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Dalbin Jogaksa (Novel)   
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Dalbic Jogaksa (Novel)
Dalbich Jogagsa (Novel)
Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (Novel)
Moonlight Sculptor (Novel)
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (Novel)
The Moonlight Sculptor (Novel)
Легендарный Скульптор Лунного Света
달빛 조각사(Novel)

Groups Scanlating
Ark Machine Translations
Royal Road
Rainbow Turtle Translations

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v.51 c.2 by LMS Novel over 6 years ago
v.51 c.1 by LMS Novel over 6 years ago
v.50 c.9 by LMS Novel over 6 years ago
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58 Volumes (Complete)
1450 chapters (Complete)

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3 topics, 33 posts
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User Rating
Average: 8.8 / 10.0 (741 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.7 / 10.0

Last Updated
January 30th 2023, 2:34am



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Really Tried To Like This...  
by plotrobert
January 17th, 2019, 8:38am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
Moonlight Sculptor was a series I had high hopes for going in. The premise was enough to get me interested, and at first things were moving along at a brisk pace, but pretty early on certain aspects of the story began to fall apart for me. I suppose I'll just get the elephant in the room dealt with first: I think the author has no idea how MMOs really work. Normally this may be a little nitpicky, but this is what the entire story revolves around and it's specifically made to make the MC seem that much smarter.

Let me give you a prime example. Weed goes into the game world, and there finds out that during your first 7 days you're not allowed to leave your starting city or kill any monsters. While this is already dumb because seriously what dev would FORCE you to spend a week not actually playing the game, that's not even the stupidest part. You see, Weed finds out that there are training dummies, and if you sit there an attack the training dummies for long enough then your strength goes up. And you can do this multiple times. Other PCs scoff at the idea, saying it's "too much effort for so little gain" but frankly, due to him completing this training (which NOBODY else has ever done by the way) he absolutely dominates every monster his own level, often in one shot. Now, you probably already see the problem with this. Namely, why didn't EVERYONE do this? You're stuck in town for a week anyhow unable to fight monsters, why wouldn't every single player grind out those strength points when they're obviously SUPER advantageous? This is even dumber because of the fact that this is one of the most popular games around with millions of people playing it and yet not one person ever tried to do the thing that increases your stats. Heck, the guy even got a rare sword and special quest from doing this, and one PC even mentions that everyone has been scouring the world looking for these rare quests. Even though (once again) nobody bothered to check the most obvious location somehow.

Really, this is just another one of those "everyone is stupid so the MC can seem much smarter" stories. Because that is the ONLY reason the guy is successful at all. Another example is with the cooking skill. Namely, the MC is one of the few people who actually levels up his cooking skill. Except that in actual MMOs, people do this all the time and in this game you can actually TASTE the food! Why wouldn't everyone be leveling this skill up? Oh right, it's so the MC can seem that much smarter for doing something every character should be.

I honestly wish that I could say a little more positive about this story. It's not godawful, but it IS built on plot convenience and extreme coincidence. It's built on you not questioning the game world or story too much and just going with the flow, and I'm not ok with that.

... Last updated on January 17th, 2019, 8:41am
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Reactions as I read this  
by naeddyr
December 24th, 2016, 1:33am
Rating: N/A
For the purposes of this review, I will recreate a bunch of posts I made at another forum as I read this.
  • I'm currently about eight volumes in on Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, so that might take a couple of years.

    Preliminary review:

    Benign gamer-wank that is readable and enjoyable despite its emphasis on the gaming elements and how gaming will be the panacea of a new world, because it has actual characters and things that happen and the MC is not childishly OP but just somewhere high on a bellcurve. Too much serendipity and coincidences and stumbling upon unique secrets, but whatyagonnado?

  • If anyone's interested to know, I'm wading through Moonlight Sculptor still, up to volume 15.

    It's mostly what I expected based on earlier volumes, but I'm not hating it yet. Which is quite an achievement with 15 volumes! This might be the best we can get out of a grinding-focussed VMMO story that takes its game elements seriously.

    The glimpses of Korean culture I get that contrast with, say, Japanese equivalent bits, is interesting. Of course if I took some story written by a Korean MMO-addict (probably) at face-value, I probably wouldn't get a pretty picture.

    Annoyed by how the story is set X decades into the future, but the mores, standards, living conditions, everything is basically what I assume is the writer's childhood or to-day, which feels often like a few decades past Japanese media.

  • Continuing Moonlight Sculptor, posting to kvetch.

    Oh my GOD, I can just feel the awkwardness of this oncoming Cartoonish Africa sequence.

    First thing after getting off the plain in Cairo, our main character gets assigned as the driver of a car to learn driving because apparently no traffic laws in Egypt.

    Next paragraph is about bandits or militias on camel shooting guns. Literally, they witness that.

    Paragraph after that there's starving and dead-eyed African children and they dump a box of medicine at a mud shack. Somehow it feels like this kind of aid could be a bit more efficient than two dudes getting on a tourist plain and bringing with them a couple of boxes of pills.

    Usually it takes more text than this to describe the status screen of some new drop the MC picks up!

    The story is set at least a few decades into the future.

  • STILL reading Moonlight Sculptor.

    I *knew* this was going to be a grind, but it's been an ok-ish one. Up to vol... 35 is it? At least 34.

    But the author is a master of stringing you along. The story is divided into volumes, but the volumes are lies, this is pure and unadulterated serial content that just keeps on going, ne-ver stops.

    The worst pattern are the unending, ceaseless skill quests. The MC has been on the CUSP, on the CUUUUSP of getting a skill for the past several volumes, and the quest just never seems to be stop. There's ALWAYS some other hurdle, some extraordinarily ridiculous thing needed to be done, it never, ever ends. I've gone out loud "oh my F***ING god" a few times already, just waiting for the last boss of whatever to come, but it's never the last stage of the quest, it's never the last boss.

    This is Namek.

    But the writing is so light and actually readable (though the quality of writing is colorless and devoid of anything good, it's just serviceable snack writing) that I've persevered.


    please just spare me, get on with it

  • aaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAa aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    oh my f***ing god

    this quest NEVER STOPS


    just stop, PLEASE STOP, fopr the LOVE of GOD please stop

    i can't take this anymore

... Last updated on December 24th, 2016, 1:35am
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Interesting but also flat  
by sakirol
October 28th, 2016, 6:00pm
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
LMS is a very interesting read in that it weaves a colorful, detailed fantasy world that few other novels achieve.

However, it also has some huge pitfalls.
The characters are very flat. like FLAT.
There is very little emotional depth behind any of the characters even given their tragic backgrounds because their backstories are not told realistically or in-depth enough.
This is especially the case with secondary characters. Most of them are one-trait characters, and pretty much all female characters are annoying one-dimensional harem members of the MC.
The MC also never develops. He is the exact same 17 volumes in as he is in volume 1. This is not to mention that MC is also impossibly OP, unrealistic, and hard to relate to. This MC doesn't mind spending a crap ton of money on some mundane things, but haggles down to the last copper when it comes to trading with other players ... and his backdrop ...
The MC is unbelievable. This kid had to work at a sewing sweatshop YET he had the time to get his character to be #1 in one of the old games. Somehow this guy is physically fit, takes care of the house, cooks meals ... while he plays like 18 hrs of virtual reality games a day and sleeps 4 hours a day. Ummm...

LMS is still a good read because of all the new fantastical parts of the virtual reality world that are uncovered, but it gets fairly tiresome to read when the characters don't progress in any way.

tl;dr - Great setting and world building. Crap characters.
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Extremely high quality vrmmorpg fic, probably the best of its kind.  
by saacool
March 12th, 2016, 8:09pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Very engaging, extremely relatable story. Exposition is occasionally wordy but tends to be on the concise end, the mc has a unique personality that can only be described as frugal. The world building is phenominal, you can put no effort into keeping track and still keep up with how everything goes on.

I have no words, it beats every other video game based work I've read.

As far as reaching perfection it is rather slow paced but there are tons of developments that happen outside of the main story arc and the author includes occasional asides that help world building and keep material interesting.
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Don't let yourself be fooled by the high rating  
by kosa333
March 1st, 2016, 9:03am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
The first 10 volumes were pretty enjoyable and funny at times. I'd say it was average among the currently popular Xianxia novels. Because of the good start, it quickly got popular and got high ratings, but its rating today does not reflect the reality. The story went downhill after the good start, the same repeating jokes got old and boring and are not funny anymore, there are almost no character interaction and character development, the story got so slow that I believe the author completely forgot about it and just drags it on and on. It's all about the rather annoying MC doing random quests in a Virtual Reality MMORPG, and nothing really happens. As of now I can't really recommend it to anyone, there are far better novels even in the VRMMORPG genre.

I rate first 10 volumes ~8/10, and the rest ~2/10 at most.

... Last updated on March 1st, 2016, 9:14am
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Bizarrely enjoyable  
by sending
December 16th, 2015, 11:08am
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
There's no question that the writing of The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is terrible in every way. But despite the horrific grammar, repetitive plot, and plethora of unimaginative side characters, it's actually pretty entertaining to read. The pure ridiculousness of the main character is enough to make him a caricature of himself as the story progresses. Any time it seems as though he might have a smidgeon of character development the author seems determined to immediately backtrack and squash it. Despite this, however, I won't deny that the story has its moments. At the very least it's hours upon hours of diversion.
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Great thanks to rainbowturtle(currently) & clickyclick,jawz...  
by wittyrajput
December 6th, 2015, 9:15am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I read it upto volume 20 on royal road.I was instantly hooked onto it the moment I started reading it.....I know that some people hate it,but instead of projecting your hate why not ignore it,your hate comments would only result in more people being deprived of the novel as it would increase their apprehensivity about novel....

MC has his own personality flaws and virtues,reading about his adventures,grandness of his fame,his quests,you create a sort of adoration and anticipation toward his adventures & sculptures,in a way u also become his fan.So just as every meaningless thing your favourite celebrity does is news for people,When you become a true fan of Weed his every 'meaningless' thing becomes enjoyable to read to read for you......
I am really thankful to
rainbowturtle translation for current express speed....
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Great Novel but definitely not a 10 out of 10  
by justixnl
September 30th, 2015, 6:41am
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
I thought that LMS was a interesting novel at first but after reading up until 13 vol I started skipping through the chapters to read only the parts i was interested in.

The novels are mostly about the adventures Weed goes through in this virtual MMORPG set in medieval times with stuff like Mages/Priests etc. But these adventures in my opinion are not that exciting and at times I feel that LMS contains a lot off unnecessary information, parts & characters in the story which have nothing to do with the overall arc or just appear and disappear for no reason (for example Seoyoon doctor talking with some mob character about their crisis in life). The thing I liked most was the relationship with the other characters who all have their own interesting backgrounds like for example Zephyr a rich kid who has his own social/personal problems & Hwaryeong who is a famous entertainer but the author hardly explores these relationships. And when he does explore these relationship he only dedicates one or three chapter per two volume on these relationships.

However the author does a good job at describing the world of Royal Road which speaks to the readers imaginations while portraying a colorful & interesting world where a lot is possible. This also includes the fighting scenes although they sometimes end up being long-winded and because of this they don't really keep you on the edge of your seat. The author just takes to much time writing out the long winded adventures/quests which results in character development coming second place. If this novel was rewriting/edited to include shorter but more exciting quests/adventures and removes unnecessary characters and story I would probably enjoy the serie more and I would have rated the novel higher.

Overall if I have to compare the LMS serie with novels like Mahouka, Sword Art Online, High School DxD, DanMachi I think all these novels have a better main story line (to put it in other words a better focus on the main story), more interesting subplots (story arc's) and they actually explore the background of the other characters (good character development).

So all in all I rate this a 7, Enjoyable to read but still feels like it has a lot of parts that need to be edited and rewritten.

... Last updated on September 30th, 2015, 9:23am
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Best Virtual Reality lightnovel  
by world is wide
September 24th, 2015, 4:59pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
Epic. Must read.

When Lee Hyun's parents died, he supported his family by dropping out of highschool and doing backbreaking manual labor. As the story starts he finds he can make better money gaming

Good world building for both the sci-fi virtual reality and in game fantasy setting. Side characters fleshed out enough to complement the adventures of the main character. A unique perspective driving a unique hero. Loved every bit of it

Some people grow sick of Lee Hyun's money obsessed character, but his unexpected actions show his character depth. Familial love is really his primary motivation, and he is very entertaining in his calculated actions and eye for investment. Even if his motivations are strange his actions are neutral/good.

The "money as basic necessity" perspective is what elevates LMS to greatness. Lee Hyun doesnt need to be magically transported or trapped in the virtual reality game. There is plenty of tension from dangerous situations because only through success is he able to feed his family

... Last updated on September 24th, 2015, 5:11pm
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A story that is dragged on and on!  
by clowred14
August 31st, 2015, 5:33pm
Rating: N/A
I thought about writing a long review about the ups and downs in this novel .. but a lot of people have already done it. So I will only say this. Stop trying to find any logic in this novel, enjoy it for about 10 volumes. Start reading the 11th one, puke a little inside your mouth, drop it, wait for the entire novel to end, search the review on google and think how useful was my advice.
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