After coming back to finish this manga, I realize that it does not live up to the hype I remember it to have although it is not completely a failure. The manga becomes too political, almost like it was split in half: the beginning being more romantic while the latter half being too political that you lost touch with most of the characters at the beginning.
The idea of a devil/vampire breed that wants to fight for their rights to live among humans is a good idea that the mangaka Hanada delivered really well on. It felt realistic, the anti-devil protests, the fight for devil rights, and all of the resources that have yet to come to light in favor of devils. The "terrorism" at the end of the manga was cleverly played out. Had Hanada pushed for at least 10 more chapters, there would have been a chance to bring Anzai and Tsukasa's relationship back into the spotlight. But because of the politics in place, it really felt like both Anzai and Tsukasa's romance went to the back burner and just never came back. And though the romance was fairly short and somewhat unjustified, was still very satisfying. I think Hanada should consider making a manga that's as hot as Anzai and Tsukasa's controlled environment of sexual outercourse.
Hanada does a good job answering questions and never leaving questions lingering for too long. There was always a good foreshadowing, but I felt like Anzai and Kikuhara's climax at the end was botched entirely. I know it was meant to be something more like, a symbol of Anzai's acceptance of what Kikuhara had done to him and forgiveness by intending to be his "friend." But for two rivals, it just seemed too calm and peaceful; it just felt unsatisfying for me to have the two just have a conversation about it but Kikuhara is really indifferent about it.
The artwork is...different. At times, it looks stiff especially when it comes to facial expressions, like a poorly drawn "evil" face backfires. Throughout the whole manga, some areas have certainly improved but the artwork basically stays the same. To be fair, the manga is fairly short so it makes sense that it has not changed much.
Overall, generally good manga if you don't mind that romance is not a strong suit in this manga (despite a very strong promise of it at the beginning). I would still recommend it if politics come easier to you to because it was not my strong point.