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Can't remember the name of this oneshot I read...

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2:59 am, Jul 6 2014
Posts: 8

It's a oneshot about a girl who in the past had a boyfriend into bondage (or something like that) and would have her play a dominatrix kinda role. Tie him up, blind fold him, ect.... Well, after a while they broke up and now when she goes out with guys she can't get turned on the normal way anymore. So this bring us to the beginning of the story and she is currently going out with this nice man whom she really likes. And they go out on a trip together to spend their first night with each other.

The story focuses on how she's having a hard time dealing with her frigidness to normal sex and who she's too embarrassed and ashamed to admit her kink to her current boyfriend for fear that he'll break up with her. Needless to say it finally come up in conversation and he's fine with trying out her kink.

The art has a kinda of josie feel to it. but it could be listed as shoujo, but i don't think so. and despite the subject of the book, the sex plays little part in the story like most shoujo smut manga.

This was a story i stumbled upon a long time back, and i haven't been able to find it since. If some one has an idea, I'll be really grateful ;w;


5:50 pm, Jul 27 2014
Posts: 8

does this sound familiar to anyone? i still can't find it.

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5:59 pm, Jul 27 2014
Posts: 1139

It does sound familiar, but I'm not sure I have it marked on my lists. ( I'll check later.) Will EDIT if I find it.

EDIT- I find what I think it was. The 2nd(?) story in 3H Before Kiss

Last edited by kitty1826x at 6:47 pm, Jul 27 2014

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1:08 am, Jul 28 2014
Posts: 8

ah, no... that's not it. The man she's dating is older (businessman maybe?)... He insecurities lie with the fact she can't get turned on unless she's dominating (S&M). Not because she thinks he's cheating on her. She's afraid her kinks will scare away her boyfriend.

Thank you for trying though ;w;/


1:25 pm, Aug 1 2014
Posts: 8

anyone else?

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