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Starts at Vol 1, Chap 1 (Naruto) / Vol 28, Chap 245 (Shippuden) Chap 239-244 adapted in EP 119-120
Ends at Vol 27, Chap 238 (Naruto) / Vol 72, Chap 699 (Shippuden) Chap 700 adapted in Boruto EP 24

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September 15th 2024, 10:06am



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Shuukan Shounen Jump (Shueisha)
Akamaru Jump (Oneshot Pilot)

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Viz (72 Vols - Complete | 24 Omnibus, 3-in-1, - Complete; Print)

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I waste my time... Boycott Kishimoto works  
May 15th, 2014, 3:31am
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
I dropped this series about one year ago because shallow story line, many of us was kid when naruto published but now this manga turn to stupid scenario. about 3 ~ 4 days ago one of my friends asked me about new chapters (->674) and I'm still have same point of view about this series.

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I expected that naruto should be killed in battle in return to become a legend hero but editors dont want that (i think) so they will have rough battle against madara to process the stupid story and in the end i think both of them become legend or sasuke will hold title of hokage. If i remember that correctly in chapter 525 or 526 feudal lords should be taken as hostage but after 145+ chapter so far nothing happened

In tactical strategy matter, editors of naruto series doesn't know anything at all.

-update- until chapter 696
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First I dont talk about religions, so dont mix them up, im full of all of them.

The ideology of Sasuke show that hatred will lead the world to another war and rest of people will follow it automatically , In our world there is hate between us, When strong enemy show up all former enemies turn into allies to defeat that strong enemy. History is repeating again and again but we never wanted to live in peace because of greedy people that lead us, lets call them feudal lord for example and Kage (their dog).
Dictatorship is Sasuke ideology in management of country and this kind of person wont ever last.

The Ideology of Naruto give us that opinion, If we want to live in harmony we need remove the hatred and build the tower of trust and love but can you live under command of feudal lords ? If they order you to kill innocent people ?

In point of my view point the Naruto still immature compared to Sasuke because Naruto never had the experience of murdered family (clan) by hands of his brother because of greedy people.

To me both of them are wrong, there isn't any resolve.

For Kishimoto, Thanks for hard work but what do we get after this ?
You wanted to show us how we can make a better world but truth is we can't even if we want to people around us wont let you do that because of their interest. They are bunch of parasites of society that claim the power, If we want to make better world we have to sacrifice our people for that cause. You tried to show that part but in this matter we and our children will never make it.
You never talked about other sins. hatred will change to wrath, what about other sins ? (I know this is shounen manga but he can make comment about this in his work)

-update- until chapter 700 (THE END)
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WTH. Im not feminist you know, If I would be I should take it as insult from your last chapter honestly you showed most of female characters to be housewife and I feel sorry for Sakura for being most idiot character in this story is she masochism or something ?
The ending its look like something that Japanese men want from their wives. (pisst you draw naruto with yellow hair dont you?)
and for Naruto ideology fan, Your character wanted to be Hokage. Its your responsibility now. Can you be good father when you value your work more than your family?
and for last page, They made allies. Okay for what kind of reasons ? supporting that greedy feudal lords ? don't kidding me okay they will eventually become enemy when they looking for same source of WEALTH. I dont know for what kind of reasons they didn't disband ninja armies (is there any enemy in that world ?) you don't believe it ? check chapter 9! How they make money ? babysitting?

- To grow up kids that spend their 15 years of life with this ridiculous manga, Just be wise and dont get near this kind of mangas.
- I would never ever recommend this manga to anyone.
- To Kishimoto: You wanted to learn something? watch "La haine" movie, your brother did better than you.

... Last updated on November 7th, 2014, 7:43pm
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Flaws are negligible  
by TrackKing
April 23rd, 2014, 9:05pm
Rating: 9.6  / 10.0
Naruto is a story about a Ninja who lives in a world full of Ninja's. Twist.... Nobodies a Ninja. If your looking for a story full of accuracy, then you will hate Naruto. These Ninja are blowing up mountains and are not stealthy in the slightest. But if your looking for action, comedy and a little drama mixed in, then you'll love Naruto.

It is not without it's faults however. One of the main Characters is just a complete ass wipe most of the series and if your not in love with him, you'll hate every scene with him in it.

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Sasuke is so hung up on vengeance that it becomes tedious and becomes his only character quality. He is unnecessarily evil and the only way I could like him is if he was actually funny once in a while. But they do clear that up pretty well with the "Curse of Hatred" deal.

Another bad aspect in the series is the main Heroine. We all love Tsunaderes. There so fun and we generally root for them. In this case however, she is one of the most despised Characters in the Manga.

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Sakura is a badly put together Tsunadere. Generally a Tsunadere has a deep affection for the main hero, but tries to hide it by beating up the main character, making it harder for the Tsunadere to be liked by the main character. They generally come off as misunderstood and shy, but agressive out of fear. Sakura is not this.... She has little to no attraction to the main character and says some pretty messed up things that change her from Tsunadere to complete assholery. One of the first episodes she's in, she litterally makes an attempt to commit suicide to the fanbase by literally talking behind Naruto's back and talking about his lack of parents, implying that having no parents and growing up an orphan makes you a bad person. Now I can understand that she needed character development and to mature, but she still remains an overtly aggressive person who some of the people who work with Kishimoto believe that another female who goes by the name Hinata Hyuga would make a better heroin because she actually acts like a real human being and has a back story.

Now that I'm done with my ranting over important characters, lets get to the positives. Naruto is filled with A LOT of Japanese Folk Lore and influences Techniques, character design and personality throughout the series. In some cases they reference real life Ninja to better flesh out the Narutoverse. If it weren't for the incredible amount of power all these people possessed, then I would truly believe that this world could be real because of its realism. It's got everything down to diplomacy correct.

The themes that seem to be constantly recurring are few but easily relatable. The first is to never give up. Sounds simple because it is. The Main Character never gives up, ever. And in some cases you can really see he's tested on his decision to never give up. A second theme to occur, while not subtle, is incredibly strong and really hits home for me. The bonds you share with others, makes you a stronger person then if you where to have no ties whatsoever. In a world where everyone kills everyone else and you can't trust people half the time because, well, their Ninja; it's incredibly effective to use this because of how hard it is for bonds to form and to flourish. And when these bonds are taken away by someone else, the results are catastrophic. The third is a little more subtle. History never really changes. There will always be a hero and there will always be a villain. Even the strongest generations follow this guideline. The last one is my favorite. The bad guys aren't really bad guys. This is the same for how it is in real life. Evil is paved in good intentions is the term that fits best.

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Orochimaru is the only exception. He's a grade A asshole and all his motives are greedy. Even when he becomes a good guy, we all know he's doing this for the worst of reasons.

All in all, this is my favorite anime, even with all the flaws. I'm addicted and follow every new chapter diligently. The fights are just like any other fight for an action manga, but I feel like the characters and their circumstances are somewhat unique and there is no one perfect character. Most people in the manga are really relatable and when they feel something, you sorta feel it too. The themes aren't just being shoved down your throat like your some kind of uneducated behemoth, but it's a story which I can appreciate. I would recommend this to just about anyone. Unless you can't stand filler, then I wouldn't recommend a lot of Anime and Manga I like....
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why why why  
by moonmystery
March 20th, 2014, 5:18pm
Rating: 7.4  / 10.0
I loved Naruto ever since I was a kid.... I had been following it since 2nd grade... and then the latest arc happened.

For 100+ chapters, the author dwelled on the same material.. Sure, I was glad to see sasuke and itachi again... but the madara wanting to rule the world because of the past just got too tiring...Seriously, that's pretty cliche. But that's not the problem. The problem is that, to drag the ending manga on and on, the author spent 2 years on the same arc!

What the heck is that?
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Good but getting boring  
by butako chan
February 26th, 2014, 9:43pm
Rating: 6.8  / 10.0
It started off really interesting. The world is immersive and interesting. The characters were also alive and have back stories. As soon as the 4th ninja war arc started, the weakness of Kishimoto Masashi started showing. The story began to drag on and on. There were sooo many asspulls and random character deaths that I have become numb to it. (spoiler* I mean C'MON, a bunch of dead people come back.) Therefore while it started off well, I think the manga has dragged on for too long. It might have been great if it ended at the Pain arc.

... Last updated on February 26th, 2014, 9:44pm
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"Won't end" Done Wrong  
by liquidsin
February 6th, 2014, 5:15am
Rating: 6.0  / 10.0
I'm all right with Naruto not ending; if that's the case though, don't make it endlessly seem like it will. Explore other ninja villages, create new scenarios in which Naruto could develop, or anything really for that matter. Instead we have a 100+ chapter boss fight that felt old in the first 15.

... Last updated on February 6th, 2014, 5:16am
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by rainerflame
September 2nd, 2013, 12:58am
Rating: N/A
I always thought that to create some awesome everlasting stories you must have lot of interesting character, history of the realm, some catchy identification of the realm itself and much more. this series simply have that element.
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Pretty Great Manga  
by FYforever
May 15th, 2013, 5:14pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I still consider Naruto to be one of the top mangas out there. It has a very interesting premise for story: the concept of a ninja world is pretty unique, mixed in the tailed beasts. Everyone's powers are all unique with the different clans and their respective bloodline powers. You can definitely tell the author gave a lot of thought to building the ninja world.

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However, the pacing of the story is super slow. When is Naruto ever going to become hokage ??? For chapters on end Naruto only had one ultimate move: his rasengan, before moving onto becoming a sage, then his ultimate move is still...rasengan but in sage mode. Not to mention, I'm super sick and tired of Sasuke. He's probably the most emo manga character out there and Naruto's brotherly love with him is pretty pathetic. I think the author made him turn evil just for the sake of having a rival for Naruto, but his reasons for turning against the Leaf just doesn't make any sense at all. Same with Madara's reason for turning evil. Some stuff in this manga just don't make any sense. Anyway, I dropped Naruto in the middle of the ninja war b/c it got draggy and boring, but I might pick it up again as the latest chapters are getting more and more intense.

All in all, a very solid manga and I highly recommend it.

... Last updated on May 16th, 2013, 2:00pm
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by lightningstorm
April 26th, 2013, 2:53pm
Rating: N/A
I've not read the manga, but I started watching the anime. I'm up to episode seventy or thereabouts. Anyway, I think the story would be better if all three characters - Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto - were main characters. That way the mangaka wouldn't have to make Naruto eventually be the best, the characters could stay in their roles.
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Still a great manga  
by shoufuu
March 16th, 2013, 4:05pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
No matter the flaws, this manga is overall very amazing. You can't find a series like this often, with a world with such depth and characters that you really grow to love. Recommended for all. smile
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It is a piece of shit which could be a masterpiece  
by lolnameless
January 21st, 2013, 11:49pm
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
The ninja world is very interesting, for example, sasuke and orochimaru look really cool by design, the author has the skill but blew this up and turn it into junk manga.

Being a shounen manga on shounen "popular" magazine, it has many cheap style and symbolism in it, for example, many flashbacks and showing off the old ninja-way which is getting old since the first few volumes, many characters with goddamn flashbacks which we don't really care about, who should have little place in the story other than showing off its ninjitsu, martial arts or style in the first place.
Also, the ninja world is heavily themed around schooling in reality, showing off senseis and its students who have little individuality other becoming successors of their sensei.
In it, some or many concept is entirely fraud, like, "There are people who can do best on everything and people who is loser who is useless" but the reality isn't like that: We have drastically changed the environment and expand our intelligence which is not what most people like, specialized, needed or good at, that "There are people who can do best on everything and people who is loser who is useless" is the same old joke used by schooling in reality, so they can justify their existence and drug the youth.

... Last updated on August 6th, 2014, 1:28am
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