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Favourite evil person in manga

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Post #34133
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6:39 am, Aug 11 2007
Posts: 1364

Ichimaru Gin from Bleach. As Owari333 said:
Gin from Bleach. Everything about him is evil
And that creepy smile of his *swoons*.
Who else... Millenium Earl from D.Gray-man. Do I have to say anything more? He rox.

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Post #34266
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5:43 pm, Aug 11 2007
Posts: 47

~.: Hisoka from hxh is the BEST villian ever. Freind is also up there, from 20th, cause of the mask :.~

Familiarity, the first myth of reality; what you know best, you observe least.
Post #34272 - Reply to (#34266) by Kagrath
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5:55 pm, Aug 11 2007
Posts: 247

Quote from Kagrath
~.: Hisoka from hxh is the BEST villian ever. Freind is also up there, from 20th, cause of the mask :.~

I agree with Friend, and Hisoka is kinda out there too. Johan is another one along with the Soras from Air Gear.

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6:03 pm, Aug 11 2007
Posts: 4030

Oooooh Hisoka! I can't believe I forgot about him. He's more crazy/pervert than evil though, but I still love his character biggrin


8:54 am, Aug 15 2007
Posts: 14

Johan monster
Hisoka HxH . traumatic past with a "pansy gum".seeks to challenge powerful opponent. thats odd. bisexual/pervert
Griffith berserk. willing to sacrifice everything for his dream. ?conquer the world?. thats odd too
i think johan more interesting and evil

Post #36658 - Reply to (#32532) by pearlesque

5:30 am, Aug 16 2007
Posts: 9

Quote from pearlesque
Griffith is winning, and he deserves to do so. He's simply the most intelligent, driven, realistic (in terms of his psychology) villain that I've come across in a manga. I'd follow him, even unto Hell. biggrin

Ah, G-man! Make me your minion!

I don't rly think that Griffith is "evil" and thats the best about him...

come on he ended a war, is a divine being and is now briging properity to his kingdom ... whats evil about that?

and yeah ... the way he get there was kinda evil, but for a person like him the ends justify the means biggrin

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1:01 pm, Aug 16 2007
Posts: 32

Probably legato from trigun. I enjoy insane people.

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1:28 pm, Aug 16 2007
Posts: 29

Griffith from Bersek rocks

we're the hate crew we stand and we wont fall...
Post #37606
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2:44 pm, Aug 17 2007
Posts: 16

well if u can count bad guys gone good then definately PICCOLO! in fact he is my favourite character of all time out of any manga

but if not counting good guys gone bad i'd say Kira/Light from death note but since he has after all good intentions but the wrong method in making them happen. what im saying is he isnt necessarily the bad guy. so my 3rd choice: the millenium earl from D.Gray-man

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Pervert lurkasaurs

2:51 pm, Aug 17 2007
Posts: 156

Nakaru from Inuyasha (WAAAAVY HAAAIR) and Knives (TWINCEST?) from trigun, tied!

Just a bit too into bad things

(and part of the yaoi scanlation group
Post #37623
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2:59 pm, Aug 17 2007
Posts: 268

Duude its Naraku
Nakaru from Inuyasha

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3:33 pm, Aug 17 2007
Posts: 19

My favorite villian is Itachi, all the way!
He owns all. But I own him.
(Haha, I wish. Then I would own the whole manga and I would be RICH!)

I am a moshpit of love and insanity. Just with more insanity.

12:58 am, Aug 18 2007
Posts: 138

Quote from june23038
My favorite villian is Itachi, all the way!

same here! I still love Itachi even though I got bored of Naruto ages ago.

Post #38067
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11:01 am, Aug 18 2007
Posts: 85

I have to go with Zabuza. I think he's still the coolest villan in Naruto.

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Post #38723
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Ore Sanjou!
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3:42 am, Aug 20 2007
Posts: 1165

Gah, so so many evil people that I think are cool.

Not sure what my absolute favorite would be, but heres a list of ones I like.

Naruto - Orochimaru. When I first watched the anime (Watched it before reading the manga), I saw his first appearance in the Chuunin exam giving Anko back a Kunai and though "What a weird looking character. I bet he plays an interesting role later on". To my surprise, I was right.

Fist of the North Star - Kaioh. A man so evil, he killed his own sister just to cause her fiancee emotional pain (A frame a man for murder). He pretty much hated everyone. He was so strong, he had to wear specially made armor that absorbed his excess energy, or it would destroy things around him (including people). Was Raoh's brother (Aswell as Toki's, and had a sister named Sayaka. Raoh and Kaioh look alot alike, as they take after their father, while Toki and Sayaka take after the mother). Was the last person Kenshiro fought in the anime (Although, I think the fight with Raoh was better), and is also where I take my name sake from.

Berserk - Griffith. Trying to explain how evil he is does no justice to him. Read the manga, and experience it.

Angel Sanctuary - Sevothtarte. A highly powerful high ranking angel as a bad guy? Yes, it works wonderfully. He will kill and massacre anyone he finds to not be pure, using extreme prejudice. Unfortunately, the OVA anime never got far enough for anyone to really see him.

Death Note - Yagami Light. COME ON, THE MAIN CHARACTER'S THE BAD GUY! Genius idea, and it worked wonderfully. Light proves that its good to be bad.

Hunter X Hunter - Hisoka. I agree with whats been said about him. He's crazy and insane, but he's still cool.

Bleach - Aizen Sosuke. I truly did not see his evil side coming. Espeically after they found him dead. I figured Gin would be the bad one. Aizen is a mastermind type of bad guy (Like Light), and prefers to plan things out and think things through before fighting. He's done this to the point where we have hardly ever seen him fight, and still do not know his fully abilities. The mystery of his full abilities adds enough interest from me to add him to the list.

One Piece - Buggy The Clown. I hate clowns, seriously. But Buggy was awesome, even though he was mostly a source of amusement more than your stand evil bad guy. Plus, hes a pirate clown. A PIRATE CLOWN. Show me any other manga with a Pirate Clown. Oh, wait. You can't. biggrin

I could probably mention others, but I just pulled these off the top of my head, and its taken a bit to type this up properly, so I will end it there.

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