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Shounen Zanzou   
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Associated Names
Boy's Next Door
Boys Next Door
Devil Inside
Twój obraz (Polish)
When a Heart Beats

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Latest Release(s)
c.Story 3 by Celestial Scans over 16 years ago
c.Story 3 (v2) by Sakura-Crisis over 16 years ago
c.Oneshot by Omanga over 18 years ago
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1 Volume (Complete)

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Anime Start/End Chapter

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User Rating
Average: 8.1 / 10.0 (491 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8 / 10.0

Last Updated
July 3rd 2024, 11:48am



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Original Publisher
Hakusensha (1998, 2009)

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1st story: Good; 2nd: Terrible; 3rd: So-so  
by calstine
January 31st, 2015, 3:00am
Rating: N/A
Shounen Zanzou : Not really as touching or as profound as the comments would have you believe, but original enough to set itself apart from other BL, even so many years after it was written. crazyboutcute complained about how "illogical" the characters are, which is pretty puzzling: as is obvious from their backstories, both Lawrence and Adrian are emotionally unstable and Adrian suffers from a psychological condition while, to Lawrence, abusive relationships are the norm. Not every pairing in this world is sweet, logical, or even morally correct, after all. And I didn't feel that Kaori Yuki was trying to glorify their behaviour, so the twisted love affair became what it was supposed to be: a well-executed plot device and not a failed attempt at some kind of moral lesson or pity-play. 7.0/10

Devil Inside : I glimpsed the ghosts of some interesting ideas here and there in the plot, but the writing, characterisation, and overall execution were simply too awful: artificial emotions, "love conquers all" played to blatant extremes, the characters' utter lack of mental trauma despite the terrible experiences they went through, a deficit of consequences from the villain's actions... 2.5/10

When a Heart Beats : The premise wasn't bad, and I liked how the male MC
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
planned to save the two women even before he fell for one of them,
but the romance was too contrived and plays right into the "if a guy helps a girl out when she's down she'll automatically fall in love with him" trope. I could have forgiven that if this story were written by a male mangaka or before, say, the '90's, but as neither case applies here and the plot isn't interesting enough to earn many points on its own: 4.5/10

... Last updated on July 13th, 2015, 6:35pm
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First BL  
by 801crazed
December 5th, 2012, 7:50pm
Rating: 8.5  / 10.0
For the first story only:
This was the first BL manga I ever read. It left quite the impression on me, as I still remember it vividly even after all these years.
This is a dark oneshot, even darker than Yuki Kaoru's regular fare. But bittersweet all the same...

... Last updated on December 5th, 2012, 7:51pm
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What about the other two?  
by AoBara
June 19th, 2012, 1:11pm
Rating: N/A
-Boys Next Door
Left and impression on me. One of those stories that are happy and sad at the same time. This story represents to me that it's always darker before the dawn, and knowing that makes me content with the ending. It really was a nice ending.

-Other two stories
Looking through the reviews I noticed that most people did not put a rate because they did not want to classify this piece as bad,even though, it really is. Although the first story was really nice it DOES NOT compensate for the other two . The last two pieces really did anger me, because they threw off such a nice,in lack of a better word, balance.

-Devil Inside
What i did not like about this story is how everything played out. I was sort of feeling it until the girl showed up. Then it just went downhill...I mean realllyyy downhill. I didn't like how Nick just lived his life after knowing he killed his best friend. -.-' WTF?

-When a Heart Breaks
Hated It! This whole story was just a big turn off for me. Not because it wasn't a BL, but because it was just pitiful. This story confused me to no end and I found it hard to sit through. The whole time I was reading it was a WTF? moment. Just no.

-Advice- I wrote this review to warn you. If I were you...jut read the first story.
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Boys Bext Door  
by gadok
December 6th, 2011, 11:09pm
Rating: N/A
I only read the first story, it´s the only one that caught my attention. Even though the art is messy, as some have previously written, and the story is sort of chaotic because it starts right at the end (which in my opinion is great, it´s actually one of the reasons why it interested me), and also it seems that everything is going on at the same time, the past the present, etc. To me, that´s all part of the effect the author wants to achieve. The story is very moving, but not in a cliché sort of way, it´s a well constructed story, that´s all. To find something beautiful among the bullshit. I think that´s beautiful.
I must say that I mocked all those who said that they cried with a manga... but I vame very near to that... which is weird, but true non the less.
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by crazyboutcute
December 5th, 2011, 9:41pm
Rating: N/A
I quit about halfway through. It just wasn't my cup of tea. The artwork isn't as pretty as the cover makes it seem. It's too dark and sort of sharp and messy. I didn't really sympathize with the characters. I don't understand why Lawrence was suddenly randomly in love with a murderer he just met. The part about the cannibalism was just weird, and I don't feel like anyone would say that unless they were suffering from a severe mental disorder. There wasn't a whole lot of suspense. From the first few pages, we know how it's going to end, and Lawrence, despite having stumbled upon a murder, doesn't seem the least bit perturbed. His motivation is also really foggy and kind of thin. Honestly, the story was just really flat and boring for me. It was a good premise, but I don't feel it was handled well.

... Last updated on December 5th, 2011, 9:43pm
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End Less Tears.  
by lushish5579
August 7th, 2011, 8:49am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This was amazing. It has a confusing start, they're just telling a big story of the final deaths. the art was nice. I don't really like Horror Killing stories but this is something i can read over and still cry in the end. The will to be set free and together with each other is very strong to a point death is the only way to be happy together. Yes, as i type this review i am in tears because it was just touching how much people struggle. i give this a complete 10/10!
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1st and 2nd story only....  
by torride
June 14th, 2011, 12:38am
Rating: N/A
I read the story of Adrian and Lawrence 4 or 6 years ago, I don't really remember much....their story is dark, psychological and romantic in the urban bleak sense. I didn't appreciate the 2nd story, which is why I didn't read the last story. but if the first story were to stand alone, I'd give it a 10. but since I didn't read the whole story I decided not to rate it.
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One of those rare Yuki Kaori manga that's actually worth reading  
by FantasmaDeliverance
June 12th, 2011, 5:54pm
Rating: N/A
I saw myself as a Yuki Kaori fan in back in the day, but now I must say she's a mess and has fallen into her own steryotipes. Dark but sweet fatal atractions and forbidden star crossed lovers. Or weird affeminate aristocrats that are actually playboys looking for the lucky lady (Which most of the time ends up brutally murdered). Boys Next Door finally breaks the rules by bringing two, completely damaged male characters in a decadent ambience that ACTUALLY FIND LOVE.
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Based On All Three Stories  
by Sacheverell
June 11th, 2011, 1:59pm
Rating: N/A
I actually read all three stories this time, which is fairly amazing if you've seen some of my other comments where I've only read one or two. The numerical score of "Eight" does reflect, in my opinion, the overall quality of them. We are looking at her earlier work here and while the art isn't up to part with any of her recent stuff, you still get a sense of that dark atmosphere. While one of the side-panel comments suggests that she might be a little embarrassed by the second story, I would definitely recommend reading all three of the stories.
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Boys Next Door <3 <3  
by whiterat
April 24th, 2010, 7:19am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Spoiler (highlight to view)
the first story was amazing i just couldn't stop crying at the end , the way Adrian died made me feel like it was for the better , its the first time i thought that a dead couple can shine so much , they looked so peaceful and beautiful as if nothing can hurt them anymore now that they are united eternally. TT ^ TT (*starts crying again*)
normally i think its just too sad for the characters to die because they cease to exist-they cant be together anymore (one of the reasons as to why i hate tragedy and that cursed story about Romeo and Juliet) but this oneshot made me realize that such sort of a beautiful ending can happen so now i think i wont avoid tragedy stories anymore.
i really loved the art of the story as well , yuki kaori is an amazing mangaka , i really love her works.
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