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Equality in Relationships

Do you believe that true emotional equality is possible in relationships?
No, one person always loves/compromises more.
Yes, it's possible for both to love each other and compromise equally.
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Post #385992 - Reply to (#385959) by Vilde0806
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4:34 pm, Jun 16 2010
Posts: 748

Quote from Vilde0806
Quote from John21
You do realise that all your stats are not 100%(no stats are) which means that even though the majority of women are like that, there is that minority that isn't so then 16% of spouse abuse victims are women. 4% of men killed by intimate partner and so on, and what if the person you are calling disgusting is talking about this minority??

The thing is he wasn't talking about a minority. The way he worded himself made it seem like he was speaking about relationships in general. If he had made a comment that clearly stated that he was talking about male abuse victims I wouldn't have had a problem.

Quote from John21
Your stats and all are very much spot on and I like your method of argument but your last statement was as emotional as the statement alidan made which is that being a man makes you extremely privileged. Maybe things run differently in your country but in my country being a man doesn't make you privileged at all so no it is not a fact.

The fact is that there is not a single country in the world that has full equality. Women are still payed far less, abused more etc. than men, even in some of the most developed countries in the world. The last comment is not emotional it is a fact. Just like being white and straight will also make you more priviliged than someone who is black and/or gay.
That doesn't mean that a black lesbian woman can't be sucsessfull(or is by default a victim), but it does mean that she is way more likely to meet difiiculties based solely on the fact that she is a woman, that she is gay or that she is black. So, yes, in our society being a man makes you priviliged.

Quote from John21
Also you said that violence is not acceptable but fact is women do use violence, ever heard of a slap?? A lot of men get that sometimes lol though it doesn't hurt or anything but still it is violence but still accepted in society as being normal however in society if a man slapped a woman or hit her its not acceptable at all by society. When women get pissed, they talk about your darkest secrets, your fears, your primary weaknesses, lol like a psychological attack which you think is less harmful than a physical one but its not, attacking a personz core weaknesses usually does make the person angry its human nature, men can't do that they are not very good at it and they tend to respond with fists where the damage is observable and just not acceptable and yes i agree with you violence is not an option in relationships but neither is emotional bullying to that extent.That is the point that alidan is trying to make.

When I said acceptable, I meant what I personally find okay, not what is okay by societies standars. I, personally find it completely unaccaptanle for ANYONE to hit their spouses. Male or female. Mental abuse is also not okay, BUT you talk about mental abuse and physical abuse as if they're completly separate. In wich they're not. Physical abuse is extremely mentally damaging and are almost always accompanied by mental abuse such as slurs and cruelty. Abusing someone you're supposed to care for is forcing them to submit both mentally AND physically. So, yes, Pyhsical abuse is more severe in most cases.

Quote from John21
Before you tell other people to stop victimizing their own gender maybe you should stop victimizing yours and put out an objective opinion(which you did with your stats) rather than a subjective one( your last statement).

Like I said before; saying that men are priviliged is not a subjective opinion. It's an objective one. It's a fact. I'm going to quote;

"Pointing out that men are privileged in no way denies that sometimes bad things happen to men.

In the end, however, it is men and not women who make the most money; men and not women who dominate the government and the corporate boards; men and not women who dominate virtually all of the most powerful positions of society. And it is women and not men who suffer the most from intimate violence and rape; who are the most likely to be poor; who are, on the whole, given the short end of patriarchy’s stick. As Marilyn Frye has argued, while men are harmed by patriarchy, women are oppressed by it.

.. pointing out problems is not the same as perpetuating them. It is not a “victimizing” position to acknowledge that injustice exists; on the contrary, without that acknowledgement it isn’t possible to fight injustice".

As for the original question; yes I think it is possible to achieve an equal relationship. It's probably hard, but I don't want to think it's not possible.

Sorry am not very good with the whole separating the quotes and answering them separately biggrin. Anyways first of all about the stats and the minority etc. The problem with stats is that it runs a huge risk of "volunteer bias" plus it is usually 4-5 years in the past the most complete ones that is. This means that men are less likely to report cases of violence, it is behaviourally appropriate for women to report these cases, and they are encouraged by society to do so. However for men, take for example domestiv violence, I mean which man with any pride would like to admit that they get beaten by their wives or pscholigacally tortured by their wives, we men see that as the man being "whipped" and it is not behaviourally appropriate. When saying behaviourally appropriate i mean what society sees as appropriate behaviour, nevertheless still men would be in the minority probably but cases would go up for men if this volunteer bias is eliminated.

I am unable to argue your case about the world not having full equality, because that is a matter of perception and you certainly have a strong perception that this is true so I am not going to bother.

About the mental abuse and the physical one, I separated it because women tend to resort to the mental part when arguing with their partner because she knows that she is not going to be able to beat the **** out of their man so physical abuse then becomes a separate matter. Mental problems and abuse are downplayed a lot in society and just recently depression was accepted as a major problem. The thing with mental one is that it is not observable and what is not observable cannot be campaigned against by society and thus it becomes behaviourally appropriate, however physical abuse is observable and not behaviourally appropriate therefore overplayed. Men can't physically abuse obviously but their buildup is such that comparitively they are not as good as women when it comes to arguments, heated exchange of words and the ability to emotionally abuse. Thus men unable to emotionally abuse to the extent that woman can plus they cannot physically abuse because that is observable and wrong. Also your standards shouldn't even come to this argument, rather society's standards should or else the whole statement of yours becomes subjective.

About the whole men being privileged being an objectve one, the fact that you backed up this apparent fact with quotes just means that it is not. Quotes are subjective because they are spoken by people who have had different experiences in life compared to others.Also there are countries where women do dominate the upper echelons of business and also government. Take for example new zealand where the last primeminister(not this one) was a woman called Helen Clark, or bangladesh where since after 20 years of their independance their primeministers have always been women. Also about sports, thing are changing such as Wimbeldon now pays equally for men and women,. In tennis women have to play only 3 sets max( thats like a max 2 hour game play) whereas men have to play 5 sets(5-6 hours max) but they both get paid the same. It was taken into account that women are less phsically sound than women and thus they had to play less sets and none of the women tennis players objected about this. You can argue about why women should get paid the same when their lkess physical exhaustion on their part. Also the population in general prefer to watch men playing sports than women, atleast that is the case for soccer, cricket and so on. Professional sports is all about the money and the organisers have to find a way to earn and f men's sports are popular obviously they are going to get paid more because their "employees" are getting more money.

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
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6:09 pm, Jun 16 2010
Posts: 9026


You say men are privileged, but who enables them those privileges then? Men themselves? So you're saying they're all conspiring together? They don't have a brain to think for themselves and not be discriminatory? It's in their genes or something? Because that's how you make it sound. Your kind of thinking reminds me of those Medieval men who didn't believe women can decide for themselves and make their own choice.

You're making a bold statement as well stating as if you know how it is to be a man. You can't make that statement. You're a woman. You see things differently. You can't judge other groups without being in that group. Same as how you can be caucasian and kinda imagine how it would be like to be colored, but you won't know the whole ordeal unless you're in their shoes. Knowing =/= experiencing. You're making it seem as if every man would straight-out refuse giving a woman a job...

My last point is that maybe there's a large percentage of women who have different priorities than men. Now this is a true fact, and that is that IN GENERAL men and women are different. Men are more competitive, and they measure their worth with what they achieve in life, hence why you see them more in high functions. That doesn't mean there aren't any women who want to as well, just proportionally less.

I guess it's the same as during PE class and the pupils can choose what they want to do. We both know that boys would flock towards football (at least in Europe) and the girls would do something else. This has nothing to do with ~inequality~, just a different interest in stuff. And yes, there are anomalies of a girl going to play football with the boys and vice versa, but generally it is how I said.

My point is that it's not as much as a ~conspiracy~ as men and women are just different. Of course there are legitimate cases of sexism, but there are legitimate cases of discrimination everywhere and they should be handled on a case-to-case basis and not magnified to prove some political point.

tl;dr? Your statements offended me and I responded.

As for the topic, get real. It's just the same as asking if world peace can ever be achieved. It's an ideal. Ideals are good, since it gives you something to strive for. Whether you'll actually achieve the ideal is a different story... I guess you can kind of wind up in a stable power relationship similar to "true equality".

Last edited by Dr. Love at 9:51 am, Jun 17 2010

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #386135 - Reply to (#386010) by Dr. Love
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10:01 am, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 117

Quote from Dr. Love
You say men are privileged, but who enables them those privileges then? Men themselves? So you're saying they're all conspiring together? They don't have a brain to think for themselves and not be discriminatory? It's in their genes or something? Because that's how you make it sound. Your kind of thinking reminds me of those Medieval men who didn't believe women can decide for themselves and make their own choice.

Society enables those priviliges. I never said anything remotely similar to what you are suggesting here. Plaease don't put words in my mouth. Of course I don't think men can't think for themselves, or that they are conspiring.

Quote from Dr. Love
You're making a bold statement as well stating as if you know how it is to be a man. You can't make that statement. You're a woman. You see things differently. You can't judge other groups without being in that group. Same as how you can be caucasian and kinda imagine how it would be like to be colored, but you won't know the whole ordeal unless you're in their shoes. Knowing =/= experiencing. You're making it seem as if every man would straight-out refuse giving a woman a job...

I never judged anyone. Where did you get that? Besides I don't need to be a man to see that women are discriminated against. Just like I don't need to be straight to see that LGBT people are being opressed. And I don't need to be black to see that racism exists either. Like I said before Pointing out that men are privileged in no way denies that sometimes bad things happen to men. It just means that as a man you have certain advantages in our society; advanteges women don't have.

Quote from Dr. Love
My last point is that maybe there's a large percentage of women who have different priorities than men. Now this is a true fact, and that is that IN GENERAL men and women are different. Men are more competitive, and they measure their worth with what they achieve in life, hence why you see them more in high functions. That doesn't mean there aren't any women who want to as well, just proportionally less.

I guess it's the same as during PE class and the pupils can choose what they want to do. We both know that boys would flock towards football (at least in Europe) and the girls would do something else. This has nothing to do with ~inequality~, just a different interest in stuff. And yes, there are anomalies of a girl going to play football with the boys and vice versa, but generally it is how I said.

Girls have different priorites than men because they're groomed to think differently. When girls are young they are given, dresses, playhouses and make-up. Their icons are conventionally beautifull disney princesses who's biggest wish in life is to be rescued by prince charming. Girls are constantly taught as they grow up that men are stronger than they are; and that they need men to protect them, but at the same time that men are something to be feared. Every little girl is told to not go out after dark, not to wear revealing clothing, not take drinks from stranger etc. just in case they get raped.
Boys "measure their worth with what they achieve in life" because that's what they've been taught to do. Just like woman are often measured by their beauty, or their ability to be desirable without being "slutty". That being said, I don't think this is only mens fault. Women judge themselves by that standard as well.
Yes, there are genetical differences between men and women, but this is not a case of that. There is a reason why in the last 50 years women playing f.eks. football has increased drastically the more equality has been gained.

Quote from Dr. Love
My point is that it's not as much as a ~conspiracy~ as men and women are just different. Of course there are legitimate cases of sexism, but there are legitimate cases of discrimination everywhere and they should be handled on a case-to-case basis and not magnified to prove some political point.

I don't think that there is a conspiracy, and I don't think most men are deliberatly discriminating against women. The problem lies in societys views as a whole on what a "woman" should be. And it's something that both men AND woman need to work on.

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11:38 am, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 9026

If you want to keep on battling an imaginary foe, go ahead. :/ I mean, come on, you're a woman, right? And you can think for yourself despite these ~evil conditioning~. Why can't other women do the same? Sounds like you're looking down on them. They don't need your help to manage on their own. They can think for themselves.

People have the right to choose how they want to be.

And don't come with conditioning. We're all conditioned. You
just happen to disapprove of one conditioning over the other.

Last edited by Dr. Love at 12:00 pm, Jun 17 2010

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #386158

12:11 pm, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 144

If anything you're the one battling an imaginary foe. She's arguing in an infinitely more calm and nuanced way than you are. She's not acting offended, or phrasing things in a confrontational manner. And you're rebutting lots of things she never said in the first place. :/

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12:44 pm, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 9026

^ what is my imaginary foe? Where am I not acting calm?

Also, did you read the thread? Read her second post in this thread. She mentions men are more priviliged - my first paragraph. Then she says men have more advantages, implying she knows how it's like to be a man - my second paragraph. Last paragraph was in reference to her saying that men have more high-in-command jobs.

Are you sure you read the posts clearly? Also, lol if you're saying I'm not calm now again. o_o I didn't know intonation could carry through the internet. You must share whatever invention you're using so that we can all benefit from it. Again, saying this calmly with a bit of sarcasm. o_o;; Maybe I should use bunch of smileys next time. biggrin

I'm not trying to confront anyone, I'm honestly curious why some people
think that and keep victimizing themselves. That's just not healthy. o_o;;

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #386203

3:12 pm, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 144

Sorry, you said some things I found a bit rude. I didn't realise you had taken some of them back, so let's forget about that.

Yes, she said men are more privileged. She didn't say anything about a conspiracy, or that men couldn't think for themselves. She said that men have more advantages; I don't see how that implies she knows how it's like to be a man. She certainly didn't say men refused to hire women. She didn't say women couldn't think for themselves, either, or that they needed her. This is what I mean by an "imaginary foe"; you're responding to things that were never said.

Post #386271 - Reply to (#386135) by Vilde0806
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9:40 pm, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 748

Quote from Dr. Love
My last point is that maybe there's a large percentage of women who have different priorities than men. Now this is a true fact, and that is that IN GENERAL men and women are different. Men are more competitive, and they measure their worth with what they achieve in life, hence why you see them more in high functions. That doesn't mean there aren't any women who want to as well, just proportionally less.

I guess it's the same as during PE class and the pupils can choose what they want to do. We both know that boys would flock towards football (at least in Europe) and the girls would do something else. This has nothing to do with ~inequality~, just a different interest in stuff. And yes, there are anomalies of a girl going to play football with the boys and vice versa, but generally it is how I said.

Girls have different priorites than men because they're groomed to think differently. When girls are young they are given, dresses, playhouses and make-up. Their icons are conventionally beautifull disney princesses who's biggest wish in life is to be rescued by prince charming. Girls are constantly taught as they grow up that men are stronger than they are; and that they need men to protect them, but at the same time that men are something to be feared. Every little girl is told to not go out after dark, not to wear revealing clothing, not take drinks from stranger etc. just in case they get raped.
Boys "measure their worth with what they achieve in life" because that's what they've been taught to do. Just like woman are often measured by their beauty, or their ability to be desirable without being "slutty". That being said, I don't think this is only mens fault. Women judge themselves by that standard as well.
Yes, there are genetical differences between men and women, but this is not a case of that. There is a reason why in the last 50 years women playing f.eks. football has increased drastically the more equality has been gained.

Quote from Dr. Love
My point is that it's not as much as a ~conspiracy~ as men and women are just different. Of course there are legitimate cases of sexism, but there are legitimate cases of discrimination everywhere and they should be handled on a case-to-case basis and not magnified to prove some political point.

I don't think that there is a conspiracy, and I don't think most men are deliberatly discriminating against women. The problem lies in societys views as a whole on what a "woman" should be. And it's something that both men AND woman need to work on.

Vilde I agree with a lot of what you said except the part about men being more privileged. Why? Because you are sort of implying even if you don't intend to that whatever we men have achieved in life have been helped by our privileges when it certainly has not been. It means that our ability to compete with women educational wise and job wise is helped by these privileges. It means that the fact that I studied my ass off to get into medicine degree after 1st year of unievrsity was helped by the fact that I was a man.

About the girls growing up with playhouses, dolls and stuff its because the majority of girls probably does want to play with that kind of stuff. Give a little boy a little doll and he will be pissed off because he doesn't want to play with dolls, he wants to play with cars and stuff. Likewise give a girl a car and the majority won't be happy with a car and will want a doll etc. Parents always want their best for the children that is if they are good parents ofcourse and instead of seeing it as parents conditioning their girls to think this way i think the better view would be girls like to play with dolls and thus they are given dolls. Girls like thinking about prince charming, the majority does atleast and that is why shoujo manga has all those goddamn bishies, the majority likes that and it is not a matter of mind conditioning or not. Also about goign out at night and not taking drinks from strangers, it is a fact that the majorty of the girls are physically much weaker than their male counterparts and thus there will be differences ofcourse. This is a matter of biological difference and it is insane not to take this matter into account.

Also women playing whatever football, yes I agree this shows that things are improving but please look also at the downside of this kind of modernizing view. Women are now more career orientated, and thus there are more cases of young children being sent to childcare and failing to get proper attention from their parents. More cases of young children being depressed and WHO has predicted that depression will be the 2nd largest killer by 2020. You can say that why ca't men stay at home and look after their child but this is not behaviourally appropriate and so how can he. Furthermore a child needs motherly love much more than that of a father and a mother's love works as shown by the fact that depression wasn't even that much of a problem in youth in the previous century where it largely consisted of women being charge of the household.

You are absoluetly right though that both men AND women need to work on the problems conerning inequality and neither side is to fully blame for whats been happening so far

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
Post #386279

11:17 pm, Jun 17 2010
Posts: 263


i dont what to quote you for responding to 1 part.

women getting payed less. lets look at that realistically.

men are expected to take care of paying everything for dates
men are expected to work harder than women
men are expected to provide for family
men are expected to provide for women

untill these are gone and women pick up a tab and untill they provide for faimily, than women deserve to get payed less because the basiclt get a free pass at not opening there wallet anywhere if they are with a man. its one of the many perks of their sex.

and i garentee you no woman wants to lose there good perks for minor things like getting payed a whole 1$ more

Post #386327
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the mu...

3:39 am, Jun 18 2010
Posts: 1050

Nope. There's always a different between one and another. Evan their feeling.
The attemp to make it equals (normaly to make one higher) is the essence of the love live.
When one sacrifice for one's love, one will pay more then enough. then the other one also have to sacrifice to reach that point to made it equal. Yet him/her will also pay more than enough.

In relationship, to reach equillibrium, we always pay more and more. This continous balancing act is how your relationship become more and more mature.

Post #387534 - Reply to (#386279) by alidan
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Sweetly Macabre

3:30 am, Jun 23 2010
Posts: 1005

Quote from alidan

i dont what to quote you for responding to 1 part.

women getting payed less. lets look at that realistically.

men are expected to take care of paying everything for dates
men are expected to work harder than women
men are expected to provide for family
men are expected to provide for women

untill these are gone and women pick up a tab and untill they provide for faimily, than women deserve to get payed less because the basiclt get a free pass at not opening there wallet anywhere if they are with a man. its one of the many perks of their sex.

and i garentee you no woman wants to lose there good perks for minor things like getting payed a whole 1$ more

You must live in a completely different culture than mine O.O

Myself and the women I know normally pay their own half on dates, or one partner chooses to pay for the other.
People are expected to work hard regardless of gender.
...From personal experience: my mother makes more than my father does. She is the breadwinner, and my father has never needed to provide for her.

And what exactly are the 'perks' I am supposed to have as a woman??


Back on topic, I think equality can exist over a longer period of time. Relationships require give-and-take on both sides, and in different aspects and situations.

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jail bait

6:12 am, Jun 23 2010
Posts: 1444

yes... maybe... just maybe...

yes... i hope... i really hope and wish so....

yeah... whatever... ive never been to a real relationship before so how the heck would i know?? i just clisked teh second option because im a romantic...

oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
Post #388520
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Angel of Sin

9:55 am, Jun 27 2010
Posts: 314

It's hard to find, but I do believe it's possible for two people to be on an emotionally equal level and love each other equally. Though it's rare, far as I can tell. I've only met one couple that I think love each other just as much as the other. But yeah, I like to think it's possible, if unusual.

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Post #388633 - Reply to (#387534) by Terpsichore
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Fruit Salad

10:00 pm, Jun 27 2010
Posts: 1353

Quote from Terpsichore
Quote from alidan

i dont what to quote you for responding to 1 part.

women getting payed less. lets look at that realistically.

men are expected to take care of paying everything for dates
men are expected to work harder than women
men are expected to provide for family
men are expected to provide for women

untill these are gone and women pick up a tab and untill they provide for faimily, than women deserve to get payed less because the basiclt get a free pass at not opening there wallet anywhere if they are with a man. its one of the many perks of their sex.

and i garentee you no woman wants to lose there good perks for minor things like getting payed a whole 1$ more

You must live in a completely different culture than mine O.O

Myself and the women I know normally pay their own half on dates, or one partner chooses to pay for the other.
People are expected to work hard regardless of gender.

Actually, this is also the culture where I live.

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