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Do you judge a manga by its cover?

Well do ya?
All the time
Only if it looks really cool/horrible
I read descriptions
You can't judge a manga by its cover, must be read a bit first
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Compulsive Lurker

9:26 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 16

Many Many times, and many many times proved wrong, although, there is one series I refuse to read (due to it's cover) Fruits Basket.... I'm told it's really good, after looking though the volume cover art... I'm not so convinced.

I think I have bought a few manga by reputation and have been proved wrong (as in I wouldn't usually buy them) so... =D yeah laugh I don't think I will ever learn.

However I have never chosen a manga by it's cover and not liked it =D

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9:29 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 591

only if the summary is lacking...then i rely on the cover after that

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9:42 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 325

No. A LOT of mangas i saw, the covers were bad but the artwork inside was awesome. In fact, i normally hate covers of mangas so i tend to ignore them and read the first chapter instead


9:48 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 370

believe it or not , MOST OF the manga ive read... i began JUST FROM the art... and i usually predicted how good the manga was by the art...

liar game, one piece, full metal alchemist, berserk, and battle royale is the biggest example for me

Post #237879
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

4:35 am, Dec 15 2008
Posts: 476

I usually judge a manga by its art..But there's some manga I still read eventhough the art is horrible..I also sometimes read the summary first..

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Post #244152

8:11 pm, Jan 2 2009
Posts: 15

i pretty much choose through process:
1. cover>>genre>>description>>authors other works
2. popular/recommended>>cover>>description
3. no cover>> genre >> description >>artist other works
4. no description >> cover >> genre >> artist other works

i judge pretty much through cover and genre; i discriminate against shoujo's and filter the adult stuff except for mature and seinen. art catches my eye but description and popularity drag me in. plot&art keeps me there.

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8:53 pm, Jan 2 2009
Posts: 641

All the time indeed, it's a manga cover, it should reflect the art style of the overall book.
If I find the art style interesting then I'll look at the description.
But if the art style doesn't fit my type then I'll move on to other mangas.

They say don't judge a book by its cover because the interior is not full of pictures that are of the same quality as the cover. But manga is manga because of the art, so if the cover sucks then the rest of it won't be much better.

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8:58 pm, Jan 2 2009
Posts: 245

Well, I did for D-ASH because the cover art was so horrible. But then I decided to give it a shot, and it was just the cover art roll eyes

I usually read the description and go off of that. The whole 'don't judge a book by it's cover' is pretty much ingrained in my head.

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9:02 pm, Jan 2 2009
Posts: 147

I like to mix it up a lil', sometimes I'll just look at the cover others I'll look and read, then sometimes I'll just read the depends on the mood...if I feel lazy of not..-.-

Post #244200
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12:04 am, Jan 3 2009
Posts: 340

Despite my liking to the idea of "Don't judge a book by its cover", I judge manga by their cover. Then again... unlike novels, manga has pictures. I like some eye candy to go along with a good plot.

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12:42 am, Jan 3 2009
Posts: 4917

I've found a few good ones by covers.

Same for Novels.

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Marionette Meister

1:17 am, Jan 3 2009
Posts: 161

Yeah of course. If i hate the art, i won't read it. No exceptions, which is why i don't read naruto or inuyasha or dragonball. If the art's nice, then i look for descriptions

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Post #245139
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10:05 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 19

Yes, after all the art is important. And there's so many manga out there the cover has to be eye-catching if you're just happening by it on a shelf. Eye-catching can mean a lot of things though.

When it comes to yaoi, I'm picky with how things look. If you got some ugly guys on the cover, I probably won't waste time looking at it. There's too many out there really...

Post #245368
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The Final Cylon

8:58 am, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 334

Of course I do! All the time. smile Manga is a visual medium, after all.

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manger le toupee

10:10 am, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 306

I go to used manga shops a lot (like book off in LA), where they're not out on display. I just go by titles, and stand and read for a bit.

If the manga is out on display, like at Kinokuniya, I have to admit, I'm usually pulled in by an attractive cover.

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