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Ask the opposite gender

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10:16 pm, Jan 1 2008
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Double dino to micro crimp!!!
Post #107703 - Reply to (#107696) by Nins_Leprechaun
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10:19 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 54

Quote from Nins_Leprechaun
Because we are man *ROAR*

But no really in all seriousness, because we like it. I mean lets look into this roof jumping example, basicly the guy gets to physically exert himself, prove how fearless ie manly he is, and then finally hes probably been goaded on by his friends (peer presssure, group mentality, and most importantly he can prove hes man enough to do something like this) Sure I mentioned being manly twice, and sure frankly, in the grand scheme of things the guy is really just being a complete idiot, but will that stop us? HELL NO!

(also most guys arnt actually THAT dumb, only the rare few. Guys that dumb tend to weed themselves out of the gene pool)

Yea that's all pretty much true. To prove your manliness, fearlessness, awesomeness, competition between friends and others and all that. But like there's other reasons too of course. Like to get attention, doing cool, dangerous, and stupid stuff like that is bound to get you noticed. They could also do it to show off you know? If there's a girl you want to impress you might try stuff like that so she can see how awesome you are. Then there's the case of doing that stuff so you get the feeling of floating/flying, though this is rare and usually done alone, (the jumping I mean).

Post #107704 - Reply to (#107687) by Nins_Leprechaun
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10:20 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 330

Quote from Nins_Leprechaun
Quote from sweet despair
Quote from Nins_Leprechaun
Quote from sweet despair
stalk them to the washroom, then look @ which one they walk into...XD i did that once ^^ works like a charm u should try it laugh

and ya i cant believe u either...>_>

all of a sudden MU became a hell of a lot more creepy

really?? MU was always this way >_>
....and works XD i should no laugh

I only started using the forms yesterday >.<

Oh and vietangelix simple answer is umm sort of? I mean sure some of us are nicer, sweeter, kinder, and less self-centered then others but at the end of the day all young men and teenage boys are well . . horny. I still think the term pervert is a bit strong though, I mean just cause they are lets say a little to easy to please doesn't mean they would do anything despicable, and by no means does it even mean they have thoughts about doing anything truly wrong.
Yea I kno just wanted to ask a pointless question...:]

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Post #107705 - Reply to (#107701) by Nins_Leprechaun

10:20 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 107

Quote from Nins_Leprechaun

TRAITOR!!!!!!! You never call your kind is stupid, we are just 'special' XD

whoa i just realized i skippd some replies. . . no wonder I couldn't understand some things said here. . .

Post #107706 - Reply to (#107705) by Wufu
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10:23 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 330

Quote from Wufu
Quote from Nins_Leprechaun

TRAITOR!!!!!!! You never call your kind is stupid, we are just 'special' XD
mmhmm ur not suppose to call ur type "stupid"
and girls aren't suppose t ocall ourself "weak">.>

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Post #107707 - Reply to (#107685) by vietangelix
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10:23 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 412

Quote from vietangelix
...Are most guys perverts o_O? Like they have weird perverted mind...>.>
that some girls never know about...or do they ever dream of doing perverted stuff...LoL im just curious...

Every guy I know
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but umm.... Their reactions towards the action was very varied. One guy didn't see anything wrong with it and went ahead with it whenever he felt like it. Another guy I knew felt really guilty about each time (because it's unfair to the girls he liked or something) so he tried to avoid it.

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Post #107708 - Reply to (#107705) by Wufu
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10:27 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 254

Quote from Wufu
Quote from Nins_Leprechaun

TRAITOR!!!!!!! You never call your kind is stupid, we are just 'special' XD

Hey the dumb ones are also some of the coolest I mean hell one of my idols is the manliest man ever, but no one is gonna give him points on intelligence (I cant remember his name and the Darwin awards site is down atm, but I'll update the post with a link to the article about him later. Basicly he cut off his own head with a chainsaw just to prove he was a bigger man then the rest of his friends. How awsome is that?)

Double dino to micro crimp!!!
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10:28 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 330 everyone is really perverted inside(...even girls>.<)
Thats stupid to cut off ur head with a chainsaw o_O

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Post #107710 - Reply to (#107679) by Lybi
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10:31 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 510

Quote from Lybi
I'm a physics major<snip>she tells me to stop talking about it or else I'll never get married because guys don't like girls being "smarter" than them?

Computer engineering (a mix of comp sci and electrical engineering) and psychology (plus writing tutor who's into the humanities) and I want to get a phd-I've gotten "never gonna get married" from just about every member of my immediate family, plus intimidating from total strangers.

I was thinking of talking to the person to verify thier gender but I don't know the best way to approach him/her. so whats the best way to get a conversation started if you don't know the other person's gender o.0? oh and that person isn't in any of my classes.

Compliment them on an item of clothing or their tech gear? I'll go up to random strangers and say cool laptop or awesome t-shirt-and of course "where'd you get it?" so that they have to reply. If they've got nothing worth complimenting, you can do the semi-stalkerish "have to go into a doorway they're blocking/get behind them in line" trick. There's also facebook or asking another kid in the class. You can't tell from the person's clothes?

*shrugs* I don't have many questions for boys 'cause I've got a twin brother and far too many guy friends-so usually if I can't infer/observe the answer to my question, I can just ask.

Last edited by story645 at 10:38 pm, Jan 1 2008

Post #107712 - Reply to (#107625) by ladyviollet
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10:31 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 83

Wow, I just left in a few then there's already 5 pages in here -.-

Quote from ladyviollet
Why are so many guys judgemental about how a girl dresses?
Like, tomboys and girly girls. and stuff. O_o

Generally part fetish, part picky.

If it's before a relationship, that's usually how guys choose their prey... er, type. And some are really not so good at figuring out character, they base their pre-conceived personality of a girl/woman by how they look. Like say: overall-wrapped = conservative ; skimpy = slutty -.-

If it's in a relationship it can be either of the two: a friendly and constructive perception or a gradual practice of brainwashing/domination in order to shape you into an image of their liking (usually a fetish).

Some guys are really not good at criticizing clothing yet they act like they're a sommelier in the fashion world. Sad, really sad -.-

I'd rather not be in a relationship where someone has to mind every little thing I wear 'cause that's not the reason why I got into that. I'd kick 'em in the bowls if I were you. Though that one I can't do 'cause my [future] partner shouldn't have those -.-

Post #107713 - Reply to (#107709) by vietangelix
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10:33 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 254

Quote from vietangelix everyone is really perverted inside(...even girls>.<)
Thats stupid to cut off ur head with a chainsaw o_O

But his friend cut off some of his toes with the chainsaw to prove he was very manly, so how else was he gonna top em? It was a very logical decision when you think about it that way eyes

Double dino to micro crimp!!!
Post #107714 - Reply to (#107713) by Nins_Leprechaun
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10:34 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 330

Quote from Nins_Leprechaun
Quote from vietangelix everyone is really perverted inside(...even girls>.<)
Thats stupid to cut off ur head with a chainsaw o_O

But his friend cut off some of his toes with the chainsaw to prove he was very manly, so how else was he gonna top em? It was a very logical decision when you think about it that way eyes

...Wow why don't he just cut both of hes leg off eyes

wait this is getting off topic...

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Post #107717 - Reply to (#107708) by Nins_Leprechaun
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10:42 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 83

Quote from Nins_Leprechaun
Basicly he cut off his own head with a chainsaw just to prove he was a bigger man then the rest of his friends. How awsome is that?)

But his friend cut off some of his toes with the chainsaw to prove he was very manly, so how else was he gonna top em? It was a very logical decision when you think about it that way eyes

Before we go further I do wonder, is he still alive? I mean... head -.-

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10:47 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 145

Okay, here is a general question first:
What type of girl/boy do you like? (by personality and/or physical body)

Then 2nd:
If the guy you are dating if kinda the quiet and shy type, is there a way to get him talking or to even get him to hold your hand, kiss, etc.? (without being too annoying or obvious)

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~Ikuta Toma~
"Ore wa Homo Janai!"
Post #107719 - Reply to (#107717) by blackborne
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10:47 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 510

Quote from blackborne
Before we go further I do wonder, is he still alive? I mean... head -.-

By definition, winning a Darwin award implies taking oneself out of the gene pool, so nope, he's dead. (Plus it really is impossible to lop of your head and stay alive.)

rinoa_cooly why not just hold his hand*-grab it on a whim or something-or talk to him? Initiate the whatever-you can do it without seeming to forward by waiting for a situation where it feels natural/
*I've held hands with a boy I wasn't dating, I can't see why it'd be strange to do with a boy you are.

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