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Protagonist that actually deserves the attention?

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10:30 pm, Apr 22 2014
Posts: 188

I'm looking for a manga with a protagonist that actually deserves the attention/ love interests.I'm tired of weak, annoying, useless, dumb girls who have like five million guys fall in love with them or completely average girls who guys fall in love with because of her kindness or 'quirky individualism' whatever that is. Same for guys , I don't want shounen with boys that are completely average but have an entire harem. I want a MC that is strong, beautiful and intelligent. is that too much to ask?

Recommend me horror , yaoi and shoujo manga please biggrin
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11:08 pm, Apr 22 2014
Posts: 122

Nope, that's not too much to ask. That's totally the problem with harems, and romance manga in general. They have this useless guy or girl, and a full three thousand harem behind them. Does that make any sense? Nope, none at all.

Let's see... off the top of my head, I'm thinking:
Sword Art Online
9 Banme no Musashi

Both of them end up choosing someone though, which I think is good, but if you want real harems that makes decent sense... I can probably find those as well. Honestly, I'm very interested to see some suggestions too, they are very much needed.

I'd look into stuff with Ancient Chinese as setting as well, ones featuring the palace harem. The king has a harem, they always do. If they don't... they'll get an earful from their advisers. Personally, I don't mind it too much, it's one of those few harems that are actually realistic, in terms of relationship alone. Actually, you know what? I'm sure with any decent status, they'd have a harem. So any manga/manhua from that period of time would probably have stuff you're looking for.

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Post #640126
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11:23 pm, Apr 22 2014
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Post #640128

12:04 am, Apr 23 2014
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Cheese in the Trap


12:34 am, Apr 23 2014
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Post #640133
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Come and Go

1:31 am, Apr 23 2014
Posts: 399

The World God only Knows

Post #640141 - Reply to (#640133) by Great
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God Eater

5:10 am, Apr 23 2014
Posts: 216

Quote from Great

Lol? isn't this exakly what she not wants? He has like 1000 girls lol and he's plain and very geeky.

Check out my work 😀
Post #640157 - Reply to (#640124) by reanmeih
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bishounen lover

7:57 am, Apr 23 2014
Posts: 445

Quote from reanmeih
Nope, that's not too much to ask.

This. Lol, that was awesome, thank you. I think the reason why harems are like that is because the reader is supposed to be able to identify with the main character, and plain stupid mcs are easier to identify with.

Typically when the protagonist is cool like what you want, there's fewer love interests. Typically just a triangle. Sometimes they have no love interest at all o.O

That being said here are some that might qualify
Fushigi na Shounen Not your typical story but everyone likes him.
Hatenkou Yuugi Well she's better than most, but I could go with a few less people liking her.
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Perfect Girl Evolution

Post #640163
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8:59 am, Apr 23 2014
Posts: 477

Zenbu Chodai If you want a harem where the heroine is worth the attention then I guess that's it. She's strong, smart, and beautiful. Same for the main male MC. Not a great manga though IMO.

Cheeky Angel A pseudo-harem (most of the guys around the MC are for pure comedy) where the protagonist actually deserves her popularity. Good comedy but not that great on the romance.

Last edited by oneeyed at 9:06 am, Apr 23 2014

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1:22 pm, Apr 23 2014
Posts: 241

Hanasakeru Seishounen. It was the first harem I thought had a good, worthy female MC. You might prefer to watch the anime though, because the manga only has a few translated chapters

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8:58 pm, Apr 23 2014
Posts: 122

Here's a few more random ones, not necessarily romance though.

1/2 Prince - they fell for "his" looks, be damned with it... if only "she" doesn't look so plain...
Yamada Tarou Monogatari - again, looks, brain, "wealth", not exactly accurate fitting though
Princess Princess - if you can live with shounen-ai
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - undertones
Nodame Cantabile - the male, ignore the somewhat worthless female

Last edited by reanmeih at 11:54 pm, Apr 23 2014

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Post #641219 - Reply to (#640141) by SpaceView
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Come and Go

2:33 am, May 5 2014
Posts: 399

Quote from VOoDOoCold
Lol? isn't this exakly what she not wants? He has like 1000 girls lol and he's plain and very geeky.

Clearly anyone who said it haven't read it all yet. (26 volume end)

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
The MC is NOT "annoying, useless, dumb",
he is NOT "completely average",
he IS "intelligent".
He only has less than 20 girls.
But from all of the girls, she only love one of them while the others is victim of circumstances. (if he didnt make them fell in love to him, her neck would be cut off, literally.

But I guess Im not a good persuader, and it will only make it worse.

Post #641221 - Reply to (#640141) by SpaceView
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2:57 am, May 5 2014
Posts: 130

Lol? isn't this exakly what she not wants? He has like 1000 girls lol and he's plain and very geeky.

no keima is not plain, actually the manga mention it several times keima is very handsome, boyband looking guy. and keima is super smart. he just geeky. keima actually kinda reminded me of walter white from breaking bad. geeky guy, put in dead or live situation and use his intelligence to survive.
that kinda attractive.

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Post #641322
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8:02 am, May 6 2014
Posts: 362

on the issue of The World God Only Knows, i absolutely despise harems, yet I enjoyed this series. The only reason he had a harem was to save his own neck (and later, everyone else's). And it's hilarious too. Any of us, girl or guy, who has at some point prefered fiction over reality (in otaku terms, 2d over 3d) can appreciate Keima. bigrazz

there's also Oresama Teacher... hm... it's tagged as romance but.... there's like no romance in it lol, it's basically just gag. Out of all the guys she's friends with only one shows romantic interest in her. And she's strong, funny, and cute so I guess one could say she deserves the attention.

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