The art is gorgeous, although at times it's hard to distinguish between all the male characters. There is only one female drawn, the other is throughout the series dressed as a boy.
Plotwise, I do understand why people would like the story. It was interesting, the characters were pretty well developed and while the heiress of the clan needed protection often, it didn't feel like she was a typical damsel.
However. The characters did not really express feelings to my satisfaction. There were a lot of "I love you."s, but the only guy that seemed sincere was Sei's fiancé. YMMV.
And then the gender-bending. It's not something I purposefully read, since it can be done very badly, but this manga reads to me as if Ran was a man born into a female -- it reads like Ran is transgender. This is also imho why there is no such thing as Ran in a dress, because (s)he's male.
(Japanese) Genderbending usually doesn't make me feel this way, because normally it's the butt of a joke, and purposely set up that way. (Which I very much enjoyed in Here is Greenwood, but is still inherent transphobic.) That made the scene were Ran rips the shirt to reveal breasts really freaking awkward. The obligatory "No homo!" was totally unnecessary, because you couldn't really read any feelings into the characters. At least I couldn't.
Also, I didn't think it was funny? Nothing made me laugh.
While not tying up all the questions, I thought the ending was satisfying. Everyone seemed to be about to move on to bigger and better things.
Conclusion: Don't think to deeply on the social issues and you're fine.