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Language? Geez Idk what to title this...

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1:23 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 1139

I just saw the movie Pontypool, and I thought one aspect of the movie was interesting, and wondered if there's any mangas similar to the movie.
The one aspect I found interesting was
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how everyone was getting infected by the certain words in the English language. It wasn't a typical zombie movie (if you can call it that...) where they got infected by blood, or air borne but language borne.
(put it in spoilers in case anyone wants to see the movie).
Doesn't need to have zombies, just an infection of some sort spread that way.

I'm open to any status, genres or tags .... so I'm okay with anything.
Thanks in advance for suggestions, and thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Post #638005
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2:45 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 761

That's a very interesting idea, I've had this movie on my "to watch" list for a long time, I think it's finally time to watch it smile But I'm afraid I don't have any recommendations, I thought of a book that might kind of fit, but it's not translated to English anyway...

Post #638006
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3:15 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 774

Wow, this is a really interesting topic!

I can't really think of any manga off the top of my head, but the closest equivalent in manga, I think, would be the use of kotodama. Can't really think of any infections that are spread that way though...

Aphorism is really the only manga I can think of right now that focuses almost exclusively on the use of language (in combat). There are also "blights" that the students have to overcome, but these aren't really so much caused by language than defeated by it.

Post #638008

4:00 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 489

Gun x Clover has a some languages are magical thing going on, though that's not really the same.

Post #638010
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4:51 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 477

Hmm I think I remember something similar in To Aru Majutsu no Index. And for sure in Hunter X Hunter but it wasn't language but music (demonic sonata or something similar that kills/deforms people), still a minor side plot, not really important in the story.

It reminds me of some short stories by H.P Lovecraft, if you hear even part of the real name of the old gods, you become mad; there was also a T.V. series called Threshold where people became infected by hearing an audio tape.

Last edited by oneeyed at 4:57 pm, Mar 31 2014

Post #638014
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5:42 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 131

world embryo people become infected and transform into monsters when they listen a certain noise on their cellphone

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Post #638016 - Reply to (#638010) by oneeyed
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6:05 pm, Mar 31 2014
Posts: 498

Quote from oneeyed
Hmm I think I remember something similar in To Aru Majutsu no Index... It reminds me of some short stories by H.P Lovecraft, if you hear even part of the real name of the old gods, you become mad...

There are at least two sound based mindfuckery-things in the To Aru -verse. One is the "level-upper" incident where listening to a particular tune gave the people echanted powers at first, but eventually dropped the user to a comatose state. The other was when Index use a type of a magic song that, when used against members of a certain sect of christianity, caused them extreme pain by somehow forcing them to confront the naked hypochrisy of the teachings of their faith, or something like that.

I'm sure there were more sound based mind control shit there though...

Somewhat similar to Lovecraft, the anime Madlax has a set of 3 magic tomes, each with their own mumbo-jumbo key phrase which doubled as magic words for all kinds of reality bending and mindfuckery. Usually used by the main villain to cause various flavors of madness (or the release of the "true self" as he liked to put it).

Both are quite far from initial idea of OP, but.... it really is kinda unique.

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3:00 pm, Apr 1 2014
Posts: 1139

Hanae - It was interesting, but the ending was such a let down. It was frustrating how it could have been great, but just turned out okay. Which leads me looking for a manga with that interesting point , but with a better story.

Suxinn - Wait what's kotodama? You never said what that tag means >.<
Thanks for suggesting Aphorism I'll check out it.

kaloo - Thanks I'll check it out too.

oneeyed - Thanks, although I was hoping for mangas where that was the main focus and not just a minor side arc.
Sounds familiar I'll have to take a look at that. Thanks.

shago00 - OHHHH, sounds really interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.

Baalzebup - Thanks. I guess it really is a unique idea. Must be why I'm so interested in it.
I'll look into that anime, thanks again.

Still open for more suggestions. Thanks again.

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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