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Post #289323 - Reply to (#289281) by Mamsmilk
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Sweetly Macabre

6:11 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1005

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from Browine
Question for the guys
Why do you guys like low riding your pants SO LOW. I really dont want to see your underwear when you move around.

It's the inability to wear anything right, such as failing to
put your cap on properly. I myself prefer a suit and a tie.
Also, I like it when the girl has balls to ask one out.
I really don't want to go through all that chivarly crap.

Mams, you win: We need more guys in suits and less in ridiculous baggy pants eyes

On a similar topic:
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

Post #289325 - Reply to (#289305) by kaerfehtdeelb
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6:17 pm, May 18 2009
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Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Quote from Wufu
What do you guys think of hugging? Are you comfortable with accepting/giving man-hugs or do you think it's gay,un-masculine, or are you uncomfortable about it?

I'll give a hug to anyone that wants one, regardless of gender.
(guy here)

I sometimes feel like giving a hug, but
people are afraid to do it in public. sad

Post #289342 - Reply to (#289323) by Terpsichore
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6:51 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1619

Quote from Terpsichore
On a similar topic:
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

Probably for the "if you've got it, flaunt it" reason.

I don't got it; I don't flaunt it.
I also wouldn't expose that much even if I did.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #289362 - Reply to (#288563) by Wufu
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Housecat Incognito

8:06 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 314

Quote from Wufu
What do you guys think of hugging? Are you comfortable with accepting/giving man-hugs or do you think it's gay,un-masculine, or are you uncomfortable about it?

I'm a guy and I like occasionally hugging people who I'm close to, it doesn't matter if they're a girl or a guy.

But I don't like hugs from people I don't know; it happens with people who pretend to be your "pal" even though you don't know each other.
I'm not a big fan of touching, and I'm not going to do it with someone I don't like.

Quote from Terpsichore
On a similar topic:
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

Because they like to feel attractive and want people to look at them.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good, but if you're doing it because you're really desperate for approval, then it's sad.

I don't like girls (or anyone) who is cheap.
I think girls who dress nicely, but comfortably are better to look at and be with than any insecure attention-getter.

Post #289374 - Reply to (#289323) by Terpsichore
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Fruit Salad

8:30 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1353

Quote from Terpsichore
On a similar topic:
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

Fanservice? laugh Haven't guys' manga already given everybody the idea that guys will like that?

Come on, don't call anyone cheap based on what they wear. If they suit them and look nice, that's nice. No doubt about that.

Last edited by base_coat at 8:50 pm, May 18 2009

Post #289380 - Reply to (#289323) by Terpsichore
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8:37 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 135

Quote from Terpsichore
On a similar topic:
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

I dont like wearing tight cloth for many reason. I like fitted clothes. I hate showing skin.
Even though im a girl, i don't know how the heck other girls could walk around with most tighten clothing and any wrong movement something will be exposed. They are giving women a bad name to men.

Question to Guys
Who would you go for A women with exposing clothes or a Women with fitted clothes. Be honest =P

Post #289388 - Reply to (#289380) by hiroki_sama
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I am the Devil

8:47 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 2081

Quote from Browine
Question to Guys
Who would you go for A women with exposing clothes or a Women with fitted clothes. Be honest =P

fitted clothes. it really defines the form and leaves a bit for the imagination biggrin

Post #289390 - Reply to (#289380) by hiroki_sama
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8:50 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 6221

Quote from Browine
Quote from Terpsichore
On a similar topic:
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

I dont like wearing tight cloth for many reason. I like fitted clothes. I hate showing skin.
Even though im a girl, i don't know how the heck other girls could walk around with most tighten clothing and any wrong movement something will be exposed. They are giving women a bad name to men.

Question to Guys
Who would you go for A women with exposing clothes or a Women with fitted clothes. Be honest =P

Yeah, fitted clothes but generally normal clothes do, sorry to say to base_coat, while I'm open minded about things, I am a bit prejudiced against women wearing exposing clothing, especially women who wear skirts so high that just bending would get their underwear exposed.

I mean if their underwear was seen they get angry, shout at you, call you a perv and try to coverup...Then I always ask myself, why do they wear it when they're just going to react like that.

Not to mention teachings from a conservative Chinese family.

Post #289392 - Reply to (#289380) by hiroki_sama
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Fruit Salad

8:56 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1353

Quote from Browine
Question to Guys
Who would you go for A women with exposing clothes or a Women with fitted clothes. Be honest =P

If I were a guy I wouldn't care. What matters should be whether the clothes are right for her and the occasion. Of course being over the top tight or exposing can be ridiculous.

I have never met women wearing tight or exposing clothes calling anyone a perv or shouting. I think that'd mostly happen in ecchi manga/anime or Japan. roll eyes

I have seen some girls here wearing really low-rise pants and exposing their underwear (like while sitting down). They don't care at all. embarrassed

Last edited by base_coat at 9:19 pm, May 18 2009

Post #289393

8:56 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 107

Yay my questions changed the flow biggrin
Who would you go for A women with exposing clothes or a Women with fitted clothes. Be honest =P

I would rather go with fitted clothes. Looks nicer (imo) and stirs the imagination and desire laugh

for the baggy pants, I don't like them. I think thier ridiculous and unpractical (i.e. sports) but it's a good way to show off your boxers like silk heart boxers eyes

Post #289402 - Reply to (#289392) by base_coat
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chasing oblivion

9:21 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1366

Quote from base_coat
I have never met women wearing tight or exposing clothes calling anyone a perv or shouting. I think that'd mostly happen in ecchi manga/anime or Japan. roll eyes

If you've never experienced a girl calling you a perv for her wearing tight or reavealing clothes, then you are either handsome or are a lucky bastard. Then again, decency as a whole has taken a nosedive, so it may not just be you, but society in general that finds these things acceptable.
Also, I think I prefer fitted clothes over revealing. The reason being that with fitted clothes if the woman in question is unattractive, atleast you aren't stuck looking directly at her body.

As for guys in really baggy clown pants. Well, that style more or less went away more than ten years ago, and the only ones still rocking those are wangstas and the occasional gangster. In either case I wouldn't want to associate myself with them. The real irony is some of these guys are wearing belts but their pants are down around their knees confused

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
Post #289403 - Reply to (#289392) by base_coat
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9:27 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 6221

Quote from base_coat
I have never met women wearing tight or exposing clothes calling anyone a perv or shouting. I think that'd mostly happen in ecchi manga/anime or Japan. roll eyes

I have seen some girls here wearing really low-rise pants and exposing their underwear (like while sitting down). They don't care at all. embarrassed

I have seen a lot of such events happen here at the local night club

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Fruit Salad

9:44 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1353

@silent killer
Maybe it's just culture. You can see lots of girls wearing tight and revealing clothes in town here on Friday nights or at parties. They just walk around like it's very natural. I don't think they would shout unless the guys have some indecent behaviour towards them (I guess that's what you meant?). They wouldn't shout or something if you act normal around them. And guys here I know do act normal around them in those parties.

I guess people are so used to girls wearing tight or revealing clothes here (esp. in party nights). Not to mention beaches or anywhere around beaches in summer. It's common to see girls in halter tops or boob tubes and short shorts over their bikinis shopping in a supermarker beside the beach in summer.

I don't think indecent behaviour or sexual harassment should be blamed on what girls wear.

Last edited by base_coat at 9:55 pm, May 18 2009

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chasing oblivion

10:26 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1366

If you count looking at them up and down a few times, indecent behavior. I'm not into making cat calls. Although you bring up a good point. At the club or the beach where clothes is often uhh limited, they are more or less expecting guys to check them out. But what if it were at school or the mall or some place like that. they're wearing something a little more revealing. It isn't something wild but it's something more than just for going to hang out.

I just thought of another factor. The girls natural disposition. Maybe I'm just attracted to the ones that give you trouble about everything. laugh laugh
make mine tsundere.

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
Post #289474 - Reply to (#289323) by Terpsichore
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4:21 am, May 19 2009
Posts: 8

Quote from Terpsichore
Why do girls like to wear really tight fitting clothing that exposes everything?

That's actually not true of a lot of girls. I'm like Brownie. I go with fitted clothes. My friends don't wear really tight clothes that expose everything either. But I guess the reason why girls would wear stuff like that is because they want to look good? What I find really gross is when fat girls do it. If you don't have a good figure, just keep it under wraps...

Question for the guys (and maybe girls too):
Do you ever have crushes on more than one person at a time, and is that normal for you?

With me, I usually like two or three people. I can't explain why. But at least there's always one main person though. My friends say I can't make up my mind, but I don't think that's the case. I guess that rules out the idea that they're like me.

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