This manga is a compilation of short stories and, at the beginning of each, I really wanted to dislike them all because not even one of them starts out with anything different than a cliché. However, each and every story in the volume has something unique about them. Maybe it's the bitter sweetness, maybe the development...they are good and solid.
The first couple and story is my favorite. It really moved me, to the point I'll probably remember this manga and reread it in the future - at least this story. I read the reviews and someone stated that the reason Kabu won't accept Nirasawa right away is because he is a homophobe. I completely disagree, I think it has nothing to do with that. Kabu is your typical mafia boss (or son of the boss, as it is): sadistic, mean, angry, hot-tempered and - surprise! - bossy. However, something about him is genuinely beautiful and gentle. Nirasawa doesn't have a very strong personality, as he is the quiet type that falls in love long before the beginning of the story, but stays put. However, his love for Kabu is really strong, to the point it speaks for itself.
The pace is fast, but not in a bad way, because it’s a short story. I have to say it IS a little bit difficult to understand everything that’s happening at first, so I had to go back and read some scenes again a couple of times, but I don’t really mind it. Furthermore, what I really like about it is that, while it starts with the yaoi tropy of mafia torture and an uke that doesn't break, the climax is really unpredictable. And that is what makes Kabu's reaction priceless, and makes this manga so moving. I also thought that was going to be the end of it. However, it only deepens. Even though it is the perfect quick pace, you can clearly see Kabu struggling with his feelings, which is something else I think a lot of people don’t understand. The reason Kabu tortures Nirasawa in the first chapter is exactly because of his feelings slowly flourishing. He punished Nirasawa for something he didn't do and the moment he realizes why Nirasawa didn't say anything is the moment he falls in love. But it's not that easy for him to accept, because he is too distrusting, too afraid...and then he starts shielding Nirasawa from the world, being scared of losing him...until he can no longer deny his feelings. Everything is done beautifully, to the way he realizes he is in love and confesses to the extra after that.
The second and third story have a similar characteristic: while they start off normal and don't really elevate our expectations, I found myself crying in both of them and wishing for the characters' happiness. While the characters' personalities aren't that developed, which is to be expected from one-shots, the results of the pace, development and relationship is something really enjoyable.
The art on all stories is pretty and, as expected from Ike Reibun, the sex is really hot, with actual interactions from both parties.