When I was younger, probably my middle school days (I'm a college student now), I used to like this manga quite a lot. I recently finished it and least to say, my opinion as my young adult self differs a lot from my preteen.
Characters - overall, 6.5
Barely any of them had character development and honestly, I couldn't really find anyone super duper memorable or likeable. Even the side characters, most of them - well, were just there. A few had development, but they weren't even focused on and honestly, I felt like Misaki and Usui were the same since chapter 1 aside from Misaki kind of overgrowing her hatred of men.
Usui was dull and boring and literally the definition of Gary Sue - powerful, extremely smart, good at cooking, good at every instrument (probably), superhuman abilities, rich family, sad (?) past, and good-looking. What is there not to like? The fact that he literally has no flaws which by the way, characters should have in order to be an actually GOOD character imo.
I didn't find him likeable, but I guess him being perfect is part of the comedy, right?
I didn't understand the whole Hinata likes Misaki thing - why even bother writing him as a love rival when there literally is no opening for him because Usui's too OP anyways?
Backstories - overall, 5.5
Sort of dumb tbh, I was sort of hoping for Misaki's hatred or bad judgment of men to actually come from a really deep reason, but most of it was father left family and they had to shoulder his debt and it ended up with the mother pretty much lying about him (he went to go help his friend apparently) so their daughters won't worry which was bad because they ended up resenting him and hating him instead.
Sorry, but I felt like it should have been written better instead of something so silly, but then again, this is comedy.
Usui's background was really, really out of place and random and honestly, I felt like it added A LOT of unnecessary drama and literally no character development came out of it imo.
Art - overall, 8.0
Definitely one of the reasons I did like this manga was the adorable art and of course, the maid costumes. However, I did sort of prefer the old art over the newer style. Before, it seemed more neater and cleaner and the characters were all very pretty in a simple sort of way, but later on it becomes more standard shoujo with a bunch of heavy screentones and blushing everywhere.
Romance - overall, 5.5
So basically Misaki fell in love with Usui because unlike other boys, he was the definition of 'perfect' which goes great because it turns around her bad judgment of boys - he was always there to save her, he's suave, he's a stalker, and he's a perverse creep who pulled up her skirt to see what kind of panties she was wearing - of course, this is all justified because he's hot. LOL ok
I have to admit, they had some cute moments honestly, but it was all very cliche and didn't really make me go 'doki doki' sadly as I reread it. Though, I can understand why a lot of readers love this manga a lot and love the romance in it.
It's literally a strong-willed tsundere girl (apparently, I'm sure a lot of young readers can easily relate to Misaki) who gets together with a super perfect guy (attractive appearance and all) and face a lot of really random hardships together.
Ending - overall, 8.0
I liked the ending, I like how it ended with a ten years later version of what happens next to our favorite couple and I love that in shoujo. I love what happens to the relationship in a time skip preview and I think it means a lot of readers. I wish more shoujo manga did this tbh, (-cough- Hirunaka no Ryuusei-) you know, instead of we got together and overcame a lot of stuff - the end.
One thing I have to say though that while I loved the timeskip and all, I felt like the manga dragged on way too much and would have done better if it went like the anime route (Misaki and Usui implied ending basically).