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The year is 2028, location in New Koshigaya. A young boy, Isurugi Neru, lives in a poor family and is forced to quit school so that he can find his own way in life. Neru on the other hand, only thinks of one...
1999 - 6.13 / 10.0
Ema is obsessed with ghosts, and is even part of her school’s occult club. She’ll do anything that has to do with some crazy superstition about ghosts or spirits, and make sure that she goes out of her w...
2003 - 6.84 / 10.0
"1999" is an angsty and widely varied series about a bunch of teenagers. One of them is the son of a drug lord and so as you can imagine, all sorts of shit goes down, surrounded by a backdrop of convoluted a...
1996 - 8.32 / 10.0
Ever since he was thirteen, Mitsuru Takabayashi has been having indifferent sex with random people as a form of escape. This changes with his meeting of Seita Oogami, who fell in love with Mitsuru at first s...
1998 - 5.67 / 10.0
Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren’t for them. In 1969, during their youth, they created a symbol. In 1997, as the comin...
1999 - 8.76 / 10.0
Although she is a 15 year-old girl who dreams for a romantic relationship, China grew up to be very boyish. Now that she's in high school, she meets a cute (kind of short) boy named Haruka, and a big genius-...
2004 - 7.50 / 10.0
By all the usual measures, he could be considered a pretty useless guy: a scholastic failure, an athletic disaster, and a chronic loser... but Fukuda Shinichi has one passion: cheering for others! The 18-ye...
2001 - 7.46 / 10.0
Pai is a strange, provincial woman who has come to Tokyo from the Tibetan highlands. Somewhere in Tokyo is a young man who can help her in her quest to become human. When Pai finally finds Yakumo, they set o...
1987 - 7.77 / 10.0
In the not too distant future, mankind battles over O-Parts, relics from an ancient civilization. It takes a special kind of person to unlock the full potential of these remnants from the past, and a unique ...
2001 - 7.66 / 10.0
In the immediate future, a giant meteorite has collided with earth. All living organisms, including mankind, have been wiped off the face of the planet. The government, who had foreseen this outcome, took me...
2001 - 8.72 / 10.0
When Sun-Hyuk Cho became an orphan at a young age he was taken in by his maternal grandfather, an extremly wealthy and notorius businessman. However his grandfather has just died leaving teenage Sun-Hyuk Cho...
2005 - 6.85 / 10.0
The planet had died once before... On the day of Despaira, a god appeared in the sky and saved the world; his name was King Shishioh. But now with the throne of the king empty, a vicious battle between two br...
2004 - 6.70 / 10.0
Undercover investigator Matsuzawa Tomoya has a blood-stained past and hidden abilities, working as a private undercover specialized in minor and young targets. His new job Kiryuu Yuuka looks exactly like the...
2003 - 8.20 / 10.0
Alone in his dorm on a Saturday night, Nekomi Tech's Keiichi Morisato dials a wrong number that will change his life forever: reaching the Goddess Technical Help Line. Granted one wish by the charming young ...
1988 - 8.12 / 10.0
First-year high school student Yuka happens to see his amazingly handsome neighbor kissing another man. However, he learns that the handsome neighbor is his math teacher. Having fallen in love at first sight...
2005 - 7.92 / 10.0
Because of a painful past memory, Kanan can't believe in love again. Yet after meeting with the priest, Jake, he begins to experience the joy he longs for. Even the strong posessiveness of Jake's, that is be...
2004 - 7.18 / 10.0
After a major natural disaster, earth is slowly transforming into a desert in which mankind tries to survive. Water becomes a precious resource and the center of political intrigues. In the middle of this, a...
1997 - 7.12 / 10.0
1) Agnus Dei Hisoka is the caretaker of a rich man's vacation home now that his father is in the hospital. After many years away, his employer has returned, but he is now in a wheelchair, and wants Hisoka t...
2000 - 7.01 / 10.0
A teacher who's used to everyone falling in love and worshiping the ground he walks on (be it boy or girl) suddenly comes across something he's never seen before.... A student that is not affected by his loo...
2000 - 6.37 / 10.0
1-4) Ai no Kotodama After graduating from high school, best friends Tachibana and Otani decided to move-in together as more-than-friends. Although their feelings are very real, the secret nature of their rel...
2000 - 7.81 / 10.0
This is a story about the Over-thinking pig with his frustrations with love, his suffering, and how he eventually tries to cheer up. Of course, while we watch and laugh at his bitter experience, we simultane...
1994 - 6.47 / 10.0
Toujou Souko attends a Catholic high school for girls and spends most of her days ditching class and trying to hook up with guys. She's in a hurry to fall in love and often gets into trouble. Ueda-sensei is ...
2003 - 6.38 / 10.0
Taken from Solaris-SVU: Ikuru is a boy who doesn't have long to live. Growing up questioning the purpose of his life and the reason for his impending death, he's constantly confused and lonely. After learnin...
1999 - 8.01 / 10.0
A homeless boy is taken in one night by a stranger, but this stranger doesn't give charity. So, what does he want? Sex--and lots of it. Can our homeless hero handle his new master's libido? What will he do n...
2003 - 6.61 / 10.0
Hikari is a quiet, shy boy who secretly admires his senpai, Kizaki. Or, are Hikari's feelings deeper than he has admitted to himself? It also appears that Hikari has caught the eye of one of his teachers. Wh...
2004 - 7.17 / 10.0