, May 21 2012
Posts: 5

When I read 'Sword or Guns' I instinctively thought Guts (Berserk) vs Alucard (Hellsing).

I can't even begin to think which one is cooler? confused confused

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10:05 pm, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 12

If you mean in mangas I don't have preference. Maybe using a sword would be more exciting than seeing a guy rapid fire. Swords are cool. It probably sounds lame but sometimes I'd pick up my badminton racket and pretend it was a sword haha

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4:09 pm, Jul 10 2012
Posts: 120

Hmm, I actually like both. Just depends on the story and the time in the Manga.

Post #560493 - Reply to (#552077) by Tasteless
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penguin king

5:06 pm, Jul 10 2012
Posts: 758

Quote from Tasteless
When I read 'Sword or Guns' I instinctively thought Guts (Berserk) vs Alucard (Hellsing).

I can't even begin to think which one is cooler? confused confused

Alucard is waaaaaaay cooler, but guts' weapon is better... it just turns out that way because alucard is "a f%=#mothering vampire"bigrazz

Few favs
Kyou kara ore wa!!, Mx0, Angel Densetsu, Skip Beat, Ai Kora, The Devil King is Bored

Hana to Akuma, No bra, Shinigami Trilogy, kindan no koi de ikou, Usagi Drop, Threads of Time, Girl Friends

Most under rated:
Kindan no koi de ikou, kyou kara ore wa!.
m0r l83r... maybe >_>
Post #560536 - Reply to (#560493) by SAimNE
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9:25 pm, Jul 10 2012
Posts: 764

Na, Guts is cooler imo, Alucard is way to OP, Guts has guts.

It's totally about preference tough.


11:25 pm, Jul 11 2012
Posts: 2

Guns, swords are cool, but guns are useful.

Post #563393

12:20 pm, Jul 29 2012
Posts: 11

Swords for me. I think it's a little more realistic, not by much though. But then again I don't read manga so I can experience something realistic lol. Guns are pretty straight forward in my opinion. You shoot and they die. I find dodging bullets to be unrealistic but in the end I really don't care. As long as the story is good I will watch anything.

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K-Indie ♥

12:33 pm, Jul 29 2012
Posts: 566

Hm, in my eyes there are not many stories, in which swords are seen from a more realistic point of view than guns, especially when it comes down to the movements and the damage caused by them. But- If I had to make a decision about this, even so I would probably prefer swords? Not sure, because there are also some likeable characters using guns out there. ^^"

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Post #563404 - Reply to (#418283) by Lightmare
Piss Ant

1:12 pm, Jul 29 2012
Posts: 171

Assuming you're using it to kill someone, which is the only real use for those, I'd just use a tank.
Swords dull quick and guns run out of bullets. After wasting all my ammo crippling the enemy and destroying their buildings, I'd run them over until I ran out of gas and ultimately killed. And tank is a projectile weapon outfitted with gun and may be considered artillery, but you didn't specify! smile wink grin

To those saying a scythe: really? The pole would snap if you swung at somebody. Why you think it was only used for farming? Even then, they broke a lot. laugh

Halberd is a pretty good choice, though, too.

Quote from makoz
I'd go for a hybrid gun/sword a la FF!

Would you mean something like a bayonetconfused

Quote from Lightmare
A sword in an umbrella, (cain also works but i prefer umbrella)

You lost me. Nobody can twirl a sword fast enough to keep rain fom hitting them unless it was sprinkling, but even then water would pass through. And by "cain" do you mean cane? Maybe I'm just not on the same page as you or you're just being poetic..? laugh

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An F to judge M!

1:49 pm, Jul 29 2012
Posts: 387

In life, guns. Let's not be stupid.

In manga, swords. Because in manga, humans are suddenly able to calmly assess where a gunner is shooting and dodge his bullets, presumably before the gun is even fired. Amazing.

Even more amazing is that this remarkable precognitive ability doesn't seem to help when fighting another swordsman.


Sidenote: I always laugh my ass off when playing RPG's that have both guns and swords. Like FFVII, where in the very begining you have Cloud dealing around 75-100 damage to the gun-wielding Shinra grunts, who only do a measly 7 damage to Cloud after unloading an entire clip on him.

I mean, I dunno... If I'm that Shinra grunt, I'd be pretty pissed off that my place of employment can't offer me an effective piece of weaponry. Dudes would probably do more damage using harsh language...

Shinra grunt: "Nice hair, faggot! Hey, is dumbass hair and impossibly large swords a SOLIDER thing? Oh wait! You weren't ever in SOLDIER, cuz your a fuckin' pussy vicariously living life through your ass-lover Zack!"

*It's super effective!*

Cloud: "Awww... now I'm sad..."

Ah... wrong game.

Last edited by Badkarma at 2:00 pm, Jul 29 2012

Post #594771 - Reply to (#563407) by Badkarma
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10:21 am, Apr 12 2013
Posts: 477

Quote from Badkarma
In life, guns. Let's not be stupid.

In manga, swords. Because in manga, humans are suddenly able to calmly assess where a gunner is shooting and dodge his bullets, presumably before the gun is even fired. Amazing.

Even more amazing is that this remarkable precognitive ability doesn't seem to help ...

It's not that they predict the shooters... It's much simpler : they react and move faster than the bullet ! I mean come on, isn't it kind of cliche in mangas to see swordsmen not only dodging (which is still a possible although crazy/insanely lucky feat), but deflecting or even cutting bullets in half ?!?

To answer the OP, I prefer guns, and preferably sci-fi ones (thinking about Trigun here of course, but also the weird guns from gantz and my favorite : the ultra cool Psycho-Gun from Cobra).

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6:02 pm, Jun 6 2013
Posts: 6

Swords and guns can both be amazing. Mangas such as Gunslinger Girl and Hellsing worked brilliantly because the characters could use guns. Meanwhile mangas such as Blade of the Immortal and Rurouni Kenshin worked well because of the importance/differences/etc. in the different swords, blades, etc.

But guns and swords do not ever work together. NO. Never. Like in that one scene in Rurouni Kenshin, when Kenshin has to defeat the guy with Gatling guns or whatever. Kenshin efficiently dodges the bullets until the guy finally runs out of ammo. What? How is that even half realistic? It's not. Somebody with swords simply cannot defeat somebody with guns, unless the guy with guns is out of bullets.

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