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Do you judge a manga by its cover?

Well do ya?
All the time
Only if it looks really cool/horrible
I read descriptions
You can't judge a manga by its cover, must be read a bit first
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6:45 pm, Jan 5 2009
Posts: 55

No. I hardly ever see the cover before I start the series. Some series have boring covers while the series itself is anything but boring, some series have amazingly well done covers but the art inside is horrible. Covers, when I do see them, can be very misleadings.

That's why reading a description of the series is so much better. If I like what I hear, I'll download it. If the art style ends up being horrid, I'll give it up and find something else, but usually the art is good enough.


3:07 am, Feb 9 2009
Posts: 39

i almost always do. if the art style looks crap then it takes an awesome description or a glowing recommendation to get me to read it

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3:16 am, Feb 9 2009
Posts: 30

Art isn't usually the most important thing that I look for in manga, but sometimes it'll keep me away from things, especially from shoujo manga that have that "generic shoujo art" look to it >.>

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Post #256537
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10:33 am, Feb 9 2009
Posts: 85

Mainly. I dislike "look, I'm popular" covers. I tend to like those with eerie atmosphere or who makes me feel "ooooh, how cute!". However, I'll generally go for description and cover, as both can be misleading.

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10:47 am, Feb 9 2009
Posts: 776

Only to tip me off to whose writing it. Several of the mangakas I don't like have a distictive style that tends to come out on the cover illustration. That's the only time I'd use a cover.

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7:29 pm, Aug 3 2009
Posts: 94

I often do, which sadly means I'm often missing some great stuff. CMX carries a lot of good titles, but I don't read a lot of them because their cover designs are just not buyer friendly. They need to make them a little less "high school" and more professional.

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The Gorilla Killa™

7:40 pm, Aug 3 2009
Posts: 3229

I only judge a manga by its' plot.

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Post #311009

11:20 pm, Aug 3 2009
Posts: 1762

I read the summary to decide if I want to read it. However, if the art on the cover is unappealing, even if it seems interesting, I usually won't start it.

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12:12 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 137

Sometimes I do, but that is mostly because to see how the art looks. Even of it has some of the best type of story lines and the coolest characters, if the pictures are crappy there is no way im reading it

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12:24 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 874

I do all the time, if the art looks ugly and unappealing I wont read it unless the story seems really really interesting then I will give it a try.

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1:16 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 672

Yes, because cover art is essential to a manga. Without it, a person wouldn't be able to decide if it was something they would read.

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Only look ok?

2:33 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 174

So I completed my first Shoujo manga... I thought it was a good read, I noticed that it covered the 'romance' pretty good and the artwork had something to do with it.

I suppose when reading a Shoujo manga next time around I will probably judge the manga based on the cover. I noticed after a while it annoyed me a bit.

I mainly focus on the story however, and on impulse I usually look at manga based on the cover. So if given a chance to vote twice, I would probably put sometimes judging/reading descriptions.

Last edited by ciMpul at 9:13 am, Aug 4 2009

Post #311045
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The Kekkaishi

3:06 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 250

not usually but I can say DON'T DO IT...

I refrained from reading lovely complex for the longest time because the cover of volume one made Koizumi look very unappealing and made the manga look strange. I'm so glad one day I forced myself to try it out... now its got to be on my top 5 romance manga of all time.

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3:20 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 11

i get lazy sometimes reading the summary and so i assume that the look of the cover makes up the quality of the manga... ufufu...

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6:03 am, Aug 4 2009
Posts: 838

well sometimes gets my atention bigrazz but i usualy:

-Go by the ranking
-Read the most relevant user comments
-The description fits my taste

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